Ashley Madison

The future of TERB.


Wherever u go, there u r
Jan 7, 2009
No name,

It is not only in response to women haters that the white knights step in to save their fair damsels. They also enter the fray when someone has disputed something as simple as her appearance, weight, etc. At which point it apears a reviewer is not allowed to be objective as the WK will rush to defend her, even though there may be some merit to the obsevation.

Ok, thanks. That makes it clearer what is being called a WK. I wouldn't bother disputing someone's description, unless it is couched in such a way that the reviewer looks more like a woman hater than someone aiming for an accurate description from their perspective.

You are not a white knight for coming to the defense of an SP in some specific case, you are a white knight when you do that *every* single time even when the SP is clearly wrong.
Camera boy,

Also clearer about what makes a WK a WK. And, yes, like others I have noted you chiming in to chide woman haters, that's why I was confused by your earlier statement.

Phew, I escaped being LABELLED (a WK), because while I have supported SP's in a bunch of threads, I've also called a spade a spade if they were being stupid or incorrect.


Epitome of Sensuality...
Oct 16, 2007


Wherever u go, there u r
Jan 7, 2009
Clearly I love to hear myself talk
Ah, yes, a man after my own heart! I would invite you to the "likes-to-hear-themselves-talk anonymous club" but, well, the cat's already out of the bag.:D

I cast my vote for Mur11 as official Terb historian.


Aug 3, 2006
On the Edge
All this navel gazing and philosophical debate about the appropriate number of angels that could/should dance together on the head of a pin is giving me a headache...some of you guys have way too much time on your hands to sit at a keyboard and write encyclopedias of your internal monologues. For Christ's sake, stop over thinking everything and just go get'll feel better, I promise you. I know I will.


Epitome of Sensuality...
Oct 16, 2007
All this navel gazing and philosophical debate about the appropriate number of angels that could/should dance together on the head of a pin is giving me a headache...some of you guys have way too much time on your hands to sit at a keyboard and write encyclopedias of your internal monologues. For Christ's sake, stop over thinking everything and just go get'll feel better, I promise you. I know I will.
Haha...I found that cute too lol...
+ I agree demien. Less talk talk, more boom boom. ^_^


Jun 6, 2009
All this navel gazing and philosophical debate about the appropriate number of angels that could/should dance together on the head of a pin is giving me a headache...some of you guys have way too much time on your hands to sit at a keyboard and write encyclopedias of your internal monologues. For Christ's sake, stop over thinking everything and just go get'll feel better, I promise you. I know I will.

Well, simply put, I can, I do, and I still have time to smell the flowers. What's wrong with stopping and exercising 'the little grey cells'; it's what separates us from most of the other living beings on this great earth of ours. THTHTHTHTH!


New member
Jan 2, 2009
First, pardon the length. (That’s not the first time I’ve used that line… <sigh>).

Second, full disclosure. This is Armagettin who was banned several weeks ago. The message stated “banned b4”. Apparently I was banned because one of the Mods mistakenly thought I was already under a banning and so banned me for two years.

For the record, I have never been banned nor have I ever been warned. I believe it has been over ten years being on TERB from the first board. I can’t remember how long ago, actually or if it was three or four iterations ago of TERB. I have had three handles in those years, none concurrently until I signed up Lash to correspond. I have provided more than a few reviews over the years..


Adios Amoebas


To sum up your post :

you are saying that lurkers and shills are in abundance and more and more people are keeping gems to themselves

what a fucking trend !


Wherever u go, there u r
Jan 7, 2009
Half the time I'm tempted to ask Fred to change the way this board is set up so that reviews can be posted, archived and comments not permitted.
I see your point, but commenting on reviews does allow for some flexibility in a host of things: weeding out shillers, getting meaningful clarifications, encouraging reviewers to review, and so on. Is this a specimen below?

