Garden of Eden Escorts

purchasing handgun


New member
Aug 20, 2003
seven said:
. Guns aren't needed. Cars make society better off, guns don't.

Unfortunately out of principle, the right to gun ownership needs to be protected. The culture/mentality surrounding guns needs to be changed though, IMO, and I think Moore was bang on with his movie and the message he was trying to deliver.

You are wrong on this in my opinion. First of all in the hands of a lot of people today cars are a weapon and they do happen to kill a lot more people than guns, that is a fact .

Secondly who gives anyone the right to decide what is a privilege as opposed to a right I don't give anyone that power.

There is nothing inherently wrong with a gun , they are not evil in themselves. Unless you are mentally unstable or have committed a serious crime anyone should have a right to own a gun. Oh by the way mentally ill people and several serial killers have killed a lot of people without guns.


Rain Maker
Jun 3, 2003
From Parts Unknown
So if i put a gun in your hand will you go on a murdering spree???

the ironmonger said:
guns don't kill people - only people kill people.

that's like saying a kid makes just as much noise whether he has a drum or not.
Well actually yes....a kid CAN and WILL make just as much noise with or without the drum. It depends on the kid; you got a quiet noise. You got yourself a loud one and there will be noise...drum or no drum, he will find a way.

Same thing with guns and people. A gun is an inanimate itself it causes no harm. In the hands of a responsible person, it causes no harm. Put it in the hands of a killer and you got a problem....if that killer doesn't currently have a gun and is in need of one....he will find a way

And no, the problem is not making hand-guns available to the public which is why thugs can easily get them. Anyone who thinks this is a little naive when it comes to this stuff. If there is money and a demand for something it WILL be obtained (even if its strictly millitary use) wanna take hand guns off the street you will have to stop producing them period (which wont happen).

lol.... Life isn't simply black and white just like that

you'll be surpised what kind of hardware one can get if he/she has the money....Money does indeed talk.


New member
Apr 3, 2002
You don't really want a Glock 9mm...

Although I have 4 glocks none of them are 9mm and there are some nasty things going on with the 40's ( they call them KB's) ....

depending on your hand size you may want to look at an HK, Beratta, Springfield (XD if you like plastic) or even a Para... Colt is hit or miss in quality but you find a good one they are worth the money... Although an S&W is a good gun the company isn't really gun friendly and as a result suffered a fair bit in the US...

The first thing you have to ask is what am I going to do with it... Compete, plink, target shoot? This question will help determine what caliber and what gun....

9mm isn't really practical for a number of disciplines unless you want to handicap youself but it is fairly cheap to shoot.... I sell reloading equipment and supplies so I can help you down the road if you need it....


New member
Dec 7, 2003
On a side note did anyone find it interesting how Mr. Moore handled the rifle in the bank in Bowling for Columbine. He broke some serious rules in handling of a firearm, such as finger inside the trigger guard and on the trigger. I'm guessing he didn't take a firearm safety course before.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Garrett said:
, . If people want to think guns are not a presence today, and relaxed gun laws have not contributed to this, then I want some of what they have been smoking.

Guess what ,I've lived here all my life and 30 years ago when gun laws were very liberal we didn't have a problem.

Now it's harder than ever to legally get a gun and guess what again , we are having more problems with guns.

Sorry your argument doesn't work. I just don't see why some people think gun ownership is a privelege like we are all little children who need to be told what we can and can not purchase.
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