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SO's of high mileage MPA's & SP's...How do you really feel?

G-Spot Seeker

New member
Jan 12, 2004
Isn't it human nature to feel hurt...

...when you are so in love with someone that you just cannot stand another person touching them in an intimate way let alone full out passionate sex? When you are in love you want to share everything you have with the other (not sharing each other's sexual past or present in this case). There is nothing more amazing than making passionate love to the person that you love. It goes beyond just is what makes us content and glad to be living. It takes away any emptiness you may have felt before the loving relationship.

When your partner goes out and gets that intimacy elsewhere(even if his/her heart is with you), you are cheated of that total intimacy and trust you have with your SO. Unless you are polygomous or a swinger, how many people can stand picturing their SO have sex with someone else?


New member
Jun 1, 2003
Still waiting for a name, website, rates etc.

Dude, you're hurt. You feel cheated, embarassed, and humiliated.

So your GF's a prostitute. Get over it!!! Help the girl out by setting us up with the contact info we need to enrich her life and yours.


Apr 16, 2003
hiding behind my computer screen.
Dudebox[/i] [b] It's hurts a little when you learn something like that about someone you hold in the highest esteem and that fact alone has saddened and disappointed me somewhat. [/b][/quote] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Shake said:

Awwww, sounds like sumwubby needs a hug.

Just out of curiosity Shakey, if you fell for a girl and really cared about her (or thought you did), do you honestly think you would be cool with her coming and telling you she was now going to see other guys for money? Do you honestly believe a girl could care for you (hold you and your relationship in high regard) but then choose to become a SP? Many girls quit SP'ing when they find love so what does it say if she chooses to become a SP when she is in a relationship with you? How about if your wife came and told you that she had made the decision to become a SP? I know it is unfair to have a double standard (but every guy has one) and the correct way to think about it is that she loves you and that it is just a job (the mind and body thing), but is it realistic that you could think that way, especially long-term? I know the situation would be very different if you met your SO as a SP, but even taking that into consideration, I want to know what guy can honestly say he wouldn't be as happy as a pig in shit, the day his girl quit the biz? I know that’s what I would be thinking, and, I'm going to get bashed by liberal left-wing nonsense but, I think that's how most all guys operate.

PS - I, obviously, disagree with SP's not being the "intellectual equivalent" of others by the line of work they choose. Other than that basic point of difference (and perhaps he should’ve communicated his feelings better or just left the relationship) I can see where dudebox is coming from.


New member
Feb 14, 2004
The Shake said:
Awwww, sounds like sumwubby needs a hug.
Sounds like sumwubby needs to go lick a dog's ass 'til it bleeds. Retard.

As for the rest, thanks for the comments, positive or negative. To clarify though: the part about intellectual equality was not about the job per se, but rather her flawed decision-making process involved in seeking it out despite the obvious damage that it would cause.

The point of all this may be moot now anyway since there is a new development that she is unaware of at the present time that will most likely negate her need to continue working as of right now. We'll see though.

And no mexicanbullfrog you can't have her info...


Feb 19, 2003
Maybe she's testing you. Maybe she's seeing if you can love her even if she tries to fuck with your mind by staying in the biz " a little longer to make all the stress worth it". (IMO that's horse shit). The nature of the biz is such that for many SP's once in it, it's easy to fall back into it to pay some bills. In anyt event, how can she set a target amount then piss away money? Or maybe she wants you to snap and insist that she quit. Like it's some sort of proof that you love her. Or maybe she's doing this headgame to try to force you into asking her move in with you.

In the end, it doesn't make a difference. You'll clearly never be able to get over this so you should just count your losses and move on. Like Morgan said, there are guys who can handle this scenario. You're clearly not up to it.


The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
dudebox said:

To clarify though: the part about intellectual equality was not about the job per se, but rather her flawed decision-making process involved in seeking it out despite the obvious damage that it would cause.
Ah, I see, she's dumb because she didn't reach the same conclusion that you did.

