Good point incognito, and that brings up an interesting point:
If you like to SHOOT guns, or firearms of every type, we don't need everyone who likes this sport to own one. Systems or locations can be set up where the firearm would be stored there, ready for you to use should you get the urge.
Face it folks, more guns is NOT the answer. As someone pointed out, stiffer sentences for those committing a crime or caught in the possesion of a gun is the answer. Pretty soon (by attrition) there would be no more illegal firearms on the street.
Fact: The US has the highest "death by firearms rate" than any other country, by (if I remember correctly) a margin of 200000 percent. (based on a per capita scale).
2,000,000 guns in Canada? In Moore's film it was stated (I think) we have 17,000,000 guns in Canada. (more per capita than the US). and yet have less accidents or deaths by guns.
True, safe gun owership is a big issue but obviously we don't NEED guns, and if legaslature to keep us safe from ourselves is needed, and that means making ownership of firearms illegal, then so be it.
Yes, Moore's film is skewed, but so is the US's attitude towards gun ownership. Old Mr Heston said it perfectly: Its my RIGHT to own a firearm so I do...well you know what? We have a lot of rights but we DON'T have to exercise them! Just because we have the right doesn't mean we should! (circular logic).
Though Moore's movie showed the point he wanted to make, he did have a lot of info in there that should be examined and not dismissed: WTF does one need an assault weapon for other than shooting another human?
Chris Rock: Make guns cheaper but make each bullet cost $5000.00. Then if you're going to shoot somebody, you REALLY have to want that thing dead (or punctured as in a paper target).
And B4 anyone goes off half cocked at me, I've owned rifles and shotguns, been hunting, killed a few defenseless critters, and know the feeling of being able to hit a target at 100 yds. Yeah, I out grew it, the feeling of power, the thought that anything that gets in front of the iron sight is toast. BFD (big f&ckin deal).