Should Markjfr be banned?

Should Markjfr be banned?

  • Yes

    Votes: 31 37.8%
  • No

    Votes: 36 43.9%
  • Who

    Votes: 15 18.3%

  • Total voters


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
bbking said:
I am a Liberal but just like there is a big difference between a Neo-Conservative(or Social) and a Conservative, there is huge difference between that twit and me.

Actually I'm not sure which I would like to take out back and shoot more, the extreme left or the extreme right.

Learn the differences in political positions before you call someone a hypocrite you ignorant ding dong, but then again those on the extreme right like yourself see things in absolutes, so I'm expecting way too much from you. Then again those on extreme left do the same thing. Damn this gives me a headache.


Didn't address the point I raised . liberal is like being an ndp but wearing a suit.


New member
Feb 28, 2006
MarkJfr said:
why do you want censorship?

You know Saddam Hussain and Adolf Hilter took away people's freedoms to free speech and to express their ideas. Saddam Hussain used to use razors to cut of the toungues and ears of those he wanted to shutup.

Are you advocating to silence me because I am exposing the turh? That Bush is Nazi using evidence and documentaries and declassified US government documents?

people like you are part of the problem. The reason why death camps were allowed to occure is because people watched and were to slow to react. They reacted too late. I am trying to prevent another Death Camp by being an alert and vigilant citizen. I open people's eyes to what is happening because people are no longer alert. They take freedom for granted .

You will not take my right to freedom of expression away!

Let freedom Ring.
Keep up the good work. With you working your ass off, I'm sure that Hezbollah and other Islamic fanatics will be eliminated.



New member
Mar 4, 2006
xdog said:
Keep up the good work. With you working your ass off, I'm sure that Hezbollah and other Islamic fanatics will be eliminated.

I am trying to open your eyes, I am trying to save you and me and the rest of the free world from these neo-nazi's that took office and want to start WW3, and enslave us financially and in every otherway. You will be the salve of the new world order and you will willfully and gladly serve them without knowing it because you dont want to open your eyes to the truth.

Tomorrow in 5 years from now or so, you will be living on loans from Visa and other things, and you will work your ass off to pay it and cant pay it because the interest that the new world order is going to put on you will keep you a financial slave till your grave.

I feel sorry for you because you are blind to the truth. I feel like Moses when he told his people the message and they all laughed at him, but later regreted it, and said if only we listened. Your grandchildren will lament the fact that you and the rest of the current generation did not do anything and waiting until all our civil freedoms were taken away one by one and slowly, like increasing the temperature of the water in which a frog stayed, until it boiled and fried at the end.



Active member
Aug 16, 2003
Bora Bora
MarkJfr said:
I am trying to open your eyes, I am trying to save you and me and the rest of the free world from these neo-nazi's that took office and want to start WW3, and enslave us financially and in every otherway. You will be the salve of the new world order and you will willfully and gladly serve them without knowing it because you dont want to open your eyes to the truth.

Tomorrow in 5 years from now or so, you will be living on loans from Visa and other things, and you will work your ass off to pay it and cant pay it because the interest that the new world order is going to put on you will keep you a financial slave till your grave.

I feel sorry for you because you are blind to the truth. I feel like Moses when he told his people the message and they all laughed at him, but later regreted it, and said if only we listened. Your grandchildren will lament the fact that you and the rest of the current generation did not do anything and waiting until all our civil freedoms were taken away one by one and slowly, like increasing the temperature of the water in which a frog stayed, until it boiled and fried at the end.


Gotta disagree with you here bud....the whole world always seems to work out....doesnt anyone see dont think there are those in shadow positions who do good work as you say? What, because you cant find a source on the net to prove these people even exist, means that theyre not there....there are PLENTy of them....

....besides, as history has shown, no man can ever be kept down - no king, czar, president or whatever without a America dying...yes....will it come to revolution....yes....



Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
DonQuixote said:
Send him down to Dayton for a month as punishment.
He and OTB can sip a couple of chilled brew and get
to know each other.

Perfect penance for both of them.

So if OTB is from Dayton, is he Re-tired.??


Active member
Jan 15, 2004
MarkJfr said:
I feel like Moses when he told his people the message and they all laughed at him, but later regreted it, and said if only we listened. Peace.
There will be a point in your life when you will be so embarrassed that you wrote this, if that point never comes, then I truly feel sorry for you.

