lol I even already answered this.Are you a fan of trump?
He's ok on domestic policy, but his international policies are horrible.I'm not even a huge Trump guy,
lol I even already answered this.Are you a fan of trump?
He's ok on domestic policy, but his international policies are horrible.I'm not even a huge Trump guy, I even already answered this.
Ford government budget deficits by yearWhat has that to do with the debt Doug Ford has given Ontario?
McGuinty/Wynne average deficit per year (2003-2004 to 2017-2018) was $6.5B.
Better address your concerns with this news media that we all know is not a "leftist" media!!More insanity from the leftists...
McGuinty added manufacturing jobs, DoFo lost them.The massive debt has gone past the tipping point
if Ontario loses the auto industry to the US, a provincial debt default is assured.
Not according to the Fraser Institute.Ford government budget deficits by year
2018-2019: ($7.4B)
2019-2020: ($8.7B)
2020-2021: ($16.9B)
2021-2022: $2.1B
2022-2023: ($5.9B)
2023-2024: ($0.6B)
That's an average of $6.2B per year.
McGuinty/Wynne average deficit per year (2003-2004 to 2017-2018) was $6.5B.
But nobody comes close to the Rae government who over 4 years racked up $44.6B in deficits, an average of $11.15B per year! Which is why the NDP should NEVER be handed the levers of power in this province again.
No, no, no .... Thug Fraud HAD NO CHOICE, was FORCED TO, was BLACKMAILED into adding almost a $100billion in deficit spending and net new debt because of Bob Rae 30 years ago - Pepe LaRaue, Skoobie-poop, DesDemoana.Not according to the Fraser Institute.
By the end of this fiscal year, the Ford government will have run deficits in five of the six years it’s been in office and accumulated roughly $91.7 billion in new debt.
Ford is cooking the books, declaring he has low deficits yet adding more then $10 billion a year in debt.
How do you think that's happening?
Even the Sun says so.
JAY GOLDBERG: Doug Ford's fiscal flop
FAO reports are never fun reads for premiers. But this one was a doozy. The emperor of so-called fiscal responsibility has no
^^^^^^^^^^^^And never forget. McGuinty and the Liberals were/are the biggest liars in Ontario's history.
Completely lied his way into office.
You think that's better than using family money and riding on the popularity of your crack head brother?And never forget. McGuinty and the Liberals were/are the biggest liars in Ontario's history.
Completely lied his way into office.
Speaking objectively, of course.And never forget. McGuinty and the Liberals were/are the biggest liars in Ontario's history.