La Villa Spa

Telling an Escort to Raise Her Rates

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
This is the kind of shit I'm talking about. You say anyone who screens or gives me a deposit is a "weak man who thinks with their little heads." You guys touting blanket statements and here is another one. My clients are far from being "beta weak men" - they just want me to be comfortable meeting them.

And FYI $300 yes is cheap AF. If you value her at all as a person, you will give her more money not try to get the best bang for your buck (no pun intended), especially if the person doesn't know better. And yes, she doesn't know better - no one would accept $300 if they were aware of the fact that they could be making so much more. I always overtip and give people money to show my appreciation for them. My tattoo artist charges $250 an hour and last time he tattooed me for 4 hours, and only asked me for $500. From hearing the things he talks to me about, he undercharges because a lot of people try to nickle and dime him THE SAME WAY YOU GUYS DO TO US, and he gets scared no one will pay him or come back if he charges his regular rate. So he quotes me $500 because he's probably scared if he makes me pay $1000 I'll stop going to him and find someone cheaper. I don't take his discounts - I give him his full rate. He deserves to be fairly compensated for his work and I appreciate the art he does and his job. I guess I'm a "loser bitch" trying to get into his pants because I want him to be paid what he deserves :fish:

TL;DR: Pay people what they deserve even if they're too scared to ask for it. Stop being cheap.
This is where we disagree. This one particular young lady, the agreement was originally $300 for an evening, like 6-10ish...dinner, then some intimacy. After the second date, she didn't want to leave and asked if she could stay. I am usually the one that says it's time to go because I have things to do. Now yes, I only give her $300 but she will be coming with me to Barcelona in December and she doesn't know it yet but will be getting a very nice Christmas gift if all is still going well by then. The difference is I want to do what I do and if I believe it's a pure money grab it simply turns me off. It is what it is and that is me as you are you. I'm the same with an escort. If I book an outcall for an hour and ask her to stay longer I'll happily pay her another hour but if she stays longer by her own accord I will not. I may tip her if she was amazing and stayed way past her time but that tip will be by my choosing. You may think I'm cold but I am fair.

ps....the SB knows about the escort world and wants nothing to do with it. I even suggested she join a Mirage or SexyFriends to make more money and she was insulted. I almost lost her LOL


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
My question now is, why can't you just say there are choices, this is what I do? Instead of calling my clients losers, weak and betas.
When have I called your particular clients any of these things? BoneRanger was or is a client of yours and I think the dude is cool! I've called Ben a beta because of his feminine posts. I'll call Simon Winter a suck up because that is what he does instead of putting his money where his tweet is and actually book someone, let's say Stefania (see girl, I gotch ya). I will call an individual blowing his wad on one overpriced lady a fool and you simply don't qualify as that category of provider, no offense. You may think for Durham your on the expensive scale but I don't believe you are but don't worry, we are not one another's type so you're squeezer safe! LOL

Speaking of betas, word on the street is only really alphas watch baseball and men who don't are ...... ;)
No, true Alphas watch UFC , Hockey and Football!


New member
Oct 13, 2018
This is where we disagree. This one particular young lady, the agreement was originally $300 for an evening, like 6-10ish...dinner, then some intimacy. After the second date, she didn't want to leave and asked if she could stay. I am usually the one that says it's time to go because I have things to do. Now yes, I only give her $300 but she will be coming with me to Barcelona in December and she doesn't know it yet but will be getting a very nice Christmas gift if all is still going well by then. The difference is I want to do what I do and if I believe it's a pure money grab it simply turns me off. It is what it is and that is me as you are you. I'm the same with an escort. If I book an outcall for an hour and ask her to stay longer I'll happily pay her another hour but if she stays longer by her own accord I will not. I may tip her if she was amazing and stayed way past her time but that tip will be by my choosing. You may think I'm cold but I am fair.