This is my last post on terb . . . Reviewers are not posting reviews on this board because some slugs does nothing to this board other than bitching about reviews and reviewers. With your 33 posts in 7 years you made alot for this board . . . So since i am leaving you guys can take good deep breath.. and say finally!
We have to consider that some might hobby, but not review (much), for many reasons. It could be that some don't want to reveal how much they hobby? Some might not like writing? Some might be classic free-riders, reaping the benefits of reviews but not returning in kind (note this does not harm well reviewed SPs).

Besides, no-one has actually shown hard evidence of seriously declining reviews. They are there all the time, just click on in/outcall reviews. I have no wish to start any flame war here, but I will say that I thought it was significant that, once FunnyFace's reviews were seriously questioned, they stopped. One explanation for that is that kickbacks for reviews are pointless when no-one believes the reviews anymore. Another could be that FF just got jack of the questioning. Who knows?


May 5, 2008
Besides, no-one has actually shown hard evidence of seriously declining reviews. They are there all the time, just click on in/outcall reviews. I have no wish to start any flame war here, but I will say that I thought it was significant that, once FunnyFace's reviews were seriously questioned, they stopped. One explanation for that is that kickbacks for reviews are pointless when no-one believes the reviews anymore. Another could be that FF just got jack of the questioning. Who knows?[/QUOTE]

Hey Nolabel. I would like to know Who Funny Face took a discount from. Can you share that with us.? What slime ball Agency is offering discount for his reviews because I see him at Mirage, Dream, Exqusite, GOE, Sassys, Select, Maximum, and every other major Agency. They all paying him?


Pop Rock Kid
I have no wish to start any flame war here, but I will say that I thought it was significant that, once FunnyFace's reviews were seriously questioned, they stopped. One explanation for that is that kickbacks for reviews are pointless when no-one believes the reviews anymore. Another could be that FF just got jack of the questioning. Who knows?
This is bullshit, FF stopped reviewing for a simple reason.

He goes to the trouble of reviewing and he gets tonnes of flack with being accused of shilling, getting discounts in exchange for reviews. I don't agree with either, firstly his reviews are accurate of some ladies I have seen, secondly if he was being bribed he would have been banned such as others earlier in the year. Thanks, nice way to say thanks for his effort. If you don't want to hear his reviews then put him on ignore. Problem solved for you. I want to hear what he's got to say.

Now I have to deal with a new problem, unfair reviews where these shill cryers are over critical of the ladies. A perfect example would be the thread about how Roksi was fat. This is unbelieveable, she is one hot looking lady and to listen to these over critical members is just as damaging as I may miss out on seeing a great lady all because I was missinformed.


Wherever u go, there u r
Jan 7, 2009
I have no wish to start any flame war here, but I will say that I thought it was significant that, once FunnyFace's reviews were seriously questioned, they stopped. One explanation for that is that kickbacks for reviews are pointless when no-one believes the reviews anymore. Another could be that FF just got jack of the questioning. Who knows?
Hey Nolabel. I would like to know Who Funny Face took a discount from. Can you share that with us?
This is bullshit, FF stopped reviewing for a simple reason . . . He goes to the trouble of reviewing and he gets tonnes of flack . . . nice way to say thanks for his effort.
I guess you two clowns cannot decipher a conditional when it's staring you in the face? 'One explanation for that is' . . . 'Another could be' . . . I said I did not know. Regardless, the latter suggestion is consistent with the white knight treatment you two dished out for FF, so it's not like I ignored your preferred interpretation. Why you willfully ignored that I don't know, though your touchiness about the matter hardly wins you any objectivity points. Besides, both of you extracted the comment out of its context, which followed a comment that commenting on reviews was a useful function, because it allowed for discussion/clarification of reviews. The drama over FF's posts did clarify one thing for those who read those threads, which was that his posts probably contained a mix of accuracy and embellishment, and that one lesson to draw from that was that the credibility of one's reviews would suffer if one was not careful about the degree of embellishment. Right? If you flame me, you better turn up with a good argument, lest the egg be on your face not mine. Dorks.


