Underwear,No name,
It is not only in response to women haters that the white knights step in to save their fair damsels. They also enter the fray when someone has disputed something as simple as her appearance, weight, etc. At which point it apears a reviewer is not allowed to be objective as the WK will rush to defend her, even though there may be some merit to the obsevation.
Ok, thanks. That makes it clearer what is being called a WK. I wouldn't bother disputing someone's description, unless it is couched in such a way that the reviewer looks more like a woman hater than someone aiming for an accurate description from their perspective.
Camera boy,You are not a white knight for coming to the defense of an SP in some specific case, you are a white knight when you do that *every* single time even when the SP is clearly wrong.
Also clearer about what makes a WK a WK. And, yes, like others I have noted you chiming in to chide woman haters, that's why I was confused by your earlier statement.
Phew, I escaped being LABELLED (a WK), because while I have supported SP's in a bunch of threads, I've also called a spade a spade if they were being stupid or incorrect.