Actually, Redshank and Oracle would do well to read the list of estimated casualties of WW2. Italy has almost as many military casualties as the UK and more civilian casualties. The Italian issues were lack of an industrial base and tactics and equipment that were 5 - 10 years out of date at a time where tactics and weapons tech were changing every year or two. It was sold to the Allied public as " Italian cowardice" as a morale booster. But the truth was far different.
That is a bit misleading. Neither the UK nor Italy went through the grinder like other countries did. 300-400K dead in a population of about 45 million are rookie numbers. Germany was much more costly to take out.
That being said, the Italian military was pretty much a failure in every way possible. Amount and quality of equipment, leadership etc. However your typical Italian soldier wasn't exactly motivated to die uselessly for a useless cause for useless officers, like any reasonable person. There were however clusters of idiotic bravery like in the Artillery and some of the special forces.
Again, I didn't say you were wrong, just a bit off.