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The Trayvon Martin The Media Didnt Want You To Know! By BILL WHITTLE Pt 1


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2013
Ok "most likely and probable", TM did not have any Robitussin on him, and he did not have codeine in his system. Those aren't most likely and probable, those are facts. Is it not "likely and probable" that he just wanted to eat candy and drink a pop?


Jan 31, 2005
No... but it certainly increases the possibilities as opposed to your not having known marijuana paraphernalia.

And that farmer has a perfectly reasonable explanation.

What is yours for the papers and lighter?

The fact that he had not even trace amounts of codeine in his system blows your bridge up.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2013
Doesn't matter much to me. I am not a US citizen. I am not a member of either sides family. I don't live in Florida. I don't carry or own a gun. I don't follow people. Etc etc etc

But it just shows the reality and where exactly your rage is coming from. It is quite informative.

It is okay. It is a good thing you feel that way. Means you are not totally void of emotion or morals.

In return, there sure as shit a lot of things that could have been done different and young life would not have be lost which is a point that I think it is most important thing to take away from this tragic event. Not more fighting. Not more divide. But hey- that is just me.
No rage here, bud. I just don't get why people feel the need to dump all over a dead kid and try to make GZ look like he's some kind of hero, that's all.


Apr 21, 2013
What I'd like to know is why the big media outlets like the NYT didn't report this. Why did they portray Trayvon as the innocent schoolboy while Zimmerman was villified as a vigilante, the aggressor and a racist wannabe cop? Could it be that perhaps the DOJ/White House controls the lamestream media?
No - it's because by playing up this angle, it plays on people's emotions and stirs controversy. Resulting in higher ratings, more people following the story, ultimately about advertising and profits. Not some puppet master pulling strings.

Perry Mason

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
Ok "most likely and probable", TM did not have any Robitussin on him, and he did not have codeine in his system. Those aren't most likely and probable, those are facts. Is it not "likely and probable" that he just wanted to eat candy and drink a pop?
Spoken like a man who knows how to avoid using reason, common sense, life experience, logic...

That's OK.


I'd love to have you on the stand and cross-examine you on what you say.



Dec 25, 2012
So he was dealing lean? I'm pretty sure you can buy Robitussin anywhere and legally as well.
those that speculate that he was dealing point to his social media indicating he wanted to upgrade from robitussin to "codine" ... i read into it that codine would make it stronger, but i dont know for sure


New member
Jul 2, 2013
No rage here, bud. I just don't get why people feel the need to dump all over a dead kid and try to make GZ look like he's some kind of hero, that's all.
Never made him out to be a hero. Never made Martin out to be a thug. Never saw race either.

I saw a sad event of compounded mistakes from more then just Martin and Zimmerman that lead to the two of them meeting up at the T that night and regrettably only one walking away.

Just as I hopefully got you to see the possibly of self defence, I already saw the possibility of TMs side.

Both ended up there because of past events like all of us. Choice is all we have. Sometimes it doesn't go our way. I just can not support the claim that Zimmerman was some stalking murderer who set out to do what happened that night either. Not a hero but not a cold blood killer.


New member
Dec 31, 2003
What I'd like to know is why the big media outlets like the NYT didn't report this. Why did they portray Trayvon as the innocent schoolboy while Zimmerman was villified as a vigilante, the aggressor and a racist wannabe cop? Could it be that perhaps the DOJ/White House controls the lamestream media?
So you think the White House/DOJ intentionally leaned on the mainstream media outlets such as People, Entertainment Tonight and other news organizations to create a more volatile racial climate in America?

You're batty

I think the simplest explaination is the best. Mainstream media is inherently lazy and not interested in honest and truthful reporting (for the most part) They're interested in the simplest, most exploitative storylines which will generate the most viewers and web traffic.
But to say the White House/DoJ controlled this story is asinine and pretty stupid once you examine it
Take off the tin foil hat bro


New member
Mar 28, 2004
No rage here, bud. I just don't get why people feel the need to dump all over a dead kid and try to make GZ look like he's some kind of hero, that's all.
Dude, your posts in a number of threads on this topic are full of anger, accusations of racism, attacks on GZ, and ridiculous defense of TM. Several posters in here have called you out on being full of hate. You have gone much too far and too long for you to pretend that you "..just don't get why people feel the need to dump all over a dead kid and try to make GZ look like he's some kind of hero, that's all." Good grief.


Dec 25, 2012
what i'd like to know is why the big media outlets like the nyt didn't report this. Why did they portray trayvon as the innocent schoolboy while zimmerman was villified as a vigilante, the aggressor and a racist wannabe cop? Could it be that perhaps the doj/white house controls the lamestream media?



