Telling an Escort to Raise Her Rates

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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
As for girls trusting clients with their real lives... TBH that's not really something I'm quite ready to do myself. I trusted the wrong client before with my real name and ended up with a stalker on my hands (hence the having to get one of my reviews deleted). Call me bitter jaded whatever you want but you'll have to forgive me if I'm a bit more cautious this time around with my real information. Again these situations are not unique to me. There are some truly horrific people out there. All the props to girls who feel comfortable trusting their clients, I'm just not comfortable and I don't think it's fair to shame me or other providers for having different comfort levels.

As time goes by I'm giving less of a shit about being so secretive. I'll probably out myself to my mother in the next year or so, and later to the rest of my family. I'll probably start showing my face eventually and blend my real life and work persona together. The only thing holding me back fully is the issue with US Homeland security targetting and banning girls.

Everyone goes at their own pace.

I'm drunk and I have a day job and I'm going to bed.


New member
Oct 13, 2018
If you are that worried about your safety, I would suggest changing professions because to be honest, this is like a drug dealer crying about occupational hazards. I know I come off like an asshole saying that last bit but it's kind of true, you have to admit.
See, and this is where I strongly vehemently disagree. Just because this industry is the way it is, doesn't mean I need to burden the very serious risks as "part of the job." I care about my life. I will be ruthless with my safety and will never let anyone try to get me to back down on it. Don't tell me I need to "change professions" because I refuse to let down on my safety. My safety is no joking matter, and I know no one but me will ever prioritize taking care of it - so I do what I need to do, as ruthlessly as I need to, to make it a priority. I repeat this sentiment to providers all the time and will continue to do so for as long as I can. I am not sorry that this upsets you or if it becomes the norm, I prioritize absolutely nothing more in this industry than a providers' safety. You don't - you clearly prioritize your privacy over our safety, and that's cool, I can't change your mind just as you can't change mine, and that's why girls who think like me will always be out of your reach. That is a collateral damage I have happily accepted.

That being said, no one on TERB is telling you to stop screening or lower your prices.
People on this site are constantly repeating "ad nauseum" that screening and lower rates are the way to go. Providers get pissed off. You call my posts and the similar ones other SPs post triggering, I say the same right back to you.


New member
Oct 13, 2018
Stefania, I think you're a bright, articulate lady. That's why I reacted positively to your post a few hours ago.

But other girls deal with this stuff way better than you do and they're happy and relaxed and they don't give off your melodrama, nor do they attack and pillory their clients on their Twitter pages.

Do I think they're nervous? Sure. Certainly when they start off. Or when they see a new client. But none of them gives off the disturbing vibes you do.

So I'm calling bullshit on much of your shtick. If you want to fixate on the "emotional abuse" of escorting, be my guest. You know as well as I do that the abuse goes both ways. I've known women who've blackmailed their clients, scammed them and played them and threatened them with the cops when they objected. It's not that uncommon.

So save the shtick for your feminist studies 101 course or your chorus of lappies on Twitter. I think you've found a sweet little niche on Twitter and your own little audience and you're having a good time.

You talk about me having bad vibes, your posts here give me (and many other ladies) bad vibes. I'm not the only provider who's ever had a problem with you and will certainly not be the last. JBTW: the posts you vehemently hate so much, I get the opposite reaction just as much. Flood of emails and DMs with people saying i'm hilarious, and yes, actual bookings out of it. You post things here guys eat up and love, and that piss off providers to no end. It's all about perspective quite clearly

I only came on TERB because I figured my "chorus of lappies" on Twitter needed a break and wanted to get into an actual discussion instead of constant back and forth where I'm on Twitter and you're on TERB, and seeing someone accuse me of using my client's information to blackmail as claims that needed to be refuted by me. But you're clearly too salty for any of that. I tried to give god honest insight and you've just shat on it for absolutely no reason, completely invalidating everything I've written. We are right back to the Us vs Them mentality. Not possible to have nice things here.

Back to the shadows for me. :)


Oct 4, 2016
See, and this is where I strongly vehemently disagree. Just because this industry is the way it is, doesn't mean I need to be burdened by the very serious risks as "part of the job."
Fixed that for you. Again, no one said you need to put yourself at risk but as oagre has pointed out, you seem to speak with such vitriol about how awful and dangerous your job is that it really does make one wonder why you continue. The money's just too good, right? Why work at your university library, as a secretary at some office, as a lab assistant (I infer from your previous post that you're studying one of the sciences), or anywhere else when none of those places will pay $500 an hour?

