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Relationships are tough these days


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Many women now have careers and money and/or are in lesbo relationships so don't feel the need to have "the man" in their life. If they want children, they can adopt like Charlize Theron and Sandra Bullock or they can actually produce their own with a sperm donor.

I read or heard somewhere that when Ashley Madison got hacked 95 % of the members were male 3% were women and 2% were female escorts. (The numbers might vary but you get the idea.)

BTW: No self-respecting, intelligent, capable and independent woman would ever seek a sugar daddy.

Nor would any guy post incessantly on an escort review site without ever posting a single review. What's your point Mr. Eunuch?


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2003
Actually, in a long run it's a winner for men. They chase a small group of men while they are really young, by the time they reach thirties, reality settles in like a cold bucket of water. Dating women in their thirties is easier than ever in my opinion. You just have to be polite, wear something smart and clean, open the car door for them and you're in.
Not that I would argue your reasoning, but this is only a win if you want to date women in their 30s :)



Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Not that I would argue your reasoning, but this is only a win if you want to date women in their 30s :)

I'm too old for the 20s airheads. The ladies in their thirties are still hot, but smarter.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
lol someone's obviously bitter if he has to hate on sex workers while cruising a sex worker's forum to make his point. i wasn't attacking anyone, i was pointing out an obvious fact. when you resort to personal insults, you lose.

I was not referring to sex workers, plural . My post was responding to you, personally.

Nor did I "hate on" you because you are a sex worker.

You argument trying to veil your attack on the OP as "pointing out an obvious fact" fails.

I just find your posts to be vituperative and toxic to just about every discussion you post in. Andit is always pretty contemptuous of men. I observed your frantic flailing and spewing in the SD thread and resisted posting as it is so clear that not one person agreed with you anyways. You had enough piling on.

Oh, I do more than "cruise". I use TERB for its intended purpose. I write reviews. I read the agency and independent ads and as a result I am a customer.

And one more thing... TERB is not a "Sex Worker's Forum" . Assuming you intended to use an apostrophe to denote possession of the forum.

So just a reminder.... TERB is a forum where customers review sex workers. Not a place I interfere with you as a "sex worker" you use to belittle and shit on your potential clients.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2017
it's weird that you're accusing the girls' interest in social media as the sole reason for the breakdown in your relationship when there's at least like five other things at play here:

- how interesting/dateable are you if they'd rather be on instagram than socialize/give attention to you
- how interesting/dateable are you if you are on an escort review board asking for advice about your girlfriends
- why does it appear that you only attract vapid women who are on instagram all day
- you are on TERB, so it appears your first 'solution' to your relationship issues is the easy way out: paying for a short-term fantasy as opposed to putting in the real work of finding and nurturing a relationship
- you assume the women you were with who were on instagram were seeking 'attention' - what basis do you have for this belief? or is this just your selfish way of discounting what may have been their boredom with you

i always think it's funny that men on here try to ask for relationship advice from other men on here - hello, this is not a good representative sample of the kind of men who have successful relationships lol.
I think you may have a pretty good idea about women being addicted to social media. Lol.

Would you be able to not spend the amount of hours a week you waste on social media for a guy.......any guy?


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
My last two girlfreinds have been a nightmare. Reason why social media and them being constantly on it (addicted) specfically instagram. They where spending way to much time on it and i was never sure what they where doing or talking to. I have no problem with them being on it once i awhile keeping in touch with freinds and family but spending hours on it everyday and then who knows how much time on the weekends was a real problem for me.

Its a real relationship killer and the best i can figure why women are on it so much is attention. I cant see myself in a real relationship these days with the cell phone so powerful in peoples lives. Im not going to compete with it for my girls attention.

Anyone else having issues with your SO being on her phone and social media way to much.
this is one of my non negotiable s for when dating a woman. if they live on social media, Im not interested. it speaks volumes to me about the character of that person. I see it as the need for validation by others for pointless shit. seriously how important is your food? or duck lips? there are so many other thing that are much more useful to do with your time beside playing on the phone and watching for updates. I have a huge bone of contention for people that surf their phone while I am with them physically in their presence. a complete lack of respect and consideration of my time and our relationship. I will kick that shit to the curb.

however, I do see social media as a good way to promote your business. definitely a no go when it comes to a personal relationship.

