Race in America Today


Apr 24, 2005
For what it is worth, an article on the cause(s) of the Civil War and Jefferson Davis' views on slavery.

Jefferson Davis was a staunch believer in states' rights. It was his interpretation of the constitution, his belief that the United States was a voluntary union of sovereign states, that actually led him to become the president of the confederacy. In the years leading up to Mississippi's break with the union, the northern states and the federal government were submitting the southern states to abnormal pressure. Basically, the federal government saw the southern states as captive consumers of the northern factories. When the southern states looked overseas for trade, the northern companies through their congressional influence imposed biased tax laws upon the southern consumers. Finally, the south said "we've had enough". The south sent a represetative body to Washington, seeking an audience to discuss peaceful resolutions, but President Lincoln refused to see them.
The south did not declare, nor did they fight, a civil war. By definition, in simple terms, a civil conflict is where one party tries to overthrow the government of another party. The southern confederacy did not try to overthrow the US federal government. the southern states simply wanted to be left alone, to pursue a government that they thought was more just. Rather than look for a peaceful resolution, the federal government knew that the confederate states produced over 75% of the agicultural products of the United States. The federal government did not want to relinguish control over that much prosperity.
How does this relate to Jefferson Davis' view of slavery? Simple. Slavery was part of the economic condition in the south. Davis viewed slaves as property and defended his stance by citing the constitution. But Davis also knew the obvious immoral problem of slavery. He was, as was most of the southern plantation owners, struggling with the solution. But the immediate problem with the formation of the confederacy and the position that the federal government took when it came to heavy-handed governing, caused his public position on slavery to take a back seat.
Davis was in favor of reviving the slave trade and dreamed of a slave-holding empire that included Cuba, Mexico, and farther south. He also showed no interest in territories that did not allow slavery. During the Civil War, he was careful to avoid the appearance of being pro-slavery because he hoped that England, Russia, or France would assist the Confederacy. England and Russia were firmly against slavery and France would not get involved alone.
In one of his speeches, Davis is credited with telling either the US congress or the congress of the confederacy (I can't find the document and I don't remember which speech) that slavery would disappear :thumb:from this country within two more generations, perhaps sooner.
Some of the biggest benefactors of slavery were the owners of shipping lines residing in the northern states. So don't be too quick to judge the South. Slavery was, and is, an appalling practice that scarred the lives of so many. The world has evolved in many ways, and many of the practices in the history of our planet were barbarious. It is not difficult to understand that our part of the world had to go through the same evolutionary changes. Hopefully we have learned from our past.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2013
Dude, seriously. Take a world history course. Don't let your Aspergers' syndrome stop you from learning.
Sure buddy, it was the Japanese that enslaved black people and forced them to work on plantations. It was the Chinese that stole the land from the indigineous people here and drove them into reserves. Like I said before, I think you have a syndrome. It starts with Down's.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Ok, they all stole land from the indigineous people here and drove them into reserves? I think you're making up your own world history, buddy and no amount of books or actual facts will change your imaginary history so I'm not even gonna try.
Here's a link to a Harvard lecture that discussed genocide. Worst genocide in history? Cambodians killing Cambodians. Other notables? Turks killing Armenians, Indians killing Bangladeshians, Rwandans killing Rwandans, white Europeans killing white Europeans.


If the link doesn't work just google "worst genocide in history harvard"

Here's a link that demonstrates the size of Spanish (Latino) slave usage in Brazil and elsewhere in South America and the Caribbean comprised upwards of 70% of black slavery from 1600-1860. (Or do you feel Latinos are white too)?


There is lots to learn out there. I hope you are well.


New member
Mar 28, 2004


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2013
Obviously racism exists all around the world. White people have just been doing it longer and on a bigger scale than the rest. Show me one culture that committed worse atrocities than slavery, stealing the land from natives, murdering 6 million Jews in the holocaust. These are just examples from the top if my head. All done with racist intent. All done by white people.


Apr 24, 2005
it was the Japanese that enslaved black people
I know you are being sarcastic but the Japanese actually did enslaved the Koreans and many other Asians during their wars of conquests in the first half of the 20th century.

Apparently, almost all the Black Africans shipped to America were captured (those that were not killed) by other Black Africans and sold to slave traders. Not sure what life was like for those captured Black Africans not shipped to America but remained in Africa?


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Obviously racism exists all around the world. White people have just been doing it longer and on a bigger scale than the rest. Show me one culture that committed worse atrocities than slavery, stealing the land from natives, murdering 6 million Jews in the holocaust. These are just examples from the top if my head. All done with racist intent. All done by white people.
I just quoted you a shitload of examples that are worse than all of those. Whether you like it or not, white people are not the worst on the planet. Not even close. I am sorry if your personal experiences have been bad, but that does not change reality. Whitey is nicer than most people on earth, he truly is. Many would argue that the white man is the nicest person on the planet!! God bless!!


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2013
Here's a link to a Harvard lecture that discussed genocide. Worst genocide in history? Cambodians killing Cambodians. Other notables? Turks killing Armenians, Indians killing Bangladeshians, Rwandans killing Rwandans, white Europeans killing white Europeans.


If the link doesn't work just google "worst genocide in history harvard"

Here's a link that demonstrates the size of Spanish (Latino) slave usage in Brazil and elsewhere in South America and the Caribbean comprised upwards of 70% of black slavery from 1600-1860. (Or do you feel Latinos are white too)?


There is lots to learn out there. I hope you are well.
Spanish people are from Spain and are most definitely white. Latinos are descendants from conquistadors and indigineous people from South America and the Caribbean. Maybe you should read a book and learn the difference, syndrome boy. Cambodians killing Cambodians, how is that racism? Sure, 670,000 enslaved for 50 years or so is bad, but does it compare to the ten of millions of Africans enslaved by white people for 400 years. I think you need to update your definition of worse and much worse.


Feb 14, 2013
Obviously racism exists all around the world. White people have just been doing it longer and on a bigger scale than the rest. Show me one culture that committed worse atrocities than slavery, stealing the land from natives, murdering 6 million Jews in the holocaust. These are just examples from the top if my head. All done with racist intent. All done by white people.
You must really love fucking white chics


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
Obviously racism exists all around the world. White people have just been doing it longer and on a bigger scale than the rest. Show me one culture that committed worse atrocities than slavery, stealing the land from natives, murdering 6 million Jews in the holocaust. These are just examples from the top if my head. All done with racist intent. All done by white people.
hitler was white, the jews were white. that isn't really racism. not picking a fight or nothing, just saying whites killing whites isn't really a race thing.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2013
Wow. Well OK then, matey. Stay ignorant, stay angry, stay hateful. It seems a sad way to go through life but its your life to live as you please. Clearly you are convinced that the white man is the worse person on earth and that the atrocities committed by white men are worse than the (much worse) atrocities committed by non-whites. That makes you a racist, by the way, but I don't expect you to accept that. I hope you find happiness.
You still failed to show me a racially-driven atrocity that was worse then one commited by white people. And now you have resorted to name calling. So call me what you will but the fact still remains that you are the one who is racist, ignorant, hateful and angry. So keep telling yourself you aren't a racist and remember to lock your door every time you're in your car and see a black kid walk by. Keep referring to them as "those people". Oh yeah, keep telling yourself that Trayvon was a thug and deserved what he got and keep believing everything Zimmerman says, even if it doesn't make sense. Yeah, I'm the racist, sure bud.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2013
hitler was white, the jews were white. that isn't really racism. not picking a fight or nothing, just saying whites killing whites isn't really a race thing.
Yeah, kinda realized after I posted it. Inter-race racism, I guess.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2013
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