Pop Rock Kid
This thread,
Guy got burned by an SP and now he`s worried about her outting him if he gives a bad review.
In this case the review should have included the SPs name. As long as there was a clear understanding of what was expected for dress, then it should be reported.

What many are forgetting is a negative review or even just negative points can be given without lambasting. It takes some tact to write a negative review. Sometimes we forget that our experience isn`t always the same as others with the same lady. Use first person tense and validate any negatives against your preference.

An example would be, `Normally I go for the model type facial look but found her to be more the girl next door.` The crude way is to say `she was ugly`. Theres a difference here, firstly in both cases, it clearly stated they were not what you were looking for but at the same time its not putting the lady down. Remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder, we all have different tastes and opinions.


Court jester
Mar 28, 2004
The issue about the reviews was a belief -- held by many TERB members -- that the reviews were going off-track.

Traditionally, reviews on the forum have been aimed at providing information to fellow TERBites about whether a lady is worth seeing or not. What are her strengths, weaknesses, etc.

Lately, though, it seemed some reviews weren't aimed at providing information to the general membership. Instead, the reviews seemed to read like letters to Penthouse Forum, and were more about impressing the lady being reviewed and possibly impressing a small clique of the most-frequent reviewers.

It did seem reviews were being embellished and there was the curious situation where some reviewers went out of their way to ensure the ladies and agencies knew their true identities. Many TERB members were legitimately suspicious about the reviewers' motives -- were they courting better services or rates by establishing themselves as "always positive" reviewers?

Perhaps there has been a lot of navel-gazing on these issues but I think it has had a positive effect. Recent reviews seem to be more straight-forward and credible. I think things are getting better.


Registered User
Aug 5, 2008
drinkin your milkshake
The drama over FF's posts did clarify one thing for those who read those threads, which was that his posts probably contained a mix of accuracy and embellishment
how does one come to this conclusion? this assertion seems to be completely unsubstantiated, and represents nolabels probably (to use his word) incorrect subjective interpretation based on 'his' own biases?

perhaps im wrong, you seem to have a much better grasp of the all the issues.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
Second, full disclosure. This is Armagettin who was banned several weeks ago. The message stated “banned b4”. Apparently I was banned because one of the Mods mistakenly thought I was already under a banning and so banned me for two years.

Yes I remember you , you did a great job in ferreting out shills.
Too bad that you were gone, and that a mistake was made.

We need guys like you around as the shilling has gone out of control in the massage review section. I hope newbies can read carefully thru the reviews and be aware of the same names in some of the reviews.

Hope you stay Take care


Jan 10, 2009
I guess you two clowns cannot decipher a conditional when it's staring you in the face? 'One explanation for that is' . . . 'Another could be' . . . I said I did not know. Regardless, the latter suggestion is consistent with the white knight treatment you two dished out for FF, so it's not like I ignored your preferred interpretation. Why you willfully ignored that I don't know, though your touchiness about the matter hardly wins you any objectivity points. Besides, both of you extracted the comment out of its context, which followed a comment that commenting on reviews was a useful function, because it allowed for discussion/clarification of reviews. The drama over FF's posts did clarify one thing for those who read those threads, which was that his posts probably contained a mix of accuracy and embellishment, and that one lesson to draw from that was that the credibility of one's reviews would suffer if one was not careful about the degree of embellishment. Right? If you flame me, you better turn up with a good argument, lest the egg be on your face not mine. Dorks.
Nolabel I have always valued your input here but calling Dorks and clowns to 2 members that were respectful in replying to your comment is uncalled for. You did make a statement about FF that was not factual even though you gave a second case scenario afterwards.

4x is right if FF was a shiller Shiek and Fred would have known. How can you shill for so many agencies and Indis and not get caught. What is wrong with you people?. The man just loves women like we all do and is a happy character all the time why it ticks people off. He has the cash flow trust me he does not need any fricking discounts from anyone.

Also pay attention, he is not the only one not reviewing here anymore. Does that make those people shillers as well?
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts