Club Dynasty

The Trayvon Martin The Media Didnt Want You To Know! By BILL WHITTLE Pt 1


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2013
What really gets me is; if the people who say GZ is such a hero and was so righteous and justified in his actions, then why do they feel the constant need to throw TM and his character under the bus (the guy is only dead, you know)?


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
Again, acquitted does not mean innocent. Example: O.J. Simpson.
Could the same general logic be used to suggest TM was not as innocent as some would like to portray him? Works both ways.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
I wasn't aware that following someone in public through a neighbourhood in which you are part of the neighbourhood watch was illegal. Did I miss that law on the books of any state in the US?
No official status was ever established for Zimmerman's neighborhood watch or the activities he claimed to be part of it, and there wasn't evidence that he identified himself by his dress, speech or actions as being anything but an anonymous guy in the dark. If Martin had chosen to stalk Zimmerman, for whatever personal reason he came up with, would you be defending him and blaming Zimmerman for turning and confronting the creep who was pursuing him?

Martin is dead because Zimmerman was a fool on a self-assigned fool's errand, and the State of Florida has a soft spot in its laws that encourages armed idiots behaving badly.


New member
Jul 2, 2013
Why then, the assumption that he was a thief? Aren't people supposed to be innocent until proven guilty? I guess that only applies to white people? What evidence do you have that he actually stole something? You're just a small, hateful person. And you're making it really easy for me to expose you.
Again, acquitted does not mean innocent.
It is comments that like that make you look like a fool. Martin is innocent until proven guilty, but Zimmerman who was acquitted is still guilty???????

So please tell the class, how is someone innocent and how is someone guilty and how you come to those conclusions. You know - so the rest of can get it right.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Considering that the toxicology report is a fact, and one that completely and totally destroys your claim....

What part of "no trace" are you having trouble with?
What part of the autopsy report is it that you do not understand?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
No official status was ever established for Zimmerman's neighborhood watch
While I don't know about "official" it was widely known in the community (which perhaps it should be pointed out was a mixed race community) that he was a neighborhood watch volunteer, and indeed a captain in it.

Merely because the prosecution decided to use an emotional argument of "want to be cop" doesn't change the fact that he was part of a legitimate neighborhood watch.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2013
It is comments that like that make you look like a fool. Martin is innocent until proven guilty, but Zimmerman who was acquitted is still guilty???????

So please tell the class, how is someone innocent and how is someone guilty and how you come to those conclusions. You know - so the rest of can get it right.
No, I never said Zimmerman was guilty, here is my quote,

Again, acquitted does not mean innocent. Example: O.J. Simpson.
So where exactly did I write that Zimmerman was guilty?

TM was never on trial, never had a chance to defend himself against any of the allegations being levied against him. So any accusations made against TM must be met with the same "innocent until proven guilty" standard that all are entitled to. He was a thug? Prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. He was a thief? Prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. He was abusing lean? Prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.


New member
Jul 2, 2013
No, I never said Zimmerman was guilty, here is my quote,

So where exactly did I write that Zimmerman was guilty?

TM was never on trial, never had a chance to defend himself against any of the allegations being levied against him. So any accusations made against TM must be met with the same "innocent until proven guilty" standard that all are entitled to. He was a thug? Prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. He was a thief? Prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. He was abusing lean? Prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.
So Martin is innocent and zimmerman is guilty in your eyes? Where did I get that wrong? You have been lobbying for days in this and another thread about Zimmerman being guilty of Martin's death. Are you now saying that Zimmerman is innocent. Afterall he is innocent until PROVEN guilty right?

And please do not ask me to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. There are many here when faced with evidence of Martin's past, would beyond any doubt, label him a thug. The ONLY reason some do not right now, is like me, they don't like that a kid is dead. Unlike me, they also care if they get called things like racist on anonymous board. I don't. I know I am not racist and supporting Zimmerman's innocence based on the facts of the case does not make me a racist regardless of what you and others think.

