This refers to the long-standing for decade Supreme Court decision in Roe. In the Senate hearings each of the new Trump Supreme court nominees said as I recall that a long-standing ruling should not easily be overturned. But they did and in polls about 80% of the US wants to return to the 24 week standard of Roe.
This started because I am telling you there is no codified standard for a 24 week abortion limitation. U.S. Courts do not codify laws.
That's part of the debate.
As far as what people say this current Justice said or didn't say about Roe, there's lots of videos of their hearings particularly discussions about Roe. No offense, but we don't need anyone to tell us what the Justices said in their confirmation hearings.
In general, all justices say something to the effect that they respect
stare decisis ("to stand by things decided"). The practical reality is the Supreme Court throughout two plus centuries have overturned decisions. It's not unusual or a violation of some code. No Supreme Court nominee absolutely commits to
stare decisis in every case.