ps....the SB knows about the escort world and wants nothing to do with it. I even suggested she join a Mirage or SexyFriends to make more money and she was insulted. I almost lost her LOL
I'm asking the same question Jessica is asking: Why is anyone who decides to pay more a "beta" "cuck" "white knight" or "desperate loser thinking with the small head"? Many of my clients pay me more than my asking rate and give me gifts, and none of them are any of those things. I've actually had clients straight-out flat refuse me when I've tried to grandfather them at my old rates. One of them even said to me when I increased to $400 and offered to keep him at $350: "I pay my lawyer $500 an hour and he doesn't suck my dick!" Is he a fool? The thread we are posting on right now is about a guy telling a girl to raise her rates and you all jumped down the throat of this imaginary gent. The way you imagine all generous clients to be is extremely narrow. Some people genuinely just like giving and - the most important one - can afford to do so. I am one of those people - once I am wealthier I can easily see myself being one of those people just giving and giving because I enjoy doing it.

Even though you might think it, I am not "just about the money." Of course I absolutely LOVE money - who doesn't? But it's not the be-all end-goal of my life. I also have genuine relationships with my clients and enjoy the time I spend with them, but I'm not interested in removing the financial aspect of it. Everytime I've tried to make it "just about the money" I've ended in a shitty call where I've hated my life. Yet: Once a relationship begins with money, it is hard to take it out of the equation. Resentment and a "is he taking advantage of me?" anxiety creep into the picture. I know many girls who share similar sentiments. I see it just like any other service industry. I get on quite well with my hairdresser, therapist and lawyer, and have good relationships with all of them, but I'll never stop paying any of them.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
I'm asking the same question Jessica is asking: Why is anyone who decides to pay more a "beta" "cuck" "white knight" or "desperate loser thinking with the small head"? Many of my clients pay me more than my asking rate and give me gifts, and none of them are any of those things. I've actually had clients straight-out flat refuse me when I've tried to grandfather them at my old rates. One of them even said to me when I increased to $400 and offered to keep him at $350: "I pay my lawyer $500 an hour and he doesn't suck my dick!" Is he a fool? The thread we are posting on right now is about a guy telling a girl to raise her rates and you all jumped down the throat of this imaginary gent. The way you imagine all generous clients to be is extremely narrow. Some people genuinely just like giving and - the most important one - can afford to do so. I am one of those people - once I am wealthier I can easily see myself being one of those people just giving and giving because I enjoy doing it.

Even though you might think it, I am not "just about the money." Of course I absolutely LOVE money - who doesn't? But it's not the be-all end-goal of my life. I also have genuine relationships with my clients and enjoy the time I spend with them, but I'm not interested in removing the financial aspect of it. Everytime I've tried to make it "just about the money" I've ended in a shitty call where I've hated my life. Yet: Once a relationship begins with money, it is hard to take it out of the equation. Resentment and a "is he taking advantage of me?" anxiety creep into the picture. I know many girls who share similar sentiments. I see it just like any other service industry. I get on quite well with my hairdresser, therapist and lawyer, and have good relationships with all of them, but I'll never stop paying any of them.
I get the money part of it. I don't blame you for wanting more, wanting to be safe I get all that I really do. I also am generous when it reaches the friend's stage which it has with some providers and SB and not forced. I'm far from needy and never call, I'm usually the one being called. The same goes for my employees. I expect them to want more money and work hard to achieve the promotion or raise, so yes I get it. The problem lies with the fellas who start off paying more because they believe it is actually better. No, it's the same. I've tried it all and trust me paying more doesn't equate to a better time and this is not to trash your services because honestly, I do not know how amazing or not you are in a session.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
When have I called your particular clients any of these things? BoneRanger was or is a client of yours and I think the dude is cool! I've called Ben a beta because of his feminine posts. I'll call Simon Winter a suck up because that is what he does instead of putting his money where his tweet is and actually book someone, let's say Stefania (see girl, I gotch ya). I will call an individual blowing his wad on one overpriced lady a fool and you simply don't qualify as that category of provider, no offense. You may think for Durham your on the expensive scale but I don't believe you are but don't worry, we are not one another's type so you're squeezer safe! LOL

No, true Alphas watch UFC , Hockey and Football!
You are calling my clients these things when you say that men who screen, pay deposits or are over $250 are losers, idiots, etc. I screen, I am over $250 in Durham and am $300+ for Toronto or when touring like I just did when I went to Eastern Canada.

