The Tamil Tigers of Elam are possibly the world's most brutal terrorist organization; innovators of such tactics as human shields and suicide bombers. In 1991 they managed to assassinate Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi by suicide bombing. They are thriving in Toronto, they hold our laws in contempt and eventually there will be violence.
This merciless 26 year civil war is all about manifest destiny. When the Tamil Tigers declared their seperation, they claimed 2/3 of Sri Lanka's coastline for themselves. Since there were 70 million Tamils living in India and over one billion Hindus it would only be a matter of time before they drove the Buddhist Sinhalese into the sea. Gandhi fearing insurrection on his southern region sent a peace keeping force into Sri Lanka. In response the Tamil Tigers sent a teenage girl strapped with explosives to eliminate him while he was campaigning in Tamil-Nadu (Indian State). She would be successfull, PM Gandhi was blown to bits along with 14 other people.
I'm backing the Sinhalese.