There are girls on the Sugar sites who are legitimately looking for a long term relationship with an older guy. (Yes for most of us it’s bullshit but they are there) Seeking’s current marketing to girls really does make it look like a place to score a whale, and the CEO of Secret Benefits claims to have married his young sugar baby. He’s bringing her on as an exec soon apparently. That kind of thing sends a really strong impression to the ladies that it’s not always sex for money, escorting lite. (even though for the vast majority of guys on the sites it’s complete nonsense)Yeah, I am sure she's not a fraudster at this point since she hasn't even asked for any money yet.
I am more so surprised because it's still a SB site, not Hinge or Tinder. And I am fine building something with her just a little confused since she hasn't even mentioned any sort of arrangement details yet and this would be my 3rd time seeing her in basically a span of 12 days.
Unless you really like this girl’s company and don’t want to rock whatever boat you seem to be sailing in, I’d mention the idea of sex with her pretty soon. Either before or shortly after you raise the subject of a PPM or an allowance and the whole “mutually beneficial” euphemism. Unless she’s going to sleep with you for nothing of course