My point is that you need to wake up and realize every client you see is breaking the law no matter how much he pays you. There are guys who will spend $500 on cocaine - is that classier than a bum that buys a $5 crack rock? I don't know, maybe. My point is there's always an inherent risk in this trade and we all acknowledge that, so there's no need to play up the melodrama as you do here and make it out like every single dude is a rapist murderer stalker because if you honestly felt that way, you would get over your greed and just go with a civilian job, but it's obvious at this point that you're doing this for sympathy points which are rapidly running out.

People on this site are constantly repeating "ad nauseum" that screening and lower rates are the way to go. Providers get pissed off.
There's no reason that should upset you because as you said yourself, the men on these boards aren't your target clientele and no matter how much anyone talks, someone will always bite and pay the $500 and go through the screening.


New member
Oct 13, 2018
fixed that for you. Again, no one said you need to put yourself at risk but as oagre has pointed out, you seem to speak with such vitriol about how awful and dangerous providers are that it really does make one wonder why you continue. The sex's just too good, right? Why fuck your wife or get a girlfriend or go on okcupid or tinder anywhere else where you don't have to pay and not be scared of blackmail or being ripped by a psycho provider?

my point is that you need to wake up and realize you're breaking the law everytime you see a hooker. There are guys who will spend $500 on cocaine - is that classier than a bum that buys a $5 crack rock? I don't know, maybe. My point is there's always an inherent risk in this trade and we all acknowledge that, so there's no need to play up the melodrama as you do here and make it out like every single provider is a scammer or blackmailer or thief because if you honestly felt that way, you would get over your desire to have sex with hookers and just find a civilian girl but it's obvious at this point that you're doing this because you want the sympathy points.

there's no reason that should upset you because as you said yourself, the indies who screen and ask for higher rates aren't your preferred providers and no matter how much anyone talks or complains about the providers who screen and charge more and collect deposits someone will always bite and pay the $500 and go through the screening.
fixed that for you

I'm done with this thread. Back to the circular debate that never goes anywhere. Them vs Us, Provider Safety vs Client privacy. Zzz. I have class tomorrow. Good night sir.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
Really, hm, perhaps I should have a word with them. Can you please forward their contact information.
That is funny and all but you didn't answer my question. You just asked another one.

So I will ask again;

My question now is, why can't you just say there are choices, this is what I do? Instead of calling my clients losers, weak and betas.

First, let me say that I've been at many low points in my life where I have experienced violence from other people, and I have also been robbed and scammed (not by an SPs by the way), and I too have discovered that people I thought I knew were not who I thought they seemed, and I won't go into details about it here. My main point here is that I can appreciate your apprehension about meeting new clients in this business because there are indeed a lot of bad people out there that will try to hurt you or mess with you for fun.

However, I should remind you that you're operating an illegal business and like it or not, that means there is a high probability you're going to encounter shady characters. Speaking for myself, I'm not one of them, and there's no way I can know if I can trust an SP either if I meet her for the first time. For that reason, I have no inclination to divulge my own personal info as part of a screening process because just like you have no way of knowing whether the guy that walks through the door is a psycho, neither can I be sure that I won't be blackmailed or scammed. If you are that worried about your safety, I would suggest changing professions because to be honest, this is like a drug dealer crying about occupational hazards. I know I come off like an asshole saying that last bit but it's kind of true, you have to admit.

That being said, no one on TERB is telling you to stop screening or lower your prices. You have already repeated ad nauseum that "we" (since you like to group all TERBites into one category after your bad experiences) are not your target clientele, and obviously you have no shortage of clients so you're definitely not hurting financially, so what problem do you have with users on these forums advising others to avoid paying a premium or giving out personal information? Since it doesn't affect your business, why do you care what we say? I think the concern in the community is that screening, deposits, and inflated prices will become the norm, which is why these topics keep coming up on the forums. In that case, the risk would fall solely on men, and as long as prostitution is illegal (or more specifically - paying for sex is illegal) I think it's just as unreasonable as asking you to take on all the risk yourself. But let me repeat, that I nor anyone else on this forum care about your personal business model. Do what works for you. No one in this thread has told you not to screen.

