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TPS officer killed


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Because they could do more and get away with it.

You seem to forget that some people are assholes and like being assholes so much they look for social license to be assholes.
I reject the "All cops are bastards" ideology. I've dealt with a lot of cops in a lot of different scenarios and most of the time, I thought they were decent people.

Here's what I suspect happened in this case. The two cops were investigating the stabbing and they heard that there was a guy who resembled the perp in the direction of his car. They walk towards the car. The car is already starting and they figure that the perp is about to drive away. They run and hurry towards the car and pound on the window to get the guy to turn off the ignition.

So no badge and no "Police!" . They don't realize the guy is just frightened and thinks they're bad guys until after the guy is dragged out of the car. By that time, the other cops are beating him in front of his wife and a cop is dead and the brotherhood is angry.

Betcha that's what happened.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I wouldn't wish this situation on anyone, it is traumatic and life-changing. But, unfortunately, cops will become more militant like they are in the USA, but I doubt that will help matters since the mass immigration numbers will overwhelm whatever steps police departments take to address this situation. When Canada imports 1 million men from a third-world shit hole there is nothing that the security apparatus can do, unfortunately. Oh well, it's not my problem.
You realize that a high % of the TPS are non male and non white, huh?


Active member
Jan 1, 2021
Can any 'enlightened' liberal tell me why these minorities always drive German Nazi Machines that used Jewish slave labor?


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
IDK. He has a lot to think about.

There's that resignation letter that he might have to write and how to phrase it.
What was interesting was how Justice Anne Molloy gave hints to the jury that the crown's case was very weak. It seems like she was almost telling the jury to plead Zameer not guilty!! I didn't think judges could do that?? I'm wondering if judge Molloy could have over ruled the jury, if the jury had somehow found Zameer guilty of 1st degree murder etc
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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
No wonder you are a simp. You and your homo-obsession over Trudeau and blaming everything on him and the libtards.

The problems you describe have been a problem in Canada way back in the Leave it To Beaver days you fantasize about. And they have waxed and waned through PC,Lib and NDP governments.

So how about a slap across the face for you for spewing off your disaffected incel crybaby routine.

I'm as WASPY, european white white as they come. I live downtown and see and live all that you whine about from your aunties basement. And I have travelled to hundreds of cities around the world. Canada is the best fucking place to live, hands down. And our society is first class through and through.

As for him behaving like he lived in a desert hell hole wherever he came from (last professional job was Singapore Malaysia. This guy is a fucking university educated Canadian certified Chartered Accountant driving a $80,000 BMW.

If anyone rushes me and starts banging on my windows I'm NOT sticking around. I'm driving away and not looking back. And again, I;m from the Leave it To Beaver era from a small Ontario town. You don't have to come from a desert hell hole to have a survival instinct you fucking uneducated ignorant racist moron.
Sorry, Trudeau is an idiot......LMAO


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
I reject the "All cops are bastards" ideology. I've dealt with a lot of cops in a lot of different scenarios and most of the time, I thought they were decent people.

Here's what I suspect happened in this case. The two cops were investigating the stabbing and they heard that there was a guy who resembled the perp in the direction of his car. They walk towards the car. The car is already starting and they figure that the perp is about to drive away. They run and hurry towards the car and pound on the window to get the guy to turn off the ignition.

So no badge and no "Police!" . They don't realize the guy is just frightened and thinks they're bad guys until after the guy is dragged out of the car. By that time, the other cops are beating him in front of his wife and a cop is dead and the brotherhood is angry.

Betcha that's what happened.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
What was interesting was how Justice Anne Molloy gave hints to the jury that the crown's case was very weak. It seems like she was almost telling the jury to plead Zameer not guilty!! I didn't think judges could do that??
As long as she summarizes the evidence fairly, she can do that.

I'm wondering if judge Molloy could have over ruled the jury, if the jury had somehow found Zameer guilty of 1st degree murder etc
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Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
I wouldn't wish this situation on anyone, it is traumatic and life-changing. But, unfortunately, cops will become more militant like they are in the USA, but I doubt that will help matters since the mass immigration numbers will overwhelm whatever steps police departments take to address this situation. When Canada imports 1 million men from a third-world shit hole there is nothing that the security apparatus can do, unfortunately. Oh well, it's not my problem.
Hey ! that's racist. We welcome everyone! We really didn't like Canada the way it was.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Yeah, you are exactly the problem with this country. You were raised by a single-mom feminist and taught that men were shit. No wonder you hate yourself. No wonder this country is going to shit. And why do all these anti-racist-white-man-hating douchebags always drive a Nazi German machine? Even Judy Garland would shit on you. You can't make this shit up, your virtue signaling is a joke, no one cares about that anymore when they can't feed their kids.
What a lunatic.

Maybe "they" really did plant microchips in your head.

I was raised by both Ward and June. And June did most of the woman stuff and Ward did most of the man stuff. Whoever did it better or was closer woudl do it. We were all just people. I fought with my sister like other normal kids.

My father was a WW2 european refugee fleeing the armed Soviet invasion of his family farm. Arriving in Canada he worked in very low paying, back breaking jobs to "feed the kids" he hoped to raise in this peacefukl land of oppportunity. Then he got lucky and built a tradesman business . The harder he worked, the luckier he got. He never complained about the other immigrants. Nor did the indigenous native Canadians. You know the drunked one spoiling your sidewalks and freeloading off "Real Canadians" like you. 😜

So there you ae wrong. And since your imagination had zero to do with my original history I shared, it proves you already have your feeble, simple mind already programmed.

Why does anyone drive the expensive nazi germany machines built by jewish forced labour today??.

Because unlike disaffected losers like you, WE CAN AFFORD TO DRIVE WHATEVER WE WANT. Because we work smart hard and steady.

Nice thing about this country that any immigrant wil tell you is that there is NOTHING that can in your way in Canada. Only YOU can get in your own way. And those losers blame everything on everyone else. Show me someone who "can't feed their kids" and I'll show you someone who won't work whatever jobS (plural) they need to to make ends meet. Like my dad, mom and me and my sister have done. As did our uncles and aunts.

As for your fantasy Grand Theft Auto PIT maneuover and me flying through the laminated glass windshield. You are wasting your life playing video games. Have ever driven a real car?

Wanna know something else? Last viedo game I ever played was Pacman . When I was maybe 14 years old. After that, I had full time, after school jobs. PLURAL. And I kept working and made a great life for myself. I could be fully retired for years, but I LIKE to work! I meet good people and see and learn something new every day! Not living life through meeting other players on GTA.

And yes, I AM virtue signalling. Working is a virtue. Playing video games and whining about politics and policy that you really are worse than clueless on is an indication you are a white van renting sidewalk plowing simp incel.

It's never too late. Put down the game controler and walk the streets or trails of your neighbourhood.
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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Sorry, Trudeau is an idiot......LMAO

I never said he wasn't. Unlike you losers of the personality cults, he really has no effect on my life. Taxes go up? I work harder to make more money. Normal people adapt and go about their business. Like anyone, never mind Trudeau gives a shit about your opinion. Or mine!

So get off the computer and get an extra job. Then you'll be too busy to jack yourself off over Chris, Donald and hate jerk over Justin's cute face. And you'll have more money and be able to do more fun stuff and meet normal people. Not consider online pillow salesmen, failed orange fraudsters wearing diapers your friends and idols.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
If at first you don't succeed, troll, troll, troll.
Went above your attention span and intellect, eh?

As your mommy told you, it's not your fault. Twitter and YouTube has replaced reading conventional books for the simpler minded of us.
Toronto Escorts