You're forgetting who the weaker and bigger piece of shit of the two is is.
Why would you say that?
Possible outcomes.
1) JT caves and dreams up some virtuous sounding horseshit about these being rough times. And crushing peons is not a good idea. Doing so will sewer whatever little credibility he has. And cost him a lot of support/vote from his climate supporters. According to polls, a lot are already unhappy with their handling.
2) JT holds his position. a win for PP when he spins it as the Liberals/left being the elitist tone deaf lefties they are. Not willing to let Canadians decide and have their say.
3) it goes to a non confidence vote. Singh becomes the deciding factor who is screwed either way he goes. But has already played it safe once.
4) Singh flushes the Liberals, or he doesn’t. If he doesn’t, then the Liberals on April 16th 2024 drop their budget. Always confidence vote matters.
you sir had a choice and #2 x 2
Singh is a politician. First and foremost. He, like the Liberals and Cons are all acutely aware of the polls for the last 6 months. They all have their own pollsters ( even the liberals own internal polls have been brutal for a year) , data miners, and strategists. The Liberals and Singh have been tied at 21-24% for two months now.
there is virtually nothing. Nothing on the landscape and horizon that might be good news for the Liberals. A lot of storms that might roll in. A long proven track record of brain farts and scandals so even more are a safe bet… A possible Trump win and Boomers starting to leave the workforce…….and hammer healthcare.
If it remains the status quo for another year. And Canadians continue to get reamed by things the Liberals cant control, or can, can be blamed for or can’t. PP is going to skewer them both.
As for Carbon taxes
Only fanatical lefties still defend them. Even the
PBO has nothing good to say about them. But like Drummond and experts in Ontario.
Elitist always know everything and better.
Even on the topic of rebates. And even assuming the horseshit is true which it isn’