Little man that is the only true statement that has come out of your big mouth on this whole thread. What a loser. Talk about getting defensive. LOL. I just asked you for a little proof.I said I did not know..
Mirage does not pay FF for positive reviews. Nor does DM, Sassys, GOE, Exqusite, RM etc etc etc. There is a shortage of top ladies in this industry and the top ladies are fully booked everyday. FF is only seeing the top ladies. Why would an agency pay FF for a positive review? Makes no sense to me but apparently this busness is commonplace. This all such bullshit I have to laugh. It is like McCarthyism. Foundless accusations. No wonder reviews are plummeting.
It doesn't matter though because FF face is gone and with him the information that you like to call Shilling. Now we have only NoLabel to fill that information gap with. But oh thats right, you don't really contribute much to this board but bullshit. I may be mistaking on this matter though so I'll go through your reviewing history and see what you bring to the table other than toxin.
You want to accuse people of shilling, just back it up otherwise you have no credibilty bitch. Just bring the proof and I'll apologize. You are the only Dork I can see around here Noloser.