Youre not too bright when Ive been nothing but pro Canadian.
since when does my intelligence depend on your actions
China has been interfering in Canadian elections
unless you are brain dead you have to know the evil slime doing this are perceived as traitors and the very worse criminals by Canadians
if you don't understand this there is something very wrong
Chinese disinformation >> same objective, no difference
Acting like you are the sole source of approved information when plenty of educated Asian Canadians who grew up in Canada while having seen both cultures in depth understand US/China relations much more than you - to think the US isnt threatened by China is akin to having Liberal level IQ.
look stupid you post something so ridiculous it could only be
1. stupid beyond description or
2. intentionally trying to spread disinformation
no country diddles with their domestic cost of borrowing to screw over another country
not by increasing, nor by decreasing interest rates
it is an astounding ridiculous concept
yet you claimed the US is trying to screw over poor China by raising interest rates ?????? WTF
your "I had a typo" there is a missing 'Not' i meant lowering rate " routine was just as ridiculous
when one lie is followed by another lie, i know i am dealing with ... a liar and an untrustworthy person
do not address me again
do not quote me
stay away from me