Now to prove it. In about 6 months I will post a thread about a tale of boy who will not be named, but will list all the stuff about Martin. I promise I will not even use his skin color and see how many here call him a thug.

NEITHER where innocent little boy scouts that night. Sadly one ended up dead. But Zimmerman is NOT some racist cold blooded killer now matter how much you want him to be.


Jan 31, 2005
What part of the autopsy report is it that you do not understand?
The autopsy report effectively cleared Martin of any codeine use. He was not using lean and had not used it in however long it takes codeine to clear out of your system.

What part don't you understand?

It concluded he smokes pot. So do half the people I know and at least two of your former presidents.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2013
How could GZ be guilty, he was acquitted, right? Now show me where I wrote that GZ was guilty. You can't, because I never wrote it. Now, you tell me what reason GZ had for following TM that night. If GZ did indeed observe him looking into some units as he claims, then why didn't he approach TM at that time and say "Hey, I'm neighbourhood watch, I'm armed and I've already called the cops." No, instead, he stuck to the shadows like a coward and continued to follow him. I doubt that GZ even saw TM look into any units because if he was any kind of responsible neighbourhood watch member, he would have stopped TM at this point and not wait for him to do something illegal (which he may or may not have done that night).
GZ had the opportunity to identify himself to TM as a neighbourhood watch member, and he knew that the police were coming. So why continue to lurk in the shadows and follow TM?


New member
Jul 2, 2013
The autopsy report effectively cleared Martin of any codeine use.

What part don't you understand?

It concluded he smokes pot. So do half the people I know and at least two of your former presidents.

Codeine stays in the body for 2-4 days. Depending on when he took it compared to when the autopsy was done, and many other factors - there is no way to say that it "cleared" Martin. Not with the liver damage at the age of 17.

Sorry. The liver damage plays a role here. It is not liver disease, it is damage. There is a difference.

Does it mean that TM deserved to die - of course not. Just have to put that out there. Which is sad in itself but whatever.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2013

Codeine stays in the body for 2-4 days. Depending on when he took it compared to when the autopsy was done, and many other factors - there is no way to say that it "cleared" Martin. Not with the liver damage at the age of 17.

Sorry. The liver damage plays a role here. It is not liver disease, it is damage. There is a difference.
So can you say, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the liver damage was caused by abusing lean? And I've only personally called one member a racist, after he started with the name calling.


Jan 31, 2005

Codeine stays in the body for 2-4 days. Depending on when he took it compared to when the autopsy was done, and many other factors - there is no way to say that it "cleared" Martin. Not with the liver damage at the age of 17.

Sorry. The liver damage plays a role here. It is not liver disease, it is damage. There is a difference.

Does it mean that TM deserved to die - of course not. Just have to put that out there. Which is sad in itself but whatever.
It cleared him of having anything like that in his system that night.

Saying that liver damage was the result of lean is highly speculative. Lots of things cause liver damage. Maybe he was drinking alcohol and taking Tylenol for the hangover that is a larger risk of liver damage than the antihistamines in lean. One that afflicts more people too because of the piss poor job Tylenol does of warning not to use it for a hangover.

This is the "Trayvon is guilty until proven innocent" bullshit double standard. You have no idea if he ever really used lean, particularly no idea if he used it in the truly excessive quantities that would cause liver damage in a 17 year old, but you figure it must be true because of what, a bs online brag by a highschool kid?

Toronto kids once answered a school drug survey saying the overwhelming majority of them had tried heroin. It was bs. Kids like to brag about fucking girls they never fucked and doing drugs they never touched. Lean is a hip hop pop star drug it is cool to say you know how to make it.

In light of having none in his system he clearly wasn't a habitual user if indeed he ever did even use it.


New member
Jul 2, 2013
How could GZ be guilty, he was acquitted, right? Now show me where I wrote that GZ was guilty. So what have you been saying then? Zimmerman is innocent? What is your beef? Let me ask you straight. Is Zimmerman innocent or guilt? Simple one word answer will do. Thanks.