So again, as I have said a thousand times now, when you make these blanket statements, you are in fact insulting my clientele.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
2 All-Time most UNPOPULAR SP's on the board!

Tomorrow morning . . . . . I'll be waking-up to another 10 PM's

Nite Nite :biggrin:
Jessica will be under your bed with an ax and Stefania with her hair over her face in a white nightgown will start to come out of your closet walking slowly and twitching. Good night, don't let the bed bugs bite! LMFAO


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
I screen, I am over $250 in Durham and am $300+ for Toronto or when touring like I just did when I went to Eastern Canada.
Really, hm, perhaps I should have a word with them. Can you please forward their contact information.


Tall/Curvy Ebony Seductress
Supporting Member
Apr 25, 2017
She is a piece of work. It's hilarious and astonishing she actually gets business. Probably did much better on the American side. I believe Canadian Johns are a little smarter than our American counterparts.

If I'm not mistaken I've seen you in the lineup in Muse or was it Seduction. You came out to say hello but I chose a different lady. Rumor had it you are strictly a CBJ provider, hopefully at $300 this has changed.
Of course you can faithfully follow the rumours or you can clarify for yourself by engaging in conversation.

Hope you had a blast with the other lady!

Didn't go thru the thread. But I guess this is like telling a friend or someone you know they can get a better salary at x or z company/firm.

Hey, that company pays their employees better. You should go there. You are basically doing the same thing. They value their staff more, better benefits, vacation etc. etc.

Or it could be because a certain provider is always booked up and this dude wants her to raise rates so he can book her more easily. LOL :D

Can be multitude of reasons. Some with motives, some are real talk. Depends on perspective.
Of all the posts in this thread I like yours best. Very insightful! You hit the nail on the head!


Tall/Curvy Ebony Seductress
Supporting Member
Apr 25, 2017
This is your point of view as a provider but not the customer's point of view. If you go to the garage to fix your car, will you tell the guys that he didn't charge you enough and he should raise his prices? Come on Melissa, no you wouldn't. An escort may decide to raise her rates by herself if the demand for her services increases or a friend could suggest her to do it, but not a customer. It's illogical!
Ahhh and this is the part why I say you don't know me at all. It may be illogical to you but I believe in being fair. Sure there are some things I wouldn't want the prices to raise such as food, gas, phone bill etc. But there are many things that are so cheap that I feel people are out of their minds for charging so little. A hair stylist I found on Facebook used to do my hair in braids for $70 (imagine doing over 50 braids in someone's hair and how much your hands hurt after such a feat!) I was always mad at her for ripping herself off because she worked so efficiently and did an exceptional job. I'd tip her $20 every time and always told her to raise her rates. She's since raised the price to $120 (which is still cheaper than most) and I don't mind paying her more in the slightest because she's deserving. Now if she was mediocre I wouldn't dare say anything because then I'd think she deserved the rates she set for herself and would only go to her as a last resort if no one else was available. Now if she raised her rates and she does a crappy job then hell yea I'd complain!

At the end of the day I'm not selfish. I'm reasonable. I'm fair and when buying a product or service from someone that goes above and beyond for me I will always consider what they have to go through to make my experience exceptional. I think it takes a considerate person to be able to think like this.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Give me a break oagre, you post some incredibly rage-inducing things yourself too. I could say the same to you about having "more friends". Just as you two have your own little I-hate-Stefania fanclub in PMs, a lot of the ladies are in my DMs constantly griping about the things you guys post. Squeezer himself admits he doesn't have Twitter because all the indies would block him. You two aren't innocent parties and I'm the evil one who comes out of left field. Your post about not caring whether you cancel last minute because "she can find something else to do with the time" was so triggering and really reeked of not giving a shit of the inconvenience you can cause girls by cancellations. Even for an agency, cancellations are inconvenient. The booker might not say anything directly to YOU, but behind the scenes there is definitely frustration and "fuck and I just turned another client down who asked for that timeslot too." So many people pull this shit on us and does it really kill people to do better than this? If you cancel last minute, have enough respect for the other person's time to compensate them for their troubles - yes, even if it's an agency girl. If you MUST cancel, next time you see her give her an even bigger tip. Imagine she really needed that extra $100-200 from that call to buy food for her kids and you just took that away from her.