Sounds like sumwubby needs to go lick a dog's ass 'til it bleeds. Retard.
Hey, big fella, its okay. I'll make sure that its a very manly hug and I won't get angry if you cry on my shoulder.

Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
fernie said:
Like Morgan said, there are guys who can handle this scenario. You're clearly not up to it.

I want to make it clear here, however, that I do not judge men who can't accept this situation.

I mean, I'm an SP - of course I'd like to think that all men should just be peachy keen with what we do for a living, but the reality is that society has not conditioned most of us to be this tolerant. It can't be an easy thing to get past.

I do believe, though, that if you're SO is in this line of work, and it is literally making you experience as much torment as has been expressed in this thread, then you need to move on to another relationship. If you don't, things are going to get toxic, fast.

As for Misty -

I'm sorry, but I don't agree with you. Yes, there are men who can 'accept' that this is their SO's career of choice, without it turning into some huge dramatic opera.

Some of us have managed to unlearn all the crap society tosses at us about monogamy being natural, and jealousy being the only logical reaction to their SO being intimate with another person.

Luckily for me, those are the only kinds of people I choose to become involved with. I'm happier that way, my partner is happier that way, we're all happier that way -- and the chances we'll end up on Jerry Springer are exponentially reduced.

-- Morgan

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
Picky - Go back and read my post. I never once suggested that his feelings about her new job were unfair, juvenile, or much different than most guys in similiar situations would share.

The problem here is the passive-agressive game that he is playing with this woman. Clearly, he is not able to be in a relationship with a woman who is a sex worker. There's nothing wrong with that, and nothing wrong with him for feeling that way. Why not just tell her that, instead of making it appear that he'll respect/deal with her decision and then turning around and condemning her for it because its not the decision that he wanted her to make?

G-Spot Seeker

New member
Jan 12, 2004
Re: Re: Isn't it human nature to feel hurt...

bbwmorgan said:
No, that's called societal conditioning, not human nature.

-- Morgan
BBWM, I disagree because you are basing this on animal instinct rather than human feelings which are much more complex. If you were to have a group of people grow up on an island away from any outside feedback, I believe those people would grow up having the same jealousies we encounter without societal influences.


New member
Jun 1, 2003
dudebox said:
And no mexicanbullfrog you can't have her info...
With an attitude like that, she'll never hit her target. Leave her now, because you cannot accept what she does, or help her get out of the business fast by promoting her to an audience of interested hobbists.

I personally think you lost her already, because she is committed to this goal, and put your feelings second. She's already broomed you, only she hasn't told you. You are now a hinderence to her, not a help to her.

Does she have big tits?

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
Re: Re: Re: Isn't it human nature to feel hurt...

G-Spot Seeker said:
BBWM, I disagree because you are basing this on animal instinct rather than human feelings which are much more complex. If you were to have a group of people grow up on an island away from any outside feedback, I believe those people would grow up having the same jealousies we encounter without societal influences.
I think most jealousy (but not all) is based on fear rather than envy. Its not so much that your lover being with someone else is the problem, but rather the worry that they might prefer that person to you and end your relationship.

Why is that a fear? Why don't we similarly worry when our friends spend time with their other friends?

Why? Because we've been conditioned to believe that monogamy is the natural/normal state of being for us. Variations from that model are so harshly discouraged, even in today's relatively liberal society, that its really impossible to determine how much is nature as opposed to nurture.


Apr 16, 2003
hiding behind my computer screen.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Isn't it human nature to feel hurt...

The Shake said:
I think most jealousy (but not all) is based on fear rather than envy. Its not so much that your lover being with someone else is the problem, but rather the worry that they might prefer that person to you and end your relationship.
Nah, that's not what I would fear. If I was dating a hot-looking SP I would realize that I was probably way better looking than the average hobbyiest and that I had nothing to fear. Kinda of like when your g/f is hanging out with the class nerd, you know the situation is perfectly harmless and that geek boy can't possibly take her away from you. What I'd fear would be the loss of emotional intimacy on her part and that she would become more jaded and distant and the sex act more impersonal and mechanical.
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