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The Effect of the Wonderful World of Unfettered Capitalistic Greed on the Housing Market


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
The reporter asked him how committed he was to balancing the budget and as usual, he started speaking and not making sense because he has no idea what he's talking about if someone else doesn't provide him a script.

Remember "the economy is people, not numbers" ...that's what happens when he starts talking about things he doesn't understand because he knows people like you will just blindly listen to what he's saying and "feel good" about it.

You asked me how Poilievre was going to make Canada better and I answered you with the info available ie get rid of the carbon tax, reduce inflationary spending, etc...but you wanted to see specific policies which I told you have not been released this far from the election but you continued to scrutinize him based on that.

yet with Trudeau you just give him a pass when he speaks nonsense.

THAT is the level of your hypocrisy.
There you go. The reporter asked him how committed he was to balancing the budget. Not how he was going to balance the budget. 2 very different questions. So he answered that his commitment is to the people first. And he is right. The economy is the people. Not numbers. The numbers are a result of people producing things. This is also why with an increase in population the GDP goes up.

So in sum, he answered the question he was asked. He was not asked how he was going to accomplish this and had he been asked and had he launched into a PP style diatribe, then you'd have a point. In this case you are simply cherry picking and mischaracterizing his response.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The money (and more) is there. Mismanagement of that money and prioritizing stupid pet-projects is the reason why they want more and more. Lazy politicking. They have convinced you that the problem is with the wealthy and the companies that provide jobs. You swallowed that completely.

btw Take away all the tax breaks to corporations. Walk me through how much better that would be in your mind. Then convince me you're not a Communist.

I'll wait...
Pet projects like $650 million for a parking lot for a foreign spa?
Like billions for the 417?
Like $1 million for a business plan?
Like $1 billion to cancel contracts and put beer in corner stores?
Like $2 billion in lost revenue to cut out the LCBO?
Like how many billions for badly managed Metrolinx projects?
Like $8 billion for the Greenbelt scandal?
Like $200 million for cancelled renewable contracts they are now redoing?

You think that's why we can't afford health care, education and social services?
You might have a point.


Apr 12, 2004
Don't forget that dofo waived licence plate renewal fees ..... why? I get that that saves the poor $75 a year but that is just part of the cost of owning a car. But for every million cars we, the people the province, lose $75,000,000 a year. Could that pay for maintaining our infrastructure, could that help our health care, could that have helped maintain the science centre. If there are 10 million cars in Ontario (I don't know), that amounts to 3/4 of a billion dollars. Over 4 years that is 3 billion dollars and counting!

In my opinion, that is without doubt the absolute stupidest thing our infamous provincial PM has done. Why isn't everybody up in arms over it?


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
That's two from 1992 who are still in holes in the ground without a view.

Who do you think built these shoebox condos? Answer - Private sector developers.

Who do you think bought more than 70% of these shoebox condos? - Investors and speculators

What market segment did these developers build these shoebox condos for? - Investors and speculators, both corporate and mom and pop shops.

Is it really too much to ask for ninnies to use analytical skills to see the connection? - Yes, yes it is.

As if building large lot single family $3milliom McMansions in the Greenbelt and farmers field will help solve the housing affordability crisis.

Investors and speculators have cornered the market for housing and everyone else loses.
Why would anyone want to live di
Don't forget that dofo waived licence plate renewal fees ..... why? I get that that saves the poor $75 a year but that is just part of the cost of owning a car. But for every million cars we, the people the province, lose $75,000,000 a year. Could that pay for maintaining our infrastructure, could that help our health care, could that have helped maintain the science centre. If there are 10 million cars in Ontario (I don't know), that amounts to 3/4 of a billion dollars. Over 4 years that is 3 billion dollars and counting!

In my opinion, that is without doubt the absolute stupidest thing our infamous provincial PM has done. Why isn't everybody up in arms over it?
Every dollar out of the governments pocket is a win for us peasants. Governments never fail to blow money on dumb shit.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Yes and if the reporter wanted to know how Trudeau was going to balance the budget, then he should have asked that question, like I asked you how Pee Pee was going to make Canada better - to which neither you, nor Pee Pee seem to have an answer. The reporter in this case did not. So Trudeau was not required to answer a question that was not asked of him.
Now you're resorting to calling Mr. Poilievre names as well as the other unhinged Leftists on here, lol.

The spiral down continues...Very amusing I must say.
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It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
Now you're resorting to calling Mr. Poilievre names as well as the other unhinged Leftists on here, lol.

The spiral down continues...Very amusing I must say.
I've called him Pee Pee many times. Big whoop. Unhinged righties taking offense to their dear leader being mildly mocked is very amusing indeed. lol


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Pet projects like $650 million for a parking lot for a foreign spa?
Like billions for the 417?
Like $1 million for a business plan?
Like $1 billion to cancel contracts and put beer in corner stores?
Like $2 billion in lost revenue to cut out the LCBO?
Like how many billions for badly managed Metrolinx projects?
Like $8 billion for the Greenbelt scandal?
Like $200 million for cancelled renewable contracts they are now redoing?