You both are always going around saying things like "never give a deposit or screen!" when all the girls are trying to do is stay safe. When you guys go around touting things like we're all thieves and going to blackmail or out you, people listen to these things and make our jobs so incredibly more difficult. You guys have no idea how many girls message me and the horrific things that clients do to them, and they want to screen but continue not to, putting themselves at constant risk because they can not afford the drop in volume. If you guys really did understand the reason many of us screen, and the shit that providers go through, you might be a little bit more sympathetic about it and even actually consider - god forbid - actually screening.

My client - the one who was jittery about his information in my emails whom I deleted for - used to share sentiments like many clients where he was hesitant to screen because he has a family and obviously a lot to lose. When he screened with me, it was so difficult because he was unable to verify his LinkedIn was really his (his work email server was down), and I refused to take his word for it. On his end, he sees a provider that's making things more difficult than they need to "and why is my LinkedIn not enough?" when on my end I'm remembering the time I accepted a LinkedIn without cross-verifying and it turned out the guy had lied and it wasn't really him, and I just can not rest easy meeting this client without 100% guaranteeing he is who he says he is. These things happen a lot to us, and after a few bad experiences a lot of providers become scared everytime they meet new clients. Said client and I were almost on the verge of giving up on each other, but we persisted and after conversing with him a bit when he was getting frustrated, he understood WHY exactly it was so important for me to know 100% without a doubt his identity. And he prioritized my comfort and need for safety. When we met up, I had what I would easily say was one of the best calls of my career. He's now one of my favourite clients. My level of comfort with him was crucial to this. I would never have been able to provide him with that quality level of call without first feeling as safe as I could be. And the reason it was one of my best calls was not because of acronyms or whatever crap you guys prioritize here - but because the best courtesan experiences that can happen are about way, way WAYYY more than just the sex.

For awhile, I was so terrified of new people because I never knew who would come in and try to rob me, secretly record me, overstay their time, go on the forums later and trash talk me for the kicks of being an asshole, or god forbid - physically assault me, possibly even kill me. Even the "good clients" can go rogue, and I was so scared of being harmed that I couldn't relax even with my regulars, always expecting the other shoe to drop. This would translate into sessions where I was on edge and couldn't be myself - I'd set timers for calls so clients wouldn't overstay, and become the "clockwatcher" you guys always talked about - and it wasn't because I wanted to kick the client out ASAP, it was because I didn't want him to overstay 15m and then later think he's entitled to that every session and expecting 30m, 45m, and later thinks he doesn't have to pay. I had pepper spray and knives hidden all around my incall. I'd force clients to leave everything in the bathroom and never have cellphones or anything that could be used to record around me. What hurt my business the most was my refusal to talk to clients in between bookings. Do you guys have any idea how many people flood our emails and texts in between bookings wasting our time with no intention of bookings? It's the most common complaint I've heard providers have about clients. "OMG, these guys are too needy!" I never wanted to let anyone even THINK they could take me for that kind of ride so I never talked to clients after bookings, and I did probably come off as too "cold" for some guy's tastes so even though the sessions would go well, the clients would move on. This too, is something I've since greatly relaxed on - experience and time has provided me the skill to be better at judging who's going to waste my time and who is fine to message, and I chat regularly with many of my regulars now.

