I have a puzzling case I can't quite put my finger on. Got in touch with a woman from SA and from the get go she indicated she is very well off financially and that she does not want any financial compensation. She knows I'm married and that I'm not looking for a serious marriage-oriented relationship. OK, so red flags appeared. I'm waiting for a scam but not sure exactly what. Curious though to see where it goes. Surely enough, a day before we were to meet in person, she had a family event that forced her to go far enough to make meeting in person impossible. She kept texting multiple times a day, trivial things like "how's your day", "what you are doing?", "I'm taking a shower now", etc. Says she wants to really connect online before meeting in person to "take the awkwardness away when seeing each other in person for the first time". Right.
Now the only reason I kept texting back was because I was curious to find out what her scheme was. She mentioned several times how successful she is with her investments and even showed one trade transaction in which she profited a large sum of money. So naturally I'm waiting for her to ask me to invest with her (I had another scammer try that) but no, she never asked for money. I even told her explicitly that I will not be sending any money until we have met in person and she got offended that I even thought that. Ten or so days after we've been back and forth texting, I decided I've had enough - there was no sign of her "returning" to Toronto to meet and I didn't want to waste my time anymore. I deleted our texts (using Telegram you can delete both ends) and she got upset. Seemed really hurt. It's been over a day and haven't heard from her. I wonder what she was scheming to do. Extort me after collecting what she hoped would be enough personal information to find my identity? Any guesses?