Ohhhhhhh... I see.
So being dishonest within policing has shading according to circumstances, race, intent and assumptions?
Police, when reporting on an arrest or incident, will very often lie.
So when an incident has received public notice and the police say what happened, I start with the assumption they are lying about it.
Sometimes they aren't.
But as this thread attests to, they often are.
Like most people, they feel they are perfectly justified in lying.
I don't know what you're trying to hint at, but it has nothing to do with the very simple thing I am saying.
Did the Police Board put this policy into effect? Did the oath to be truthful not get formally implemented by senior Command?
It just seems to be second nature as part of the general cop culture.
Kind of a default "CYA" attitude.
Truth, being honest, not lying and cheating seems so much easier to apply in all policing matters.
You would think so, but the police don't seem to agree.
I know nobody's mind will be changed here, or within policing wrt to lying, cheating etc .
People with integrity and of good character accomplish a great deal in this world without having to lie and cheat. And can be justifiably proud of our accomplishments. AND we have less stress!
I completely agree.
Unfortunately, a lot of society does not.