What really made the anxieties start to subside for me was being unforgiving with giving myself the peace of mind I needed to work. Knowing I had the upper hand in that if anyone tried to harm me, I would have ground to hold them responsible, is crucial to this. Starting to collect deposits was one of the best, if not the best, decision I ever made. I only started asking for them for all my calls under a month ago. It's funny, because before deposits I'd always be on edge before an appointment because "what if they cancel? I only booked X clients this month, and he booked a four-figure call for this week, and if he cancels it'll throw off my entire month." I had one regular cancel twice on me and want to constantly email back and forth, and without a deposit, I had no way of confirming whether his "I'll rebook" was honest or him stringing my along for free attention without any intention of spending actual money on me. I could not relax around him. He now gives me deposits, and even if he has to rebook, the deposit gives me the peace of mind he is serious about seeing me. We email regularly and there's no longer any anxiety on my end.

Yet guys like you going around touting "NO DEPOSITS!!" made me SO hesitant to start asking for them because I really was scared I'd lose too much business and isolate too many clients and my biz would tank. So your "blanket pronouncements" about every indie and our policies really fucking hurt us a LOT.

FYI: I've never been a dumbass, I didn't get my following in the community because I'm a "man hating bitch." I have a lot of writings on my website that explain these things very thoroughly and if you'd ever taken the time to actually get to know me as an individual, you'd already know these things about me.

And if you want to thank anything for why I'm so Zen recently, thank the fact I ask for deposits and screen fully, ironically enough. I've become a way, WAY better provider due to these things. I've noticed a huge correlation between comfort of your provider and the quality of the encounter. You guys really are missing out on a lot when you refuse to screen.
Can't even begin with this one. You misunderstood and misquoted what I posted before, but that's the least of it. The rest of your post is just angry.

Don't you ever just RELAX with your clients? I know plenty of escorts who've hung out with clients off the clock. Not just overstayed by a few minutes. I've routinely hung out with my favourite regulars for a half hour or so. Or when they know me better, I've taken them out to lunch. Or to dinner. Off the meter. I routinely do legal work for clients which involves me knowing their real names and much of their real lives. I routinely drove one regular out to her parent's home outside Toronto. I visited one girl at detox and brought her snacks.

The girls you accused me of "sex trafficking"?! I'm still friends with them. I drop in on one of them at her current job and we shoot the shit and have some laughs.

I've know guys who've MARRIED their regular escorts. I've know guys who've driven escorts back and fore to medical appointments. And chatted about it afterwards with them.

Escorts come over to my place and leave their purses in the living room while we go to the bedroom. So I don't know where tf they keep their weapons in case I tried to kill them. They must trust me or something.

AFAIK no one checks if I'm secretly recording sex acts, although I've heard that girls have had that done.

I really, really don't know what to say!


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Listen I get some of the stuff you write. I'm good friends with some girls. Guys who DM incessantly are time eaters. Guys who refuse to shower are assholes. Guys who write fake reviews are idiots. Guys who don't read the website are morons. Guys who phone and don't text are a piss off. There's shit in everybody's life. I get fucked around too. You know how many people phone me and try to get free advice and sort of promise to hire me sometime?!??! And never do?! You know how many clients stiff me on my bills?!

There are remedies. Disable the DM function. Contact the mods on TERB and they'll be more than happy to take down fake reviews. Make the guy go back in the washroom and shower. This is the sort of low level 2-bit stuff EVERYBODY deals with. No one's life is perfect. I sit around literally all day at court waiting for a 10 minute court appointment and I know I can't bill my client and I'll have to eat a $1,000 in lost time. That's life when you're an adult. I deal with it and don't rant on Twitter. Take that shit in stride.

I'm sorry you're afraid that clients will overstay by 15 minutes and then come to expect that. Know something?? Most girls don't give a shit! If they're regular clients, they get the extra 15 minutes. It's known as "customer service". Just like I don't bill my regular clients for some of MY time either.

About your fear that some guys will assault you? I sympathize. But........ It happens once in a blue moon. And if it does, I'll be the first to demand the guy does as much time as the judge can throw at him.

I gotta ask. Are you sure you're in the right business? Because you seem very unhappy.