Josephine Grey

Well-known member
Oct 2, 2017
My last two girlfreinds have been a nightmare. Reason why social media and them being constantly on it (addicted) specfically instagram. They where spending way to much time on it and i was never sure what they where doing or talking to. I have no problem with them being on it once i awhile keeping in touch with freinds and family but spending hours on it everyday and then who knows how much time on the weekends was a real problem for me.

Its a real relationship killer and the best i can figure why women are on it so much is attention. I cant see myself in a real relationship these days with the cell phone so powerful in peoples lives. Im not going to compete with it for my girls attention.

Anyone else having issues with your SO being on her phone and social media way to much.
I kind of get where you are coming from. Cell phone with all the new social media, dating app and even texting is a big factor in a lot of relationship failure for both men and women.

In the old days we actually had to get out of the house to meet new people and see our friends. We had to call. Talk and interact in person.

I now feel like social media had a lot of people getting addicted to social recognition, getting more followers, "likes", ect. Social media make it so easy to cheat and meet new people that we just consommate relationship like we do with our phones. We dont really care about it because there will be a new one as soon as the old one will not work the way we want.

Now is it the case for women only? no. It goes both ways. Our society is kind of sick.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Dawnlee you remind me of Lucy in Peanuts. I can just see you pulling away that football as poor old Charlie Brown goes to kick it.
Lol :D


Fast Cars and Hot Women
Mar 6, 2015
The World
I watch my kids and girlfriends and between smoking cigarettes and social media they barely have time to sleep and shower. Relationships have certainly changed. Glad I have this taken care of between SP and SO.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Now is it the case for women only? no. It goes both ways. Our society is kind of sick.
It's not exclusive to women but it's mainly women and a tiny handful of men. Considering the fact that women rate most men as ugly on free dating sites while men rate women on a respectable Bell Curve, it's women that are in the driver's seat. It's women who are hypergamous, not men. I'm not dumping on women, I'm just stating the obvious. A hot guy will hookup with a hot, average, and even below average female for a good time. But it doesn't work the other way around.

The post about the availability of 30+ year old women by another poster has a lot of validity. But one should understand that these women are not necessarily any 'smarter' or any more 'mature' than they were in their 20s. They simply know that options decrease with age so finding stability, any way they can get it, is in their best interest. It may not be you that she cares about, rather how useful you are to her that she cares about.

If a women is 30+ and deep into a successful career, I give her kudos and she is potentially great relationship material. She worked her ass off and that's not easy to do. But if she's 30 and just "starting her life" a whole lot of skepticism should come into play. What exactly was she doing in her "previous" life from 20 - 30 such that virtually no progress was made. Life's too short to throw away a decade exclusively on partying and fucking around.

Josephine Grey

Well-known member
Oct 2, 2017
It's not exclusive to women but it's mainly women and a tiny handful of men. Considering the fact that women rate most men as ugly on free dating sites while men rate women on a respectable Bell Curve, it's women that are in the driver's seat. It's women who are hypergamous, not men. I'm not dumping on women, I'm just stating the obvious. A hot guy will hookup with a hot, average, and even below average female for a good time. But it doesn't work the other way around.

The post about the availability of 30+ year old women by another poster has a lot of validity. But one should understand that these women are not necessarily any 'smarter' or any more 'mature' than they were in their 20s. They simply know that options decrease with age so finding stability, any way they can get it, is in their best interest. It may not be you that she cares about, rather how useful you are to her that she cares about.

If a women is 30+ and deep into a successful career, I give her kudos and she is potentially great relationship material. She worked her ass off and that's not easy to do. But if she's 30 and just "starting her life" a whole lot of skepticism should come into play. What exactly was she doing in her "previous" life from 20 - 30 such that virtually no progress was made. Life's too short to throw away a decade exclusively on partying and fucking around.
This problem is not related to social media dependance or lazyness in my humble opinion. We are asked to choose at a very young age what we want to do as a lifetime job. Let's say 16 or 17. The problem with millenials or the generation a bit before, is that a lot of them will try a certain path and then come back to school to start over and this is what delays the "settling down process". The generation before us chose the resignation path and often fall in a midlife crisis because of their general insatisfaction.

