BLM is not the organization for the discussion of black on black crime. Other movements take care of that issue.
It would appear some people want black people to just go with the flow and take the abuse from the state. This makes no sense. The problem is you and others don't see what efforts are being made in certain communities to combat violence, because the media isn't there to show you. They control the narrative. Not those organisations.
Further, there is a difference between calling all cops racists and calling the police (organisation) institutionally racist.
Lots of one sided responses here.
If there are lots of organizations trying to fix black on black crime, but the media doesn't feel like showing it, you can say the same thing about the police. The only you hear about cops in the news is when they are involved in a shootout. You never hear about the good things they do. Cops solve lots of issues, but you don't hear about them unless it's a big splashy scene.
Also, you are making an assumption when people say cops are racist that they selectively mean only some cops are. Even if some cops are racist (which there surely are just like in any industry), making a blanket claim that the police are institutionally racist means the claim assumes a good portion of policing is racist as opposed to small pockets or one-off cops. There are rogue cops that make police forces look bad, but I don't see how the blanket policing is racist.
That's like a counter claim saying blank people are institutionally a group of crooks. Look at prison inmates and there is large disproportionate number of inmates who are black. Does that mean black people are institutionally a bunch of crooks? No, because the number of incarcerated blank people is a small number of the overall black population.
Another institutionally invalid claim would be Muslim people are terrorists. Sure, it seems most terrorist acts and bombers are Muslim or middle eastern. But compare the number of trouble makers compared to the whole population and it's super small. So no, they are not institutionally a bunch of terrorists.
Lastly, the entire debacle of cops vs Blacks would be mostly solved easily if there was one thing that was done..... if the black community as a whole smartened up and didn't do so many shenanigans and crime to begin with. That's why there are so many interactions between cops and blacks. If things simmered down, there would be fewer cop interactions, fewer cops patrolling their neighbourhoods, and cops would move onto different places in the city.
If cops were so anti-minority, then how come you never see cops going nuts and arresting, wrestling and doing shootouts with Indians and Asians? They are minorities too. And Indians have dark skin as well. If cops were institutionally racist, they would be going at it with everyone who isn't white. But they don't.
Humans are emotional. Black guys go nuts with anti-cop rants and killing cops. Cops go nuts and go overboard with beating or killing Blacks when they shouldn't. If things eased up, you'd have less people going bonkers and trying to get at the other side..... and that's actually the answer to why cops, Indians and Asians don't seem to get into debacles. Neither side does anything dumb to the other, so they live in peaceful harmony. Doesn't seem hard to me.