No. JL has a hate on for teachers.... masked behind a "it's all about the budget" line. And by masked, I really mean thinly veiled. Some might even argue that there's no attempt to hide the contempt.
No I have a hate on for anyone who expects others to carry the weight for them and who does not respect the taxpayer
What I find amusing is that 90K after 11 years of teaching and 3 months holidays sounds so great.
It does not sound great, it is great
It is significantly above what the average taxpayer makes
It is also significant above what most private sector employees with post secondary education make even after 20 years experience
I would wager that less than one in 1000 teachers could obtain a private sector position that pays the equivalent salary.
And not a single teacher could obtain a private sector position that pays the equivalent salary for only 9 1/2 months work
The value of the job security teachers have is also extremely valuable.
20 Sick days a year ? More like 5-10, Banking them? forget about it
Pension ? You would be very hard pressed to find a private sector position with such a rich pension.
The value of the job security teachers have is also extremely valuable. The reality is that on Monday some private sector employee will lose his / her job because of the current state of the economy. How much is immunity from that risk worth to you?
You would be well advised to take a step back and re-evaluate what an extra ordinary deal you have
Any hate on I have is due to the lack of respect for what a great deal you have and a lack of respect for the taxpayer who funds that over the top (and excessive) deal