Oh and accusing me of cancelling at the last minute and cheating an escort of her money?! Read my post! I stated that I would cancel the day before. That gives the agency time to re schedule. And if they can't fill the gap, I've been cancelled on many, many times myself without getting paid. And that's simply fucking part of life as an adult. It's give and take. If I do cancel, the agency knows that I'll probably book the same girl a week later and follow through with the appointment.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2015
Listen I get some of the stuff you write. I'm good friends with some girls. Guys who DM incessantly are time eaters. Guys who refuse to shower are assholes. Guys who write fake reviews are idiots. Guys who don't read the website are morons. Guys who phone and don't text are a piss off. There's shit in everybody's life. I get fucked around too. You know how many people phone me and try to get free advice and sort of promise to hire me sometime?!??! And never do?! you know how many client stiff me on my bills?!

There are remedies. Disable the DM function. Contact the mods on TERB and they'll be more than happy to take down fake reviews. Make the guy go back in the washroom and shower. This is the sort of low level 2-bit stuff EVERYBODY deals with. No one's life is perfect. I sit around literally all day at court waiting for a 10 minute court appointment and I know I can't bill me client and I'll have to eat a $1,000 in lost time. That's life when you're an adult. I deal with it and don't rant on Twitter. Take that shit in stride.

I'm sorry you're afraid that clients will overstay by 15 minutes and then come to expect that. Know something?? Most girls don't give a shit! If they're regular clients, they get the extra 15 minutes. It's known as "customer service". Just like I don't bill my regular clients for some of MY time either,

About your fear that some guys will kill you? I sympathize. But........ It happens once in a blue moon. And if it does, I'll be the first to demand the guy does as much time as the judge can throw at him.

I gotta ask. Are you sure you're in the right business? Because you seem very unhappy.

Oh and accusing me of cancelling at the last minute and cheating an escort of her money?! Read my post! I stated that I would cancel the day before. That gives the agency time to re schedule. And if they can't fill the gap, I've been cancelled on many, many times myself without getting paid. And that's simply fucking part of life as an adult. It's give and take. If I do cancel, the agency knows that I'll probably book the same girl a week later and follow through with the appointment.

Look you cant blame anyone or any profession for trying to implement things to improve vs just taking it and dealing with it. I am sure as a lawyer you try to prevent time wasters if you could. In my profession there are certain things that if someone is a no show to it REALLLY fucks me over more than just financially. It happened to me several times at the very start of my job and since then I have come up with ways to predict those situations and plan in a way where I have a backup.

So you cant blame the SPs for trying their best to prevent time wasters etc. If enough guys are willing to go through the extra hoops then why not from SP standpoint. From client standpoint this city has SOO many options you can always find the right girl at the right price for you and have a good time. What I dont get is why this is such a controversial topic. Its simple you either agree or dont , there is no right or wrong. People can spend their money how the like.


New member
Oct 13, 2018
Can't even begin with this one. You misunderstood and misquoted what I posted before, but that's the least of it. The rest of your post is just angry.

Don't you ever just RELAX with your clients? I know plenty of escorts who've hung out with clients off the clock. Not just overstayed by a few minutes. I've routinely hung out with my favourite regulars for a half hour or so. Or when they know me better, I've taken them out to lunch. Or to dinner. Off the meter. I routinely do legal work for clients which involves me knowing their real names and much of their real lives. I routinely drove one regular out to her parent's home outside Toronto. I visited one girl at detox and brought her snacks.

The girls you accused me of "sex trafficking"?! I'm still friends with them. I drop in on one of them at her current job and we shoot the shit and have some laughs.

I've know guys who've MARRIED their regular escorts. I've know guys who've driven escorts back and fore to medical appointments. And chatted about it afterwards with them.

Escorts come over to my place and leave their purses in the living room while we go to the bedroom. So I don't know where tf they keep their weapons in case I tried to kill them. They must trust me or something.

AFAIK no one checks if I'm secretly recording sex acts, although I've heard that girls have had that done.