You think that's why we can't afford health care, education and social services?
You might have a point.
That's a funny list which I'll ignore and highlight the one point that explains your whole misleading narrative.

Show me where $8 billion was spent on the greenbelt...I'll wait...

How's your ArriveScam app working btw?


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Don't forget that dofo waived licence plate renewal fees ..... why? I get that that saves the poor $75 a year but that is just part of the cost of owning a car. But for every million cars we, the people the province, lose $75,000,000 a year. Could that pay for maintaining our infrastructure, could that help our health care, could that have helped maintain the science centre. If there are 10 million cars in Ontario (I don't know), that amounts to 3/4 of a billion dollars. Over 4 years that is 3 billion dollars and counting!

In my opinion, that is without doubt the absolute stupidest thing our infamous provincial PM has done. Why isn't everybody up in arms over it?
First off, it was $120 per year. (if you owned a car in the province you would know that)
Why would that just be dismissed as the cost of owning a car when we already pay taxes for roads, fuel, etc?

It's not about collecting more money; it's about managing the money we currently have.
You can collect all the money you want but if it's not managed well, it really doesn't matter.

Also not sure why everyone is bent out of shape about the science centre moving...that was the plan since the Liberals were in power. No surprise.
Makes sense to move it finally.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
There you go. The reporter asked him how committed he was to balancing the budget. Not how he was going to balance the budget. 2 very different questions. So he answered that his commitment is to the people first. And he is right. The economy is the people. Not numbers. The numbers are a result of people producing things. This is also why with an increase in population the GDP goes up.

So in sum, he answered the question he was asked. He was not asked how he was going to accomplish this and had he been asked and had he launched into a PP style diatribe, then you'd have a point. In this case you are simply cherry picking and mischaracterizing his response.
It's funny watching Trudeau supporters bend over backwards defending his stupidity.
You must be desperate.

I'm sure you'll miss him when he's gone but in some capacity, be relieved you don't have to keep defending a moron.

It would be a lot easier to just admit he has no clue and just talks stupidly when he's asked a question he can't answer and relies on experts in his party to actually know what's going on.
Rather than twisting yourself upside-down to make excuses.


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
It's funny watching Trudeau supporters bend over backwards defending his stupidity.
You must be desperate.

I'm sure you'll miss him when he's gone but in some capacity, be relieved you don't have to keep defending a moron.

It would be a lot easier to just admit he has no clue and just talks stupidly when he's asked a question he can't answer and relies on experts in his party to actually know what's going on.
Rather than twisting yourself upside-down to make excuses.
So that is a non-response. Whether or not Trudeau has a clue isn't the discussion. The discussion was whether or not he said what you alleged he said. He did not.
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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
So that is a non-response. Whether or not Trudeau has a clue isn't the discussion. The discussion was whether or not he said what you alleged he said. He did not.
He did say it...because he has no clue. That's what you're defending...incompetence.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
That's a stupid reply which I will ignore.
So you don't want public transportation?
Or you don't want public transportation if DoFo is building it?
Or you want people to use less cars and use public transportation that doesn't exist?
Your hypocrisy is hard to follow.


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
Just admit you have no class. Just like the rest on here who engage like this.
You have no business talking about class, given the kind of comments you have repeatedly made on this board.
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Apr 12, 2004

First off, it was $120 per year. (if you owned a car in the province you would know that)

My bad. But I haven't paid in 4 years and at my age, I forget some things. But since you corrected me, that changes the numbers to 120M for 1M cars and over 4 years almost 5 Billion dollars (and what is that for 10m cars?) I wonder what we could have done with 50 billion dollars over the last for years ........... hmm.

Why would that just be dismissed as the cost of owning a car when we already pay taxes for roads, fuel, etc?

Because that is just the way it is. Put your big boy pants on and move on, nothing here.

It's not about collecting more money; it's about managing the money we currently have.
You can collect all the money you want but if it's not managed well, it really doesn't matter.

You are completely correct in that it comes down to managing correctly or mismanaging as well. If you have a revenue stream and mismanage it, you are at fault. If that results in reduced $ for health care, education etc. so be it! If you remove that revenue stream strictly for political reasons, that is also mismanagement. I wonder where the $ will come from to cover the grants for the battery producers ...... another hmmm.
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It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
Come on lol...You're stooping to calling somebody names, lol....That's just classless.

Just admit it...Own it and maybe you will be forgiven.
Politicians are always fair game. Immigrants, Palestinians etc are not.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
As another peasant, I have to ask you, how is that a win for us? Explain yourself.
The government has been spending like drunken sailors on bullshit things like supplying tampons to women in the congo.

The money is better off in our pockets.
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