The Ask-A-Hooker Thread


Apr 24, 2005
genintoronto said:
The only think I could think of that might make me feel uncomfortable would be receiving a very expensive gift from a client I barely know.
Ok Gen, no long stunning $2,000 leather coat for you. (Rock: Who are you kiddding? You wouldn't give a lady a subway token if she needed one.:( )


Hunting..what ??
Apr 21, 2006
Very Retired
Rockslinger said:
yes.....i felt so bad when he told me what happened,he called himself the ''one ball wonder'' :p



Sep 20, 2005
Ok, since im not an sp and know nothing about goes

how many customers do you average per night
and do you make them take a shower first?


New member
Mar 23, 2007
Spadina and King-downtown
I don't know many women in this business so I don't have many people I can ask this question of and it's something I've always been curious about-Have you ever actually met someone who was trafficed or pimped? I don't mean maybe but a for sure 100% true case. There is so much media hype about this subject that it's hard to tell what the truth is.


is Rebecca Richardson
May 9, 2007
ASYLUM said:
Ok, since im not an sp and know nothing about goes

how many customers do you average per night
and do you make them take a shower first?
One, maybe two on occasion but I like it low-impact on my 'real' life and more personal than a carousel of you-come-you-cum-you-go-NEXT! No shower no play, I'll join you in the water if it makes you feel better.

lolathelovely said:
Have you ever actually met someone who was trafficed or pimped? I don't mean maybe but a for sure 100% true case.
Not quite that clean cut but I'd say yes. I've met three girls who pay for their bf's share of the rent, his bills... its not direct cash but its still 'pimping' if you will. Trafficking only once, and I'm not sure: the agency owner paid for her plane ticket here and let her work off the balance in Canada. The owner gave her the idea to come to Canada to work to pay off debts in her home country but he charged her nearly the full rent of the incall location she was working out of (about 2000) and that on top of her plane ticket debt... Makes me think she was being both 'pimped' and 'trafficked'. At the very least exploited, she was popular and he made a killing.

SlitherySOB said:
When I see an escort I like, on my second visit I like to bring a gift. Usually chocolate without nuts(in case of allergies), liquor, etc. What suggestions would you like? Personal, and just overall.
I know this sounds silly but I really like Diet Coke. An absurd amount. Thoughtful gifts always make me smile, and really extraordinarily expensive ones, especially ones that show you have NO idea what I like, creep me out.

SlitherySOB said:
On visits, I usually bring extra cash along, because if the escort is good I like to leave a tip. How much is a good tip? I usually tip between 50-100, depending on how ming blowing(and other blowings) they are.
Any tip is a great tip, who wouldn't answer that way? Any tip over 100 that's not for services we've previously discussed that go above and beyond the ordinary I'll return, I feel like same way about that as I do about an expensive gift.

SlitherySOB said:
This is just a curiousity question. Asides from condoms for STD's and the like, how many escorts are on the pill to protect against pregnancy? Which brings another question, how many escorts have ever become pregnant by a client?
Most but not all are on the pill. That they *know* was by a client? None (that would ever admit it at least). Most industry women practice really careful sex. I've heard of two (aborted) pregnancies that were supposedly by their significant others.


Tongue please
Aug 5, 2006
Do you really need repeat customers .

We keep hearing hobbyists condemning girls for bad service and asking " why wouldn't the girl work harder to get repeat customers ?" I 'm beginning to think that an SP doesn't need repeat customers to make a living in this industry .

Question -- can an SP be successful in this industry without repeat customers or does she need to establish a stable of regulars to make a good consistent dollar .


New member
Aug 6, 2005
Are the majority of sp's in all areas of work (micros to independents) trafficked or working against their will?

I would think not, but I'd love to hear from those inside the business.



Active member
Sep 3, 2004
is that a micro brewery?

A fresh beer and a suck and fuck? All right!!!!!!!!



is Rebecca Richardson
May 9, 2007
smylee52 said:
Question -- can an SP be successful in this industry without repeat customers or does she need to establish a stable of regulars to make a good consistent dollar .
Shorter term she can be very successful without regulars, especially with flattering photos. I can't imagine its much fun though...

wet_suit_one said:
Are the majority of sp's in all areas of work (micros to independents) trafficked or working against their will?

I would think not, but I'd love to hear from those inside the business.

Depends where you're looking! Low budget incalls/MPs? I'd say probably, based purely on personal experience. Toronto is lucky in that we have lots of larger, established agencies (Select, Mirage, Exquisite, Roommates, etc). You'd be hardpressed to find someone in those circumstances working at any one of those.