Well-known member
Jan 15, 2013
Dude, your posts in a number of threads on this topic are full of anger, accusations of racism, attacks on GZ, and ridiculous defense of TM. Several posters in here have called you out on being full of hate. You have gone much too far and too long for you to pretend that you "..just don't get why people feel the need to dump all over a dead kid and try to make GZ look like he's some kind of hero, that's all." Good grief.
Several? Do you have multiple handles or something? I think saying that "TM will no longer enjoy candy and pop" is a pretty hate-filled, ignorant statement. And you're the only one I've called racist after you started with the name calling.


Dec 25, 2012
What I'd like to know is why the big media outlets like the NYT didn't report this. Why did they portray Trayvon as the innocent schoolboy while Zimmerman was villified as a vigilante, the aggressor and a racist wannabe cop? Could it be that perhaps the DOJ/White House controls the lamestream media?

Actual fact based reporting here ^^^^^ The NYT etc are dead. Nothing more than propaganda shops for the Democrats


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
It's because Fuji is reciprocating what GZ supporters have been doing - leaving out their common sense.

Here's some common sense - someone was staring at someone else while on the phone in their car, as confirmed by "he's lookin right at me". Someone was watching someone for a long enough time to spook them into asking "what's your problem".

Listen - whether TM started the fight, was the aggressor or not, to me, is irrelevant.

We're taught at a very young age, that to generally keep out of trouble, you mind your own business - especially around shady characters and at night.

If George Zimmerman was not there that night - and had it been another random person who was crossing paths with Trayvon, minding their own business, I doubt Trayvon would've jumped them for no reason.

What George Zimmerman did that night was f*cking irresponsible, and shame on him especially knowing he had a f*cking gun for christsakes...

Common sense tells us that it's not unreasonable for a neighbourhood watch volunteer to be packing in the State of Florida, or to investigate a matter outside his scheduled duty if he's diligent. Common sense tells us that he could not have been hunting down TM since he alerted the police with a 911 call.

Was he really irresponsible for checking TM's whereabouts while waiting for the police - or was he simply overzealous? Does that negate his acquittal which the evidence shows was more likely than not to be self-defence?

Unfortunately, shit happens.


Dec 25, 2012
So you think the White House/DOJ intentionally leaned on the mainstream media outlets such as People, Entertainment Tonight and other news organizations to create a more volatile racial climate in America?

You're batty

I think the simplest explaination is the best. Mainstream media is inherently lazy and not interested in honest and truthful reporting (for the most part) They're interested in the simplest, most exploitative storylines which will generate the most viewers and web traffic.
But to say the White House/DoJ controlled this story is asinine and pretty stupid once you examine it
Take off the tin foil hat bro
Ever here of the JournoList? inform yourself. The media creates a narrative, they distribute talking points and they march in step. You can not believe conventional wisdom anymore.
I read all sides of an issue and seek out facts ... bias is everywhere


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Several? Do you have multiple handles or something? I think saying that "TM will no longer enjoy candy and pop" is a pretty hate-filled, ignorant statement. And you're the only one I've called racist after you started with the name calling.
Ya, several threads in here. Two, anyhow. In the other one you went off on a number of people for their being racist (for the horrific reason that they did not agree with your opinion on the topic), and I pointed out to you that your own comments were, in fact, racist. Nothing to do with candy and pop, versatile1, but everything to do with your accusations of racism towards other people. You didn't like my saying that, so you popped off a bunch of insults at me (including telling me I have Down's Syndrome, how bizarre) and I've been (mildly) entertaining myself with you ever since. Unsurprisingly, you have a different perspective on your own angry rants. No one in here is going to change that.

Look, I'm sorry you have Aspergers and I do feel badly about that, but if you are going to mix it up with other people, you need to learn that they will react to you as though you were a fully functional adult. Maybe its time for you to change your handle yet again and start over.

Perry Mason

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
In the coroners report as well in Fuji's mind
Please try and know what you're talking about before you post
I see that reading and comprehension are not amongst your strengths.

I didn't know that the coroner's report dealt with blown up bridges... silly me!



Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Meh. Trayvon Martin was a thieving little piece of shit who in essence killed himself by attacking some loser, when the loser happened to be armed. Society is better of without him. Earth is a better place because TM is dead, there is little question of that.
Where do you get thieving? I can't write off TM like that, even if he was no angel. I think it just was a terrible accident. Fuji made a good point that there was no evidence that TM was in a gang.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
What?? he is NOT Father of The Year? he is certainly getting a lot of opportunity to speak in some prestigious places, like Congress. He must be an expert on something?
Has anyone dug into his background?? I don't know much about him. I'd like to now.
If I didn't hear it, then I'm making an assumption here as to what might be a cause for any negative behaviour by TM (not because he's black).
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