I really, really don't know what to say!
My post wasn't angry at all, I'm very zen right now and have been all day. You're the one that just misconstrued everything I said. I mentioned anxieties I dealt with over my time in the industry, how I came to have them, and the way I've dealt with them and learned to, yes, "relax." These anxities are very common JBTW. Maybe instead of judging you should be sympathetic. I know so many SPs who have felt the same way I have, and I regularly talk to those SPs and help them find ways to cope. When you judge without trying to understand you minimize the abuse SPs, especially newer girls, go through. The emotional abuse inflicted on SPs regularly can be grueling, do not compare it to the grievances of your job, it is a dynamic few outside this industry will ever understand.

As i mentioned 200x already, it took time and experience to learn how to better judge clients for myself, and, most importantly, learn to trust my own judgement. I just fired the last of my abusive clients in September and it made the world of difference in how I feel.

I just told you I regularly text my clients now and have better relationships with them and I'm happier lol. You missed all that part. I'm going out to lunch with a regular I hadn't spoken to since July very soon.

I think youre the one thats angry out of nowhere. Here i thought we were all having an actual normal discussion. Squeezer and I didnt insult each other once!


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Look you cant blame anyone or any profession for trying to implement things to improve vs just taking it and dealing with it. I am sure as a lawyer you try to prevent time wasters if you could. In my profession there are certain things that if someone is a no show to it REALLLY fucks me over more than just financially. It happened to me several times at the very start of my job and since then I have come up with ways to predict those situations and plan in a way where I have a backup.

So you cant blame the SPs for trying their best to prevent time wasters etc. If enough guys are willing to go through the extra hoops then why not from SP standpoint. From client standpoint this city has SOO many options you can always find the right girl at the right price for you and have a good time. What I dont get is why this is such a controversial topic. Its simple you either agree or dont , there is no right or wrong. People can spend their money how the like.
Ben go to bed.


Oct 4, 2016
I can not and never will deny that there do exist bad people in this world that can use clients's information against them for bad. But we all have to realize this industry does not exist without any kind of risk, on both clients's and providers's ends. Providers take on a ridiculous amount of risk just through the nature of this work, and I am sorry, but expecting me to carry the risk of seeing clients anonymous so YOU guys have no none, is incredibly unreasonable. When you ask me not to screen, you're asking me to open the door to all these horrible people and having zero recourse to holding them accountable. I can not do that. I need to survive and watch out for my safety. Screening allows me to do that. I do not sit there stealing people's money.
First, let me say that I've been at many low points in my life where I have experienced violence from other people, and I have also been robbed and scammed (not by an SPs by the way), and I too have discovered that people I thought I knew were not who I thought they seemed, and I won't go into details about it here. My main point here is that I can appreciate your apprehension about meeting new clients in this business because there are indeed a lot of bad people out there that will try to hurt you or mess with you for fun.

However, I should remind you that you're operating an illegal business and like it or not, that means there is a high probability you're going to encounter shady characters. Speaking for myself, I'm not one of them, and there's no way I can know if I can trust an SP either if I meet her for the first time. For that reason, I have no inclination to divulge my own personal info as part of a screening process because just like you have no way of knowing whether the guy that walks through the door is a psycho, neither can I be sure that I won't be blackmailed or scammed. If you are that worried about your safety, I would suggest changing professions because to be honest, this is like a drug dealer crying about occupational hazards. I know I come off like an asshole saying that last bit but it's kind of true, you have to admit.

That being said, no one on TERB is telling you to stop screening or lower your prices. You have already repeated ad nauseum that "we" (since you like to group all TERBites into one category after your bad experiences) are not your target clientele, and obviously you have no shortage of clients so you're definitely not hurting financially, so what problem do you have with users on these forums advising others to avoid paying a premium or giving out personal information? Since it doesn't affect your business, why do you care what we say? I think the concern in the community is that screening, deposits, and inflated prices will become the norm, which is why these topics keep coming up on the forums. In that case, the risk would fall solely on men, and as long as prostitution is illegal (or more specifically - paying for sex is illegal) I think it's just as unreasonable as asking you to take on all the risk yourself. But let me repeat, that I nor anyone else on this forum care about your personal business model. Do what works for you. No one in this thread has told you not to screen.