Tongue please
Aug 5, 2006
independant - depending on my mood..

i worked in a micro n i avg'ed 9-11.. yes showers before AND after.. (and i would shower in between as well....
but then again, u have some days where u dont have anything or like 3.. u never know .

what is a micro ? is that a west coast term ?

Carrie Moon

Sep 12, 2002
Rockslinger said:
Ok ladies, let me try again. HAVE YOUE EVER MET A MAN WITH MORE OR LESS THAN 2 TESTICLES (aka BALLS):eek: ?
yes. I used to have a regular client who had one prosthetic ball after testicular cancer.. so one real and one fake ball.

smylee52 said:
what is a micro?
I'd like to know too!

Carrie Moon

Sep 12, 2002
smylee52 said:
We keep hearing hobbyists condemning girls for bad service and asking " why wouldn't the girl work harder to get repeat customers ?" I 'm beginning to think that an SP doesn't need repeat customers to make a living in this industry .

Question -- can an SP be successful in this industry without repeat customers or does she need to establish a stable of regulars to make a good consistent dollar .
Yes.. an sp can be successful with bait/switch, paper ads (guys who see only girls in the paper and don't have access to computers therefore have no idea about reviews)

Personally.. I like my regulars but love new clients as well to keep it fresh!


New member
Feb 12, 2007
What's the longest you've went without sex?

Can escorting be lonely at times?

Do your relationships usually end from jealosy from your job, or stem from your job?

How would you compare work sex to SO sex or flings where you want to fuck someones brains out b/c you can't resist them?

Do you ever yearn for non-work sex.

Is work sex enough to fulfill your needs? I'm trying to imagine myself in an sp's position where I'm fucking girls I'm mostly not attracted to and then see one that I am attracted to in regular life and wanting to maul her, in a good way of course. We pick you girls, you don't pick us, does this make any sense?

How often do you meet a client, hope to see him again, but never do?

I met an sp who changed agencies and lost many of her regulars, she seemed genuinely hurt which surprised me. Do you hurt sometimes when a client moves on or is it just business?

Carrie Moon

Sep 12, 2002
BallzDeep said:
What's the longest you've went without sex? 2 years.. I was a born-again christian just prior to becoming an escort and was celebate during that time.

Can escorting be lonely at times? Yes. It can be very isolating.. unless you share your incall or work only outcalls in which case you might have roomates.

Do your relationships usually end from jealosy from your job, or stem from your job? They end for the normal reasons.

How would you compare work sex to SO sex or flings where you want to fuck someones brains out b/c you can't resist them? Sometimes a client is exactly like that type of fling... however when I'm in a relationship the sex is usually much better. The more you know someone and develop a real connection.. usually the better it is.. I do have this as well with some regulars because the trust and familiarity is much like with an SO.

Do you ever yearn for non-work sex. Yes.

Is work sex enough to fulfill your needs? I'm trying to imagine myself in an sp's position where I'm fucking girls I'm mostly not attracted to and then see one that I am and wanting to maul her, in a good way of course. We pick you girls, you don't pick us, does this make any sense? Yes and no..sometimes I am only able to fulfill the clients needs and mine are not met at all.. but other times I can't believe how much my needs are met. It really is a crap-shoot. And yes.. your question makes sense.

How often do you meet a client, hope to see him again, but never do? Lot's of times.. it's not like I can call them to say when can we see each other again? Boy wouldn't that make life easier... for me!

I met an sp who changed agencies and lost many of her regulars, she seemed genuinely hurt which surprised me. Do you hurt sometimes when a client moves on or is it just business? Sure.. it can be disappointing.. but hurt? not really hurt.
Rockload6 said:
Have you ladies ever had a blind or deaf client? If so, was the situation awkward or a walk in the park?
No blind clients but have had deaf ones. The worst part before texting was the bell operator who would have to translate the conversation from text to me orally on the phone. I did not like having that 3rd party involved.
Rockload6 said:
Have you ladies ever had a blind or deaf client? If so, was the situation awkward or a walk in the park?

I've had both and found both to be very, very sensual. I really enjoy playing with the senses and I think clients that have lost one sense are aware of the different ways in which you can enhance and stimulate the others, it is for me one of the better times I have had.
As for dealing with the logistics of it, email is a wonderful thing and I've always been a pretty heavy tech user - even in my youth so I haven't had many issues in finding alternative ways to communicate. Vision impaired clients can easily talk on the phone and hearing impaired clients can use a computer (and I had my first computer back when I was knee high to a C-64 ;) so I've always been comfortable using alt. technology). The deaf clients I saw could speech read and communicate very well and though my ASL is practically non-existant I made sure I knew enough to properly greet them and make them know I made an effort.
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