To all our Tamil brothers...


I don't drive a civic!!!
Nov 6, 2007
Rockslinger said:
Sensitivity cuts both ways. Taking over a city block days on end is very inconsiderate and insenstive too. To be perfectly blunt, my Canada includes Quebec but it does not include Sri Lanka. It is unrealistic to expect us to fix everything wrong on this planet. Sorry to be so blunt.
I don't blame you. But its just consideration for unnecessary death.
Sometimes we gotta think about ourselves though. What about our families. Etc.
I'm not so single sided..i'm just neutral because I have sympathy for all parties.


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
wet_suit_one said:
BTW, we really should have done something about the civil war in Sri Lanka that been dragging on for fucking forever and a day now. Making the Tamil Tigers a terrorist organization doesn't make too much fucking sense to me. I mean, like what, we just noticed them now or some damn thing? WTF?
To think about it, they've been a terrorist group for 20+ years... been involved with sucide bombing and assasinating India's PM Gandhi and a few of their own PM's if i'm not mistaken. I think we've all just been tricked into thinking they're refugees, especially with all these Tamils in Toronto supporting the tigers. lol

I don't doubt for an instant that the Tamil Tigers are a terrorist group fighting for their own Ethnic land.... Do you think the thousands of innocent ethnic Tamils/civillians caught in this conflict gives a fuck about having their own ethnic land? All they probably want is to be left alone in peace and be able to lead their lives normally. There must be a few bigshots/heads among the Tamil Tigers who're pressing for their own ethnic land and gives shit about what happens to those caught in between.

some graphic images from Sri Lanka.... these fools are just devastating their beautiful country....


Mar 25, 2006
Couldn't be bothered reading 5 pages of this CRAP.... but

When you block the street where the majority of our critical care hospitals are you need to arrested or beaten down like the cops did today.

If someone could tell these morons that these hospitals are important to us !

Mt Sinai
Hospital for Sick Children (really important)
Toronto General
Womens College


Aug 19, 2006
I live a block west from the main entrance of the embassy for Visas, which is on Simcoe. My street, which can handle 2 lanes of traffic (one north, the other south) is constantly clogged with redirected traffic. THAT is what's pissing me off.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Rockslinger said:
Is it possible that Janet Napolitano, U.S. Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security is correct? Canada let people into this country that the U.S. would consider undesirables?
You are assuming that most Tamils came to Canada as legal immigrants, they didn't. In the mid-80's (1986 was the peak year) Canada found itself with a bad boat people problem; apparently the LTTE identified Canada as the best source of revenue for their cause. The Mulroney government's solution to the problem - dump them on Toronto. The LTTE's allies The Khalsa Independece Movement (perpetrators of the Air India atrocity) gave them all the information about Canada they needed.

As of today the LTTE has killed more people by suicide bombing than Hamas, Islamic Jihad and al-Qaeda combined. The Tamils are very agressive in promoting their manifest destiny, take a drive to 5010 Steels Ave W and look at all the posters of Tigers leader Villupilai Prabhakaran.

Which begs the question: Where is CSIS when you need them?
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Active member
Nov 24, 2005
I think it sucks that they are blocking traffic towards major hospitals in the area in which every second counts in some cases when it comes to life and death and I think that they have made their point. All the best to them and kudos for standing up in what they believe in although some may disagree. I think the extent of this demonstration has gone on long enough though.

I think I'm going to stay away from this thread.


New member
Feb 18, 2006
Why have the police not shut this down or moved them somewhere else?

Where is the mayor?

It sets a dangerous precedent for future protestors if this is allowed to continue indefinitly. Will every group be allowed to claim a section of road?


Apr 24, 2005
stormchaseryvr said:
It sets a dangerous precedent for future protestors if this is allowed to continue indefinitly. Will every group be allowed to claim a section of road?
I think the First Nations people might have set the precedent in Caledonia but they are First Nations people and are indigenous to Canada. The Tamils are not indigenous to Canada and I have absolutely no desire to get involved in their quarrels in a far away land.


New member
Sep 17, 2005
Insidious Von said:
You are assuming that most Tamils came to Canada as legal immigrants, they didn't. In the mid-80's (1986 was the peak year) Canada found itself with a bad boat people problem; apparently the LTTE identified Canada as the best source of revenue for their cause. The Mulroney government's solution to the problem - dump them on Toronto. The LTTE's allies The Khalsa Independece Movement (perpetrators of the Air India atrocity) gave them all the information about Canada they needed.

