So corporations are using people and their families as pawns..... those devils.
If they are concerned about hte deficit then help out.
Lets see
Corporations employ people and provide us with the goods and services we demand
However according to you they are using peoples and families as pawns
You lefties have a very strange way of viewing life
If not for the private sector companies you would not have an economy, jobs or the taxes which you take for granted
If you do not like the way a corp acts or you thank they are charging too much, you switch and examine their competitors product or service
With unions, if they are gouging (WHICH THEY DO), your choices have been artificially made unavailable
And your 83% is not the general public..... it's 83% of computer using hobbiests who spend time on politics threads. This is a particular subset of the population and their views are not necessarily in line with the public. Again not only do you create a biased poll you then interpret it incorrectly...... embarrassing.
That poll is factually correct and completely absent of bias.
The fact 83% voted for the responsible answer is a much better indicator of public opinion that your personal opinion
The embarrassment is all yours if you are unwilling to accept the fact that tax increase to continue to enrich your special interest group is not going to happen
For three years you've started nothing but anti union threads and shared crass jokes. Guess when you stopped reviewing in 2009 you had a lot of time on your hands.
This creepy statement is more than enough justification for not wanting to post personal information about my family or occupation on the Internet.
Apparently you have enough time on your hands to search through three years of my posts and make inaccurate and foolish and irrelevant statements.
While I understand when I post, that information is fair game, I will ask you to occupy your time doing something a little more productive and to keep your creepy, inaccurate observations about my posting history to yourself.
I do not like or respect you and I suspect the feeling is mutual
I you feel the need to try and dig up dirt on me, I suggest you grow up and just place me on ignore
I will let this one slide, however we do not wish to add creepy to the growing list of adjectives which can be associated with you.
Smarten up