purchasing handgun

Mr. K

"I'm lovin' it!"
Sep 26, 2003
Durham Region
I've got to think that this is most emotional issue I've seen on this board in quite a while.

It is obvious that many of you are against guns. You have somehow linked the mass of shootings in Toronto to legitimate gun owners.

The reality is that anyone can buy a gun on the street for about $200 or less. Remember the kid who was quoted a month ago about it being easier for him to buy a gun then find a job?

As long as guns are easily obtainable in the US, there will be illegal guns in Canada. You could ban guns tomorrow, slap huge penalties for gun possession, and there would still be guns on the streets, and in the hands of people who have no real conception of the "power" of gun.

Guns are a relatively 'clean' way of infliciting harm on others. They don't require a lot of training or practice to use, and they can cross distances more easily than knives, bottles, tire irons etc. As a purely logical weapon of choice for gangs, guns make sense.

All the shootings in Toronto since the start of the year have presumably been illegal weapons, it remains for the police and the community to get at the root cause. Banning guns isn't the answer. Dealing with the gangs is.

Dare I say 'racial profiling'... I awaiting my public hanging!

Wandering D

Aug 17, 2001
hornydawg ...I have limited experience with Sig and Bronwing. The former is a much im proved version of the later. It has a wide grip and may not be to your taste depending on the size of your hand. It is generally a fine piece of German engineering (although generally made in Vermont these days).

I use a .357 mag in S&W Stainless. Do not ever buy a stainless gun. Put simply, there not and you spend for ever trying to get them clean.


New member
Jun 9, 2003
Toronto, On
Folks I know that have switched from the Glock to the Sig products did not like the heavier trigger.

The Glock 17 has in general a 5 lb trigger while the Sig products are closer to 8 lb. In addition I think that the Sig's have a full trigger pull instead of glock's half way trigger.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
GLOCK is the choice of LE here. Check the misfires Glock should perform better overall


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
WARNING : this post has little, if any, insight ( as if any of my posts actually have any valid insight ) into the actual topic of guns, so if you do not already have me on ignore, I suggest skipping to the next post


Pete Graves said:
Well let's see here Pool. You say that "people who think it's their right to own guns won't questions anything", implying that you and your cohorts are superior, since you think and puzzle over the deeper issues.
It was actually a thought stemming from the previous paragraph relating to the Charlie interview in which he apparently had little interest and had given little thought as to the "why". His main "argument" appeared to be that it is his right. I said, the majority of people who think it is their right, not all people. More accurately I should have said many people wouldn't bother to question such things as posed by Micheal Moore. If someone is simply reiterating that it is their right under the constitution, it's unlikely they would stop to ponder the psychology behind their individual desire to own a firearm let alone the the general mindset or environmental factors. I may be wrong.

I'm not sure who you are referring to as my cohorts. I could be wrong, but a wild guess would be that you like to neatly categorise people into right-wing, left-wing, conservative, liberal, republican, democrats, pro- this, anti-that etc. Such a constrictive and narrow minded way of setting personal views, ethics and morals and judging others individuals.

You praise Michael Moore, but Charlton Heston is "a reckneck moron" with "the thought process of a pencil eraser". Once again, people who agree with you raise important and interesting questions and observations, but people that disagree are rednecks and morons.
Well yeah. I'm not sure of the value in winning an oscar, but I would think it accounts for something. I never even said I completely agree with Micheal Moore or for that fact disagreed with Charlie. If someone were to put forth a well thought out opinion vs a programmed format response I'd give it more credit no matter what stance they were taking. The right to bear arms, is not a reason or argument. It only gives you the right to choose and choosing is where thought comes into play.

I think that even some of the people who dislike or disagree with Micheal Moore would admit that it was a well made, clever and thought provoking documentary.

I'm going to change the context and modify my comment on Charlie, partly due to the fact he has Alzheimer's, of which I was not aware and is truly sad, but also because I know that Micheal Moore is an astute individual and obviously had an agenda, while poor Charlie was caught off guard. I generally don't toss around such labels as "redneck moron" lightly and can say with reasonable certainty have never done so on this board, 'till now. However, from my overall perception of him I find him not to be a very "thoughtful" individual and leans toward a "redneck" mentality.

How are you in any position to make a "clever commentary on the mentality of Americans"? You certainly haven't demonstrated a command of enough of the issues.
I'm not and never said I was or do. The issues are far too complex and grey. All people are doing is presenting their perspectives, with some interesting insight from both sides. I'm not sure why you paraphrase me as saying "Americans". I said many Americans. To think that the same mindset carries throughout all Americans and is restricted to only Americans as individuals would be completely asinine. The questions put forth were generalisations and should be taken as such. The question or assertion, depending on how you look at it, posed in the movie was addressing the USA as a whole, as well as in relation to other countries.