As of today the LTTE has killed more people by suicide bombing than Hamas, Islamic Jihad and al-Qaeda combined. The Tamils are very agressive in promoting their manifest destiny, take a drive to 5010 Steels Ave W and look at all the posters of Tigers leader Villupilai Prabhakaran.

Which begs the question: Where is CSIS when you need them?

I don't know why I'm getting involved in this but first I agree the LTTE are a bunch of bastards. Now why don't you also mention how the govt of Sri-Lanka is complicit in the creation of death squads, groups who go around kidnapping people, demanding ransoms and then killing the victims among other things.

Perhaps you should read up on how the conflict started before typing crap you don't know shit about.


May 5, 2008
stormchaseryvr said:
Why have the police not shut this down or moved them somewhere else?

Where is the mayor?

It sets a dangerous precedent for future protestors if this is allowed to continue indefinitly. Will every group be allowed to claim a section of road?

You are right on the money. We'll get group after group setting up. Animal rights activists followed by disgruntled auto workers, gay pygmies and so on. The rediculous thing is that there is this delusional view that standing on University avenue will have an impact on what is going on in their country. All they are doing is creating ill feelings towards themselves in this city.


New member
Jan 19, 2004
You really don't want to know
stormchaseryvr said:
Why have the police not shut this down or moved them somewhere else?

Where is the mayor?

It sets a dangerous precedent for future protestors if this is allowed to continue indefinitly. Will every group be allowed to claim a section of road?
That's the disgusting issue here...where is the leadership in Toronto to say enough is enough. I mean this is an illegal demonstration that has more than once disobey the orders of the police to stay within a certain area.

Where is the Mayor....conveniently hiding behind a podium telling people how to wash thier hands.

The Chief...busy doing a noon-time press junket for RIDE, but when he was caught by reporters her was more interested in being PC than doing his job. My favorite is him trying to blubber out how we're a "free and democratic society", you'd think that that the top cop in the city would at least be told sometime in his past that canda is not a democracy but a constiutional monarchy...but that's another point.

Better yet..where are the city counsellors? I'm calling mine tomorrow to ask why they've been so silent to an illegal occupation of our streets by a known terrorist organization.

I mean you can't cut down a tree in your backyard without jumping through municipal hoops...but occupy a major thoroughfare...well that's fine and dandy.
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Apr 24, 2005
4Times said:
We'll get group after group setting up. Animal rights activists followed by disgruntled auto workers, gay pygmies and so on.
If a bunch of TERBIES pulled the same stunt demonstrating for sexual rights, LE would round us up pronto and take us to Dundas Square to be summarily shot.:mad:


Aug 23, 2001
Ummm........ well.......... Tamils are a huge demographic in Scarborough. But surely that wouldn't influence oour local politicians.... Would it?

I can't believe they're STILL friggin' there! I don't drive d/t so they don't bother me. But it must drive other people crazy.

It's all a little stupid and hellishly inconvenient. At least now I know what a Tamil Tiger flag looks like, since it seems a good % of the local Tamil population owns one.


New member
Sep 18, 2002
At first I was cool with their protest. Although very very loud, it seemed organized and peaceful. Afterall this is why we live in a democracy and it is why Canada is lightyears ahead of countries such as China in terms of protecting human rights. However, it seems that now they are seeking something beyond just drawing attention to their cause. It is like they are saying, if we don't get our way, if you Canada do not do what we want, then we will do whatever it takes to get our way. First it is blocking city streets, then what? Blow up a bus or two? Isn't this just what the Tamil Tigers are all about? No group should be allowed to hold a society hostage for a cause; I don't care if it is Tamils blocking roads, Indians blocking highways, or Quebec separtists kidnapping cabinet ministers.


Tongue please
Aug 5, 2006
Unfuckingbelievable how our municipal, provincial and federal governments are populated by a bunch of fucking eunuchs unable to maintain law and order .

There are rules to public protests but those rules don't seem to apply to immigrants and indigenous people . Fuck that . Someone please grow a pair and restore some sense of sanity .

Looks like they have arrrested 20 or more Tamils for being disorderly so someone is waking up .


Tongue please
Aug 5, 2006
Rockslinger said:
This might sound cynical but have they screamed "torture" yet?
Absolutely . They claim the police are forcing them to drink Country Style instead of Starbucks .


They had to share Parliament Hill with the annual 420 protest last week! :D
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts