Margot Kidder?Before making it in Hollywood, what actress busked in the streets of Toronto?
If you spelled out each number starting with the number 1, how far yould you have to go before there is an A in the number spelled?
Tasmanian Devil. Only found on Tasmania.What is this animal and what is unique about it?
One thousand.If you spelled out each number starting with the number 1, how far yould you have to go before there is an A in the number spelled?
We had that question already, it is not a Tasmanian devil.Tasmanian Devil. Only found on Tasmania.
Hint: she has a twinBefore making it in Hollywood, what actress busked in the streets of Toronto?
No.If you would have read back a little, you would have seen that I meant that the answer that nondescriptive gave was not correct, and I was giving a hint that the not yet correctly answered question was diarrhea or dysentery was easily cured today with an over the counter medication ( like Imodium ) Not that Syphilis can be cured with over the counter medication.
There are some in Toronto.Tasmanian Devil. Only found on Tasmania.