For the last couple of weeks your contribution has been nothing more than pasting links to ridiculous conspiracy sites and breathlessly announcing that these discoveries are worth something or that they posess new information. all of it is the same crap that has existed for years and years -- did you just find out about the internet or something -- in differing forms -- the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, questionable links to hidden Nazi pasts, the mysterious OWL in the woods, the Rockerfellers, the Tri-lateral Commission etc, etc, etc.

At the end of the day, all it amounts to it is the sad rantings of people who feel that there is a mysterious "them" out there that is somehow responsible for the miserable lot that is their lives.

why don't you come back when you have mastered at least a smidgen of critical thinking?


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
bbking said:
Clearly you didn't understand a thing I posted, so why waste my time trying to point out the difference on a cement head who has a zero political education and will never understand the basic differences amongst, let say, conservatives and discuss those differences with some intelligence.

You got to lift those knuckles off the ground Lanc and stop speaking in grunts. Oh that signature line - England Sucks and the World Cup proved that.


Wow, you are good. I really dont know what to say in response to that clever spew. You have studied hard at the union hall and the stewards must be most impressed. Generally I'm so far to the right that most people seem like liberals. Must raise that issue at the next militia meeting.

Maybe I'll just have a few more drinks then go back out and crush more proletariat under my tacticals. Good entertainment is getting so hard to find .


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
bbking said:
....taken out back and shot is not allowed in our society, so I can't think of a better one.
Let him be, he is doing no harm and is not dangerous to anybody. And who knows, he may well someday dig something up, that everybody else misses.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
MarkJfr said:
I feel like Moses...
Moses supposes his toeses are roses, but Moses supposes erroneously.


New member
Feb 28, 2006
danmand said:
Let him be, he is doing no harm and is not dangerous to anybody. And who knows, he may well someday dig something up, that everybody else misses. mean his brain......



Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
danmand said:
Let him be, he is doing no harm and is not dangerous to anybody. And who knows, he may well someday dig something up, that everybody else misses.

You mean he might find A-ROD.:D


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
onthebottom said:
or is there a better solution.....

It would be enjoyable not to have to wade through his inane babble but censorship probably isn't the answer. Ignoring him would be best but there appears to be at least 3 or 4 other poisoned souls who share some of his views. The best solution is to let them just talk amongst themselves I guess.

On the other hand the "Hitler's Jewish Army" and any of the "Alex Jones" posts are classics.


Active member
Oct 12, 2005
consider the source

There is some hope for Mark, who seems young. For the close-minded, mean-spirited jackass who proposed banning him, on the other hand..



Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
maxweber said:
There is some hope for Mark, who seems young. For the close-minded, mean-spirited jackass who proposed banning him, on the other hand..


Just got out on a day pass eh, f**king liberal court system. OTB did not propose to ban him, more like he raised a question for open debate.
Those filter glasses may not be great but they do allow you to focus.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
DonQuixote said:
Send him down to Dayton for a month as punishment.
He and OTB can sip a couple of chilled brew and get
to know each other.

Perfect penance for both of them.
I think I'll pass.



Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
maxweber said:
There is some hope for Mark, who seems young. For the close-minded, mean-spirited jackass who proposed banning him, on the other hand..

Find a mirror......


And while you're looking a sense of humor might be in order as well.



Well-known member
May 25, 2002
danmand said:
Let him be, he is doing no harm and is not dangerous to anybody. And who knows, he may well someday dig something up, that everybody else misses.
After all the CRAP he has spewed out the problem is - no one would believe it if he actually did find something someday.

Like the "boy who cried wolf".


Well-known member
May 25, 2002
Hey Mark...

You ever consider that if any of the crap you spew was true then you would have been "erased" by now? CIA / NSA / IDF...... etc...


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Conservative vs lib

Don. Agreed that it is very hard to define in the modern world. Things are not so cut and dried anymore which causes me pain as i pretty much live in a mind set that is cut and dried. I was raised in an us vs them environment with no room allowed for the grey areas.

To me a Conservative is someone who looks at what you have, either envies or admires it and aspires to do well to get something better.

A liberal is someone who looks at what you have, envies you, and finds a way to take it from you.

Socialists are like liberals only they are not so polite when they take it.

In the economic and judicial area I am Ultra Ultra right, but if I wasn't such a libertarian on personal issues I would be quite the hypocrite being on this board. I pretty much just want as little government as we can get away with while still ensuring our security.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Quest4Less said:
Hey Mark...

You ever consider that if any of the crap you spew was true then you would have been "erased" by now? CIA / NSA / IDF...... etc...
You are underestimating the evilness of these organizations. Mark is a plant to discredit the people who have uncovered the truth about 9/11.
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