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Shaquille Oatmeal

Well-known member
Jun 2, 2023
What he did was over inflate the values of a number of properties. This is a common practice in real estate and literally happens daily. If the estimate is deemed to be irrationally high you receive a fine. Unless your name is Trump and the government is trying to weaponize the justice system for political gain. Don't worry, his record will be clean in 5,4,3,2.....
Making stuff up are we?
In New York, the bare-bones crime of falsifying business records is a misdemeanor. But it becomes a felony if the defendant falsified the records with the intent to commit or conceal a separate underlying crime. Prosecutors charged Trump with felony-level falsifying business records, and they said he falsified the records to conceal a separate violation of a New York election law that prohibits conspiring to promote a political candidate (in this case, Trump himself) through “unlawful means.” The hush money to Daniels, prosecutors said, was unlawful because it violated campaign finance laws. And they said Trump’s reimbursement arrangement to Cohen violated tax laws as well.
34 felony counts of New York Penal Law § 175.10: Falsifying business records in the first degree


NotTheCatThatYouLike :)
Jun 27, 2019
LOL. Cringe.
No no no. Clinch, not cringe haha Sorry i am mixing a cheap cardboard red wine with even cheaper cardboard white wine. Cats are not supposed to drink so much wine, not in their 70s for sure...


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Lots of work to do before January 20th, so I won't be around.
I did want to see how crazy the gloating and weird conspiracy theorizing got, though, and you all did not disappoint on a number of threads. :)

I will try to drop the remaining open picture tabs I have on you all over the next week, but not promises.

Assuming all goes well, I will probably be back in February.

You all have fun!


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Do you think I am psychopathic?
I don't know you, just that you definitely didn't show any empathy here.
Where that leaves you is a different question.
Everyone here appears to be an ass at some point, anonymous boards are like that.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Lots of work to do before January 20th, so I won't be around.
I did want to see how crazy the gloating and weird conspiracy theorizing got, though, and you all did not disappoint on a number of threads. :)

I will try to drop the remaining open picture tabs I have on you all over the next week, but not promises.

Assuming all goes well, I will probably be back in February.

You all have fun!
Not ready to admit that I was right just yet, I see.
Its just so stupid that Harris chose to back genocide over winning the election.
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Shaquille Oatmeal

Well-known member
Jun 2, 2023
your entire motive for being here is to trash our great leader and your intentions are transparent.
I dont have to trash this low life.
He does it himself via his behaviour.
"Our" great leader?
Its been a few days Jimi.
You are still living vicariously while living in a country where everything leftist you hate will persist even after Trudeau.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
So apply the rule of law, and deport violent criminals.
actually some violent criminals will be legal citizens so that wont work

as citizen of the US they will have constitutional rights
and violent criminal Canadian citizens will be protected by our charter

As much as I world love to ship out all violent criminals it cant be done, some are citizens with rights

And strengthen border security at the same time. I am not proposing an open border.
sure you are

For the 11M pre-existing illegal immigrants, this so called rule of law has not been applied for many decades.
sure it has
are you claiming there have been no deportations from the US for decades ?

11 million ( actualy quite a few more than that, as you were shown) is quite a backlog so you can say the rule of law has not been applied efficiently

It is legally complicated as well as they have ties to the land now.
no they don't
criminals are separated from their so called ties everyday when shipped off to prison

So deporting them under the guise of applying the rule of law, is not really about the application of the rule of law if we are being honest.
The real intent is far right blood and soil nationalism.
dont be stupid
the rule of law has to be applied equally and consistently

When your choice is between helping someone who is otherwise an upstanding citizen become legal residents vs destroying their families, choosing the latter, is not an intent to apply rule of law, but to purposefully hurt people.
they are not citizens, upstanding or not
the rule of law has to be applied equally and consistently

