I've glad that my comments have sparked a little more discussion, and they've seemed to be taken in a non-hostile light.
To answer Brill, I think it was, who said this thread is pretty useless in the long run, I do agree with that sentiment. Like others alluded to, the board's present culture is what is, and no single discussion thread is going to change it. And actually, and I don't mean to single you out, but you do illustrate one of the trends that has been discussed. I believe (and please correct me if I'm wrong) that you don't see SPs or frequent MPs or SCs, which makes you a non-hobbyist. The primary value of the board to you is purely social. You like hanging in the lounge, joshing with your friends on here, and that's all good. But of course, you don't see the value or the need in changing the culture or the direction of the board because it suits you perfectly right now. There's alot more guys like you posting now, and so the impetus to change the status quo is not very high. For those who do have a little more invested in this board than the social aspect, I think this thread does have some use, in terms of pointing out some of the differences in the board versus previous times.
In terms of the so-called 'white knight' syndrome, I don't consider the posters on here who jump in and protect SPs who are being unfairly slagged and demeaned to be 'white knights'. Those are just decent guys, and I think that's one small benefit of having SPs becoming such a integral part of the community, in that it does curb some (emphasis on some) of the rampant misogyny on the board in that some of these guys actually have to defend their indefensible views, find they can't and then leave. I have no problem with non-hobbyists jumping into threads where guys are taking their insecurities out on women in general, or displacing it onto one particular women, and rightfully calling them out. I also have no problem with the obvious hateful and agenda-driven reviews of SPs that are negative and offensive, being questioned by hobbyists and non-hobbyists alike.That's fine and even honourable A quick example is the reviews of Roksi where she's referred as a 'fat pig'. These kind of reviews are disgusting and the people who post them should be publicly flogged (in the context of the forum)
What is a problem, and what I somewhat derogatorily refer to, as 'white knights' are those guys who take even offense to even the slightest criticism of a SP, no matter how inoffensive or politely worded, and find any little issue with a negative review, such as the posters ethnic background, him showing up five minutes late, or him being misinformed about the SP's appearance. You can almost set a script with most bad reviews, in particular those from newer posters. There's the initial review, then maybe one or two guys saying something like 'gee that sucks man, she's off my TDL' and then the cavalry comes into with guys saying 'wow, that's surprising, when I saw her, she did (alphabet soup) and it was transcendent' and 'maybe you (the reviewer) did this and that wrong, and that's why you had a bad session', then some ridiculous game of one-manship about which acronym the SP did, and that the SP apparently raced from the one session with the one guy, and the next with the other guy, occurs between two or more of the posters, which effectively hijacks the thread, and then the agency owner comes in and either completely discredits the OP or says 'check your PM' , and whatever legitimate issue with the SP that the reviewer had is forgotten, and it's almost chalked up as a positive review on the SP's hypothetical scorecard. It's textbook misdirection that politic ans and lawyers use, where they bring up irrelevant questions or issues in the hopes that it distracts the jury or public from the real issue at hand. From a marketing/public relations standpoint, it's pretty brilliant.
Again, there are reviews where clearly the guy created the atmosphere for a terrible session through his attitude or hygiene, and there are reviews where there's simply a miscommunication between the SP and the reviewer, or between the agency and the reviewer
Even the best SP out there has their bad sessions, and I don't think SPs will deny that. But the guys jumping in to defend their ATFs against even the most discretely and inoffensive worded bad reviews do not help their cause or the board's cause. Quite frankly, I don't think SPs such as Gen or Noir need anyone's help in defending themselves or their reviews
And in many cases, the 'white knights' who believe that it's on them to defend their ATFs from bad reviews, are hoping that this will pay off for them down the road in some way
The 'white knight' syndrome also ties into the shilling, which is also tied into the review styles. Now again, this isn't a new phenomenon. I mentioned Bobbi in my earlier post about the previous iterations of TERB, and when she was active, she was accorded almost deity-like status (with good reason, I don't think she had a single negative review) and reviewers fell all over themselves praising her. There were many graphic reviews of the SPs back then, and there was the issue of those loyal to the top SPs of the time, ignoring and shooting down any negative reviews. One of the things I found a little distasteful was the squelching of any concerns regarding the morality of the plethora of EE escorts and the business practices of the EE agencies. So, yes, this is not a new phenomenon.
However what is a bit of a new phenomenon is the review styles. Now it feels like it's more about the client and how the client performed rather than how the SP performed. The late Phnine was the one who really advanced this concept with his review styles. And I will admit, before he was revealed as being less than scrupulously honest, I did enjoy some of his reviews. They were entertaining. However, alot of members didn't just enjoy his reviews, they almost idolized them, and even after his banishment, his review style has carried on. There's much more of a 'frat-boy' vibe around it now. Maybe, as another poster said, it seems like there's fewer girls being reviewed, and so there's less of a sense of adventure and discovery, and more of a sense of 'let's see how much more filthy this girl can be with ABC member than she was with EFG member'. I think there's also a sense that a member might feel like he's gotten exceptional service and then he feels the need to boast about it, and other members want to see if they can duplicate it.
I mean, the shilling has gotten to the point where even some of the more notorious alleged chillers such as king21 and FunnyFace, who were so blatant to some people in their shilling that their reviewers being questioned even by non-trolls, have split off from TERB to found their own board.
Personally, as I mentioned before, I am a little on the fence in that I do only see SPs who are well-reviewed, and simply by being the best-reviewed SPs on the board could be the recipients of shills, but I've never had a bad experience with any of them. While some of my sessions haven't been as transcendent or over-the-top as some of the reviews, I haven't been disappointed at all. Until I see a SP who has been totally misrepresented by a majority of reviews either in terms of looks or services, I can't really rip on shilling too much
However, in terms of what I believed to be the primary purpose of the board which was to act as a helpful and somewhat impartial resource for the average hobbyist, the shilling and minimizing of bad reviews is detrimental to the health of the board, I believe. Now this might not the purpose of the board anymore, and if so, that's fine.
Clearly I love to hear myself talk, and so obviously take what I've said with a giant grain of salt, but I guess there's food for thought for what it's worth