Furthermore, I think it is naive that some women believe that clients who can afford to (or are willing to) spend a lot of money (vs. us brokeass losers) are somehow less likely to be bad or dangerous people. Likewise, I'm almost 30 and the indy market is all but closed off to me not only because I personally refuse to screen/deposit, but also because lots of SPs have this absurd idea that once you hit 30 you become a rich guy in a suit with a Mercedes Benz and you become significantly more mature, classy, responsible, courteous, whatever, than you were at 29 or 28 etc.

My clients - and I'm talking about the clients I see, the people who actually end up in sessions with me, not the general client base (many of which, as I have mentioned over and over already, are NOT my ideal clientele) or the ones I like to make fun of (because those are NOT my clients) - are far from "desperate losers" and "suckers." I think quite the opposite of them - I hold them to high esteem and have deep admiration and respect for them.
Bottom line is, nobody here cares how you operate your own business. No one said as much. What drew negative attention to you was that you and a number of other "high end" indy SPs constantly jeer at the users of these forums on social media. That is your right as well, but don't play the victim when the guys you call "cheap losers" and "slobbyists" get mad about the torrent of insults and disrespect. And by the way, for a "slobbyist" forum, the tone of discussion here is much more civil than on twitter.


New member
Oct 13, 2018
As for girls trusting clients with their real lives... TBH that's not really something I'm quite ready to do myself. I trusted the wrong client before with my real name and ended up with a stalker on my hands (hence the having to get one of my reviews deleted). Call me bitter jaded whatever you want but you'll have to forgive me if I'm a bit more cautious this time around with my real information. Again these situations are not unique to me. There are some truly horrific people out there. All the props to girls who feel comfortable trusting their clients, I'm just not comfortable and I don't think it's fair to shame me or other providers for having different comfort levels.

As time goes by I'm giving less of a shit about being so secretive. I'll probably out myself to my mother in the next year or so, and later to the rest of my family. I'll probably start showing my face eventually and blend my real life and work persona together. The only thing holding me back fully is the issue with US Homeland security targetting and banning girls.

Everyone goes at their own pace.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
My post wasn't angry at all, I'm very zen right now and have been all day. You're the one that just misconstrued everything I said. I mentioned anxieties I dealt with over my time in the industry, how I came to have them, and the way I've dealt with them and learned to, yes, "relax." These anxities are very common JBTW. Maybe instead of judging you should be sympathetic. I know so many SPs who have felt the same way I have, and I regularly talk to those SPs and help them find ways to cope. When you judge without trying to understand you minimize the abuse SPs, especially newer girls, go through. The emotional abuse inflicted on SPs regularly can be grueling, do not compare it to the grievances of your job, it is a dynamic few outside this industry will ever understand.

As i mentioned 200x already, it took time and experience to learn how to better judge clients for myself, and, most importantly, learn to trust my own judgement. I just fired the last of my abusive clients in September and it made the world of difference in how I feel.

I just told you I regularly text my clients now and have better relationships with them and I'm happier lol. You missed all that part. I'm going out to lunch with a regular I hadn't spoken to since July very soon.

I think youre the one thats angry out of nowhere.

Victim blaming isnt a good look JBTW
Stefania, I think you're a bright, articulate lady. That's why I reacted positively to your post a few hours ago.

But other girls deal with this stuff way better than you do and they're happy and relaxed and they don't give off your melodrama, nor do they attack and pillory their clients on their Twitter pages.

Do I think they're nervous? Sure. Certainly when they start off. Or when they see a new client. But none of them gives off the disturbing vibes you do.

So I'm calling bullshit on much of your shtick. If you want to fixate on the "emotional abuse" of escorting, be my guest. You know as well as I do that the abuse goes both ways. I've known women who've blackmailed their clients, scammed them and played them and threatened them with the cops when they objected. It's not that uncommon.

So save the shtick for your feminist studies 101 course or your chorus of lappies on Twitter. I think you've found a sweet little niche on Twitter and your own little audience and you're having a good time.

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