Hence dangerous.
what is dangerous is not applying the rule of law equally and consistently as that permits criminals to self justify breaking the law at their convivence

hell if you allow 15 people to illegally enter the country on a Monday without penalty, why can I not illegally bring in15 cases of Kentucky bourbon on a Tuesday ?
The bourbon wont be using health care or other public services , the bourbon wont need housing ( my basement is more than welcoming for bourbon)
and there is zero risk of the bourbon committing another crime, violent or otherwise

you can not do either as it is against the law

Instead, as you have suggested, in your second point here, give them a legal path to citizenship (or another status that is legal).
nobody said illegals immigrants cant apply before are they caught, processed and deported
they will have to go to the back of the line as the rule of law has to be applied equally and consistently

if they have committed a second crime while in the new country ...... adios
if their application is successful then they should be
  1. admonished for breaking the law,
  2. fined for breaking the law, and then
  3. welcomed into the country as a legal immigrant with best wishes for success

do you get it now ?
If you want to enter a new country do it legally

show some god dam respect for the new countries laws and obey these laws

Combined with deportation of criminals and stronger borders, it would reduce illegal immigration in the future while avoiding a humanitarian crisis in the present.
deporting all the illegal immigrants would also reduce illegal immigration in the future and right quickly

Nothing radical here.
sure there is
you want a blanket pardon for 10s of millions of criminals
that is radical

the southern boarder crossings would be overwhelmed within days of the announcement
it would be like the wildebeests heading for a river in the Serengeti

It is quite common to enact new laws, repeal old ones, modify old ones.
it sure is
you are likely to see this soon and you are going to be very disappointed

I am proposing to enact new ones and modify old ones and then apply them.
propose away
what you want isn't going to happen in the US or Canada

It does not go against your strict "rule of law" argument.
sure it does
just ask the guy who has been patiently waiting for this and his families legal application to be processed if the rule of law has been applied equally and consistently

I am sure he wont be pleased to know the evil gang bangers in LA county got preferential treatment over him and his law abiding family

Beyond this I am not going to keep repeating this.
I believe I have said this enough number of times
yes sadly you do not appear to be cluing in
you are in for a big disappointment
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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
The “laugh in the face” type behaviour is a bit immature - sure but I don’t get those in Canada who think this is somehow “their” win too. Canada is not America. It was not our race. I just don’t get it. You will never see an America call another counties election a victory even if the person they felt was the better candidate won. It just boggles my mind. Seeing Trump or Harris signs in Canada too. I just don’t get it. 😂😂😂😂😂
I think its because the USA is the worlds most powerful country and our neighbor to the south. The dont care about canada because we are perceived as a weak country
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Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Yeah Stalin or Castro would be a good cut off point for the far left.'
And one leftist country that is successful? China.
Modern China doesn't fit neatly into the Western concept of the political left/right spectrum.

It appears Xi is mostly concerned with preservation of the one party state. That party is no longer socialist in the traditional way. It pays lip service to most leftist ideals as well as market capitalism. The national party works with the state parties to control much of corporate capitalism. As long as the states and executives don't threaten the party and its interests, they stay in the good graces of the CCP.

The challenges the economy faces now are challenging this unique system.

If you have a better description for China, please go for it. I honestly do not know if there is a good description.
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Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Sanders is too far left in a traditional sense. He likes commie economic policies but I don't think he's a fan of the newer even more socially radical form of leftism that includes school girls sharing washrooms with naked men.

So he's not cool enough to clinch the blue-haired pansexual pronoun vote.
I'm glad someone said it. Bernie was a bread and butter issues Leftist. The State would provide. The State would strongly support the union movement. The State would challenge big business and so on.

The social and identity issues just kind of started moving fast and furious within the party and he's been trying to keep up. I don't remember him being so supportive of a more open border policy. Perhaps I wasn't paying attention, but I think in the past he was more about class issues and not identity politics.

Why does this matter? It's hard to hold a coalition that includes a blue collar factory worker in Michigan and a progressive in San Francisco. The more you cater to one the more you lose the other.

I think some people think Bernie could just rebuild the Blue Wall and there wouldn't be any internal conflicts within the party. Everything would be a net pick-up for Bernie.
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Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Illegal immigrants who are criminals should be deported immediately.
The rest should be allowed to stay with a path to citizenship.
Cruel and inhumane treatment of people should be avoided.
Its just a piece of paper in the end.
Its just a piece of paper in the end?
This is just flippant bullshit.

I don't view those of us who were born and raised in our respective countries as just paper-holders.
I don't view those of us who served in our respective militaries as just paper-holders.
I don't view those of us who give back to our communities and serve communities as just paper-holders.

I view citizenship as a whole lot more than just a piece of paper in the end.
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