Now the society is sick and a lot of us focus on material and social acceptance but italso vary depending with what kind of people you are hanging out with and who you chose to date.

In most case, this has nothing to do with social media we have to be carefull here. If you ending up thinking that most of the 30 yrs old women are not smarter but just evaporate, its because you are in a pattern in your dating life. All these women has something in common and that something...is you.
That leads me to suggest rethinking your choice or where you find them.

**sorry for the multiple edit but exposing an argument in English is a bit more work for me lol**.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
I like you. Really interesting thoughts.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
Time to twin this thread with the one about 30 somethings still living in mom's basement?
This problem is not related to social media dependance or lazyness in my humble opinion. We are asked to choose at a very young age what we want to do as a lifetime job. Let's say 16 or 17. The problem with millenials or the generation a bit before, is that a lot of them will try a certain path and then come back to school to start over and this is what delays the "settling down process". The generation before us chose the resignation path and often fall in a midlife crisis because of their general insatisfaction.

Now the society is sick and a lot of us focus on material and social acceptance but italso vary depending with what kind of people you are hanging out with and who you chose to date.

In most case, this has nothing to do with social media we have to be carefull here. If you ending up thinking that most of the 30 yrs old women are not smarter but just evaporate, its because you are in a pattern in your dating life. All these women has something in common and that something...is you.
That leads me to suggest rethinking your choice or where you find them.

**sorry for the multiple edit but exposing an argument in English is a bit more work for me lol**.
Looking For Love in all the wrong places!


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2016
it's weird that you're accusing the girls' interest in social media as the sole reason for the breakdown in your relationship when there's at least like five other things at play here:

- how interesting/dateable are you if they'd rather be on instagram than socialize/give attention to you
- how interesting/dateable are you if you are on an escort review board asking for advice about your girlfriends
- why does it appear that you only attract vapid women who are on instagram all day
- you are on TERB, so it appears your first 'solution' to your relationship issues is the easy way out: paying for a short-term fantasy as opposed to putting in the real work of finding and nurturing a relationship
- you assume the women you were with who were on instagram were seeking 'attention' - what basis do you have for this belief? or is this just your selfish way of discounting what may have been their boredom with you

i always think it's funny that men on here try to ask for relationship advice from other men on here - hello, this is not a good representative sample of the kind of men who have successful relationships lol.
I wouldn't be so quick to judge like that...Many members here have significant others...

One can also argue: Who are you to pass judgement like given the impact of your line of work on your love life?

Overall, the equation is never that simple.


Aug 10, 2013
Here's a thought for you. Perhaps change your "type" of woman you are looking for and you may have a better success in the long run! I have a buddy who would constantly end up with the crazies until I pointed it out to him, they all share similar personalities, similar taste, similar temperaments and I said to him, why not change that up a little bit? Lo and be hold, he did! Now he is with a great woman for the last 4 years and he is the happiest I have ever seen from him in the last 15+ or so years.

People tend to get caught in the same cycle and unable to break that trap/cycle.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
The women of today are a new breed. totally different. Social media, online dating and stuff like tinder has made them just as ruthless as the guys.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Social media was supposed to help connect us, but I swear it's done the opposite. Instead it's become a platform for perpetuating vanity and envy, for mob justice, and for obsession. Social media has given us little good and a whole lot of bad.


Active member
Oct 5, 2008
Dawn lee and the other SP please sit down

OP is talking about hot young pussy in college/early 20s that is obviously addicted to Instagram and attention. It’s a societal problem, young men are addicted too but for young women it’s much more prevalent

This doesn’t apply to you because you’re a decade older and don’t face the same social pressure. Instead of denying it and trying to fault the OP just discuss the issue at hand.
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