You can't, because I never wrote it. Now, you tell me what reason GZ had for following TM that night. Because there were repeated break-ins, he did not know who TM was nor did he recognize him as a member of the gated community and part of his job of neighborhood watch is to watch those in the neighborhood. While doing that, he felt for the reasons he stated, that Martin looks suspect in his actions. Lurking around in the rain, etc etc.

If GZ did indeed observe him looking into some units as he claims, then why didn't he approach TM at that time and say "Hey, I'm neighbourhood watch, I'm armed and I've already called the cops." Because he doesn't have to. He did what he had to do which was call the police.

No, instead, he stuck to the shadows like a coward and continued to follow him. I don't see anywhere where he STUCK TO THE SHADOWS. That is a nice bit of testimony on your side. He was in his car and TM saw that. So he was not hiding at all.

I doubt that GZ even saw TM look into any units because if he was any kind of responsible neighbourhood watch member, he would have stopped TM at this point and not wait for him to do something illegal (which he may or may not have done that night). That is your belief. Not evidence. Just your opinion so it means nothing.

GZ had the opportunity to identify himself to TM as a neighbourhood watch member, and he knew that the police were coming. So why continue to lurk in the shadows and follow TM?

Again he was not in the shadows. If anything it could be said that Martin was in the shadows at the T of the walk way when Zimmerman was walking back. It can be said that Martin jumped out of those shadows and assaulted Zimmerman. There is more evidence to support that claim then the one you are making up.


New member
Jul 2, 2013
It cleared him of having anything like that in his system that night. Yes - that is true. Others could argue that is because he was on his way home to do it as he had 2 of the 3 things he needed. He just clearly didn't make it there.

Saying that liver damage was the result of lean is highly speculative. Lots of things cause liver damage. Maybe he was drinking alcohol and taking Tylenol for the hangover that is a larger risk of liver damage than the antihistamines in lean. I never said the damage is 100% from lean, but that would be A LOT of drinking and A LOT of hangovers do cause liver damage at such a young age. Clearly you don't know anyone nor experienced any disease that kills the liver. My personal opinion is that he did engage in lean based on the autopsy, the social media testimony of Martin himself, the purchase of the ingredients. There is too much commonality between the physical evidence of liver damage, the evidence of Martin's own words and the evidence of what he purchased and its connection to lean.

This is the "Trayvon is guilty until proven innocent" bullshit double standard. You have no idea if he ever really used lean, particularly no idea if hr used it in the truly excessive quantities that would cause liver damage in a 17 year old, but you figure it must be true. I made an opinion based on the evidence I have seen. I have not made a judgement, just an opinion. I have not said he is guilty and I have certainly not said he deserves to die because of it. Even if he did do it or other drugs.

In light of having none in his system he clearly wasn't a habitual user if indeed he ever did use it.
He may not have been a habitual user at all as well. That could be very true as well. I am open to all possibilities. Are you?


Jan 31, 2005
Again he was not in the shadows. If anything it could be said that Martin was in the shadows at the T of the walk way when Zimmerman was walking back. It can be said that Martin jumped out of those shadows and assaulted Zimmerman. There is more evidence to support that claim then the one you are making up.
There is no evidence that Martin assaulted Zimmerman. All we know is one of them must have started it, but we have no idea which one. Flip a coin.


Jan 31, 2005
Again he was not in the shadows. If anything it could be said that Martin was in the shadows at the T of the walk way when Zimmerman was walking back. It can be said that Martin jumped out of those shadows and assaulted Zimmerman. There is more evidence to support that claim then the one you are making up.
Actually we know that Martin did NOT jump out and attack Zimmerman. We know that they had a brief conversation first. Whoever struck first they were aware of each other for a period of time before that, as they were talking.

Neither of them jumped and attacked. One of them escalated to violence after exchanging words.
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