Furthermore, I think it is naive that some women believe that clients who can afford to (or are willing to) spend a lot of money (vs. us brokeass losers) are somehow less likely to be bad or dangerous people. Likewise, I'm almost 30 and the indy market is all but closed off to me not only because I personally refuse to screen/deposit, but also because lots of SPs have this absurd idea that once you hit 30 you become a rich guy in a suit with a Mercedes Benz and you become significantly more mature, classy, responsible, courteous, whatever, than you were at 29 or 28 etc.

Bottom line is, nobody here cares how you operate your own business. No one said as much. What drew negative attention to you was that you and a number of other "high end" indy SPs constantly jeer at the users of these forums on social media. That is your right as well, but don't play the victim when the guys you call "cheap losers" and "slobbyists" get mad about the torrent of insults and disrespect. And by the way, for a "slobbyist" forum, the tone of discussion here is much more civil than on twitter.
Couple of points.

1. We as independent escorts are not running an illegal business at all. I even pay taxes on my work as an escort. It is you guys who are illegally purchasing sex. There is a big difference. I should not be forced to deal with certain people in my legitimate and legal job.

2. Some men are not telling us to lower our rates and how to screen or not screen at all, etc. SOME men. But others are. And what men are saying is that escorts like me should not be seen at all because of my policies for keeping safe. Not because I use false pics or my service is crap. Simply because I ask for a real phone number and not a text app, I should have no clients at all. Even though for next, you come to my personal private home and get more personal info about me then I do you. That is the issue.

3. I agree that men are afraid and that is what drives these threads. Of course this is going to be become a norm. It already has. For indies and as far as rates are concerned, guys need to be prepared that all prices are going to rise over the next couple of years. Minimum wage has gone up, costs have gone up so rates are going to go up. That is just called inflation. We all have to deal with it.

4. I don't call men who choose not to screen, pay a deposit or to pay above a certain amount slobbyists or losers or cheap. Those words don't leave my mouth ever, yet I am called names and my clients are called names. I post in these threads all the time. Not to tell men what they should do(even though I am told all the time) but to help men understand that they don't have to paint us all with one brush and I constantly get tons of insults and disrespect.

5. Agism - it is more to do with maturity then money and there has to be a cut off age at some point. 29 yo will always say they are close enough to 30 but we drop it down to 29, then 28 yo will say they are no different then 29 yo. It will never end. So yes, a cut off needs to be made.

And for me, my kids are grown. I don't want to fuck a person the same age as my kids. Proof that not everything is for the reasons to you think.

I have heard your side (client side) and I agree there are risks and I agree you should what you can to minimize that risk for yourself. But some men are telling us what to do, what rates to have (higher or lower, we shouldn't be told either), telling us how to screen, and if we don't listen, they tell men not to see us, they call other men names who happen to my clients. I will stick up for my clients and all clients really if they are right. And I will equally tell escorts when they are wrong. Including calling out women who steal deposits. People like squeezer can testify to my doing so.

You are right to choose what YOU want to do, you (in general, not you specifically) are not right for calling other men weak, losers, or betas. And I equally agree that men who choose a budget should not be called cheap. There are some of us in the middle of both sides and it seems we suffer the most from these threads.

I hope that helps you understand a third side to this equation. Thank you for your respectful post that leads to an actual discussion on the matter. It has even helped me decide to take a different approach to these types of threads in the future.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
ANOTHER BATTLE WON BOYS!!!! . . . . . . Whoop! Whoop! :biggrin:

Ladies have stopped screening, asking for deposits and are now charging under $250 an hour????? News to me.

I better go change my website to reflect the loss. Not. LMAO.

You have won nothing. Nothing will change because of this or because of you and the "brotherhood".

Sorry. Pussy wins, it always will.

Euro Male

Well-known member
Nov 30, 2004
concrete jungle of toronto . . .
Smart, Strong women are damn Sexy . . . . . Penelope Bloom, Lovely_Lovelynn etc.

They got the Brains and Lady-Balls to say what they gotta say with . . . . . 'POWER'

They talk ---- We listen

They're the r-e-a-l 'QUEEN-BEE's' . . . . . the rest are just wannabe's!

Thanks for playing . . . . . next

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
Smart, Strong women are damn Sexy . . . . . Penelope Bloom, Lovely_Lovelynn etc.

They got the Brains and Lady-Balls to say what they gotta say with . . . . . 'POWER'

They talk ---- We listen

They're the r-e-a-l 'QUEEN-BEE's' . . . . . the rest are just wannabee's!

Thanks for playing . . . . . next
Ok pumpkin. Whatever you say. LMAO.

Time for ignore. Even the "brotherhood" doesn't reply to your BS. LMAO!

Enjoy being on the losing side.

I'm off to get laid and paid. Well.

So Laters.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
You talk about me having bad vibes, your posts here give me (and many other ladies) bad vibes. I'm not the only provider who's ever had a problem with you and will certainly not be the last. JBTW: the posts you vehemently hate so much, I get the opposite reaction just as much. Flood of emails and DMs with people saying i'm hilarious, and yes, actual bookings out of it. You post things here guys eat up and love, and that piss off providers to no end. It's all about perspective quite clearly

I only came on TERB because I figured my "chorus of lappies" on Twitter needed a break and wanted to get into an actual discussion instead of constant back and forth where I'm on Twitter and you're on TERB, and seeing someone accuse me of using my client's information to blackmail as claims that needed to be refuted by me. But you're clearly too salty for any of that. I tried to give god honest insight and you've just shat on it for absolutely no reason, completely invalidating everything I've written. We are right back to the Us vs Them mentality. Not possible to have nice things here.

Back to the shadows for me. :)
News to me. I've got a pretty big fan club of girls I've seen many, many times.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Fixed that for you. Again, no one said you need to put yourself at risk but as oagre has pointed out, you seem to speak with such vitriol about how awful and dangerous your job is that it really does make one wonder why you continue. The money's just too good, right? Why work at your university library, as a secretary at some office, as a lab assistant (I infer from your previous post that you're studying one of the sciences), or anywhere else when none of those places will pay $500 an hour?

My point is that you need to wake up and realize every client you see is breaking the law no matter how much he pays you. There are guys who will spend $500 on cocaine - is that classier than a bum that buys a $5 crack rock? I don't know, maybe. My point is there's always an inherent risk in this trade and we all acknowledge that, so there's no need to play up the melodrama as you do here and make it out like every single dude is a rapist murderer stalker because if you honestly felt that way, you would get over your greed and just go with a civilian job, but it's obvious at this point that you're doing this for sympathy points which are rapidly running out.

There's no reason that should upset you because as you said yourself, the men on these boards aren't your target clientele and no matter how much anyone talks, someone will always bite and pay the $500 and go through the screening.

^^^^ My feelings too.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
GIRLLLLLLLL!!! I owe you money or something now !! WHAT A WONDERFUL INVENTION.

While I didn't invent the ignore future, I'm happy to point it out. It is a wonderful invention indeed. LOL

I will take you up on an offer for drinks one night. Only caveat is we have to talk about everything else but TERB. Except for squeezer. We can talk about him. LMAO!!!

Just jokes squeezmiester. Just jokes.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010

While I didn't invent the ignore future, I'm happy to point it out. It is a wonderful invention indeed. LOL

I will take you up on an offer for drinks one night. Only caveat is we have to talk about everything else but TERB. Except for squeezer. We can talk about him. LMAO!!!

Just jokes squeezmiester. Just jokes.
Please do! When my ears start to get itchy because my "good name" is mentioned I get a warm spot and no, I'm not telling you where.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
Please do! When my ears start to get itchy because my "good name" is mentioned I get a warm spot and no, I'm not telling you where.
Because you're cheap and don't want to pay me a fair price for making you feel good. It's ok. I see how it is.


Honestly, I have to admit, having that much power over your "warm" spots is sounding like a good thing to me. LOL


New member
Oct 13, 2018
News to me. I've got a pretty big fan club of girls I've seen many, many times.
You're the butt of the joke of more than half my friends lmfao get real dude. But live in your fantasy land where all girls love you. That's why everytime you try to pipe in on Twitter you get rekt and told to STFU. Yes. "Girls" love you lmaooo

Should probably stay in your lane too next time "derp" but I know you can't lol. Most guys on review boards with half as many posts as you never can. Must just be the raging narcissism.

Enjoy looking at my Twitter from the distance xo
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