SO's of high mileage MPA's & SP's...How do you really feel?


New member
Jun 1, 2003
Perhaps not intellectual giants, but definitely money-wise and street-smart. I never would call a person dumb simply by looking at the line of work they're in.

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
Re: Argghhhhhh

Oh, my.

joebloe said:
One thing though....could we please put to rest the concept that escorts (OK....."hookers" if you must) are dumb? In fact, they're probably the most intelligent creatures on the planet!intellectual giants? You tell me....
There are a plethora of stupid escorts - several of whom post (or at least randomly strike letters on their keyboards) here on TERB. There are also many quite intelligent women in the industry. And even some staggeringly average-witted ones.

Gee, kind of like everywhere else in the world.

I mean really, at C$200+ an hour (in general) they've choosen a gig
I believe that the majority of escorts work for agencies who take a significant cut of that $200 hourly rate.

that demands little in the way of prep time
Evidently, you don't know much about the pre-mating rituals of adult female homo sapiens. :p

or documented communication

Also, it probably demands about near zero effort in new customer prospecting
Sure - if she wants to wind up dead, raped, or ripped off. If she's an Indy (which she'd have to be to make the type of money you're talking about), then considerable time is required to screen prospective new clients.

Add in the costs/hassles of looking after an apartment for in calls (if applicable), issues with no-shows, LE, nuisance calls, scheduling, etc. - its hardly as simple as you seem to think. That's not even factoring in any mental toll that the business might take on her.

Dumb, misguided ....or intellectual giants? You tell me....
Based on your post, I'd reckon that you're closer to the dumb and misguided end of the spectrum.


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
How much do you figure the agencies take?


Feb 17, 2004
My two cents-- in my experience they never quit :-( And when they say they do (in my case), they just do it behind your back. And in the case of risky behaviour-- she told me after the fact and after she promised me she had quit. It just sucks all the way around.... You think it's exciting at the beginning, dating an SP/MPA/SC, but when reality sets in and you're in love, it hurts like hell. Sorry for sounding like a b-tch. It's been over for a while and I'm still ticked.

G-Spot Seeker

New member
Jan 12, 2004
Nemo said:
My two cents-- in my experience they never quit :-( And when they say they do (in my case), they just do it behind your back. And in the case of risky behaviour-- she told me after the fact and after she promised me she had quit. It just sucks all the way around.... You think it's exciting at the beginning, dating an SP/MPA/SC, but when reality sets in and you're in love, it hurts like hell. Sorry for sounding like a b-tch. It's been over for a while and I'm still ticked.
When you are hot looking and guys are always flirting and wanting to seduce them, after awhile when she gets tired of you or she wants more excitement, she can get carried away with a few or many guys everyday she works. If guys were in their shoes, they'd be cheating every single day. They are just human but no matter what you get your heart stomped on if you are in love with her.


New member
Sep 9, 2002
dudebox, that's one odd relationship. you're 31, she's in college, she decided to become an SP while with you... are you sure you're not being played? there's something definately funny here. but hey, i've made my share of dumb choices in my life, and some of those dumb choices worked out ok, so more power to you.

once when i was in a pretty weird relationship situation, different than yours but a big mess anyway, what i did was cut myself a break: i concocted a reason to get out of town for a few weeks on business and just went off by myself for a few weeks to get my head clear. ever since then i've wondered if i made the wrong choice but i did feel i got a lot of clarity by getting a bit of space to think.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Re: Sorry Nemo...

Mystique Misty said:
.....that there are some ladies that have integrity and fornitude........
Misty, I'm not trying to diss you 'cause that was a good post, but I gotta say I love that word you've just coined, "fornitude". It sounds though like a word to describe a dedicated, active SP, not one who's in retirement.


Apr 10, 2003
A fascinating thread - as the SO of a SP who posts here on the TERB (I don't know if I should out her so I'll not mention any names until she gets a chance to see this) I've wondered about this topic.

My lady has long had fantasies about being an escort, since early childhood. She tends to be a little impulsive - I remember the day clearly when she called me from a payphone and told me she had decided to become an escort, and was on her way to meet with an agency. By the time she came home the next morning she had already had two calls!

Her sexuality is not a reflection on me or our relationship, it is a statement about who she is. Being an escort is something she always wanted to do, and after we began our relationship, she felt secure enough to try it. I am pleased that our relationship does not interfere with her exploration of her own sexual fantasies.

Escorting is a hard business for relationships because of the hours, and the sexual exhaustion. When my lady comes home after a call involving some very serious sex, chances are she's already had at least one orgasm, and that can make her less likely to want any additional sex play. I can't complain though, because being an escort is a sexual fantasy of hers, and has really done more to improve our sex life rather than decrease it.

I think the most important part is the level of honesty between the two partners, and sexual compatibility. My SO and I are lucky, we are in sync sexually and I'm all in favor of her preferred line of work - all though I do wish she'd work for an agency instead of being independent. I think agencies are worth every penny because she doesn't have to handle her own advertsing, phones etc; but she likes to have full control over her calls, so what can you do.

She has "retired" twice, once was because we moved briefly away from Toronto, and once to recover from some back trouble. I don't know if the hobby has any special lure for her that she can't break, because we've never really tried to break away from it, she truly enjoys what she does and how many of us get to work at a job where we can say that?


Feb 17, 2004
Loki, out of curiosity-- would your SO be opposed to you going out to fulfill sexual fantasies with SP's as long as no "love or emotion" was involved? It reminds me of the old Eddie Murphy routine, "Yes! I fucked her! Let's talk about the word FUCK. F-U-C-K! I fucked her-- but I "make love to you baby"....


Apr 10, 2003
She would be ok with that, she understands the joy of recreational sex, for sure.

We haven't explored it though, mainly because of me. We might be an odd match, she enjoys multiple partners, and I am very happy with her as my sole partner. I think it goes to our basic natures, some people are born monogamous, and some aren't. I could go the rest of my life with only her in my bed, and be quite content. (Dare I confess such a sin on this board?! :) )

I do love being around beautiful women, but my drive has always been to photograph them, rather than get them into bed.


Feb 17, 2004
Well I just learned somethiung new... TERB in my books is a certified educational institution... We'll all graduate with our Bachelor of Sex (BSX). Add that one to your business card!

Phat Boy

Senior Member
Dec 31, 2001
The Shake said:
Okay - she's an idiot because you weren't clear. I see.

Interesting that you "don't approve" of women being SP's, yet you have no problem seeing them yourself.

fuck yeah.....who said this..."i wouldnt come in the same mouth that my wife uses to kiss our kids goodnight"

i think it was john gotti explaining why he liked the "pros"
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