S & S, It does seem that it's what and how you say it. Condescending, abrasive and lacking empathy obviously detracts from the issue.


Jan 29, 2004
Rochester, NY, USA
Funny how the anti-gun folks alway manage to say that those of us who favor gun ownership should get with the times, that the founders never intended for the Constitution to be interpreted this way. And yet when you go after one of their sacred cows, all they can say is that the Constitution gaurantees all these rights that I have never seemed to be able to find, whether it's Gay marriage or aboortion , or whatever. I've been trying to keep up with the various Rights that are gauranteed,and the ownership of Arms seems to be pretty simple. I wonder why they thought that it needed to be the 2nd Amendment and not the 22nd... BTW I also have one of the new S&W 1911, also a very nice peice


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W

Well said


Apr 16, 2003
hiding behind my computer screen.
Grade 3 reasoning.

BiggieE said:
Funny how the anti-gun folks alway manage to say that those of us who favor gun ownership should get with the times, that the founders never intended for the Constitution to be interpreted this way.


I wonder why they thought that it needed to be the 2nd Amendment and not the 22nd...
I took out all the crap in the middle to help answer the question that you posed.

PS - Do you honestly believe that the 2nd amendment should be taken literally in its interpretation?


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
CityPulse just had a news item about some guy in Scarborough who was killed in a driveby shooting by a 1943 Maple Leaf penny in mint condition.

BigWaders said:
There is one thing that I can guarantee you. A gun is no more dangerous than a coin collection.


Well-known member
May 25, 2002
When there are no more "bad guys".. then I'll have no need for self defence. In the mean time, if you come for me (or my property), you'll leave in a body bag.

A good friend always said "I'd rather be judged by 12, then carried by 6".


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
Amendment to the Constitution - 1789

Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
It could literally be interpreted as ...

The right of the people, to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed upon in respect to the "necessity" of a well regulated militia within the context of protecting a free state.

I don't pretend to know what the exact interpretation of the second amendment is and would think my interpretation is nothing new or profound.

Just putting it up for discussion, because personally I believe in a persons right to freedom of responsible choice no matter how it is interpreted.


Jan 29, 2004
Rochester, NY, USA

...all the leftists seem to think we have to take all the other ammendments literally, so why should the 2nd be any different. Why is it that anti- gun people are SO afraid of law abiding citizens that own guns, and yet they do NOTHING to enforce the laws already on the books, that are designed to take hardened criminals off the streets. Because we are an easy target for the policies that the only thing they accomplish is to make the leftists feel good about "getting guns off the streets". I have seen where legally owned guns are involved in a very tiny percentage of crime, something less than .1%. Seems like they're going after the wrong people...btw I really like action shooting with my Mini-14.. I hafta get some more 40 rnd mags for it though


Feb 13, 2004
hornydawg said:
any gun fanatics out there?
Do the words gun and fanatic in the same sentence make you feel comfortable.

BTW a glock is typically not a competition pistol

Ophelia Black

Hey! Nice tits!
Sep 4, 2003
I've bought one and training. I'm a damn good shot. Why?

Stalkers. One in particular.

If neccessary, I will shoot him. No-one's taking me out because they're fucking bananas.

The idiot's never even met me.


Jan 29, 2004
Rochester, NY, USA

Glock runs a series of competitions that are only open to Glock pistol owners. Plus many police shooting contests are populated with Glocks because many agencies use them


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Ophelia Black said:
I've bought one and training. I'm a damn good shot. Why?

Stalkers. One in particular.

If neccessary, I will shoot him. No-one's taking me out because they're fucking bananas.

The idiot's never even met me.


not a thing wrong with personal protection. The Glock is very similar to my favorite .25 cal semi-auto. Small, sleek andand damed accurate.


New member
Dec 7, 2003
I didn't bother to read all the pages to this thread but hornydawg, if this your first handgun I would go with a .22 caliber. Ammo is cheap and you can learn how to shoot properly without blowing a fortune on ammo and learn how to contol your aim better with the light kick back. Also are you part of gun club, if you're not where do you plan on shooting it. There are restrictions on where you can discharge pistols, only at ranges, and in order to get your gun there you need a transport permit(if you're part of a club they issue you one to transport the firearm to the club and back home.) As for a glock, never shot one myself, it's a light pistol due to the polymer frame. Your best bet would be to check out a few gun stores and see what handguns they have and see if anything catches your eye besides a glock.

the ironmonger

New member
Jan 16, 2004
guns don't kill people - only people kill people.

that's like saying a kid makes just as much noise whether he has a drum or not.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts