That's pretty nodescriptiveWhat cast member from a critically acclaimed family drama tv show ended up posing for PlayBoy years later?
one of the daughters on The Waltons?What cast member from a critically acclaimed family drama tv show ended up posing for PlayBoy years later?
What does it mean when you are giving someone the whole 9 yards?
Answer :What does it mean when you are giving someone the whole 9 yards?
Jamario Moon.What former Toronto Raptor played for the Harlem Globetrotters?
Asia Carrera.Which retired porn actress is a member of MENSA?
Fifty cents.What was the cover price of the first issue of Playboy, (December, 1953)?
Which three countries/ independent states are both landlocked and share a border with only one other country?
and San Marino.Vatican, Lesotho and......
Fritz Peterson and Mike Kekich.Which New York Yankees pitchers swapped wives, kids and dogs in 1972?
Actually, it is the "shortest sentence" that contains every.......It contains every letter in the alphabet.
Not true. there are shorter panagrams such as "Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz". These two sentences are used for the text display at different point sizes in a .ttf or .otf font file. The sentence displayed will vary, depending on which font making software is used.Actually, it is the "shortest sentence" that contains every.......
Answer :How many coins does the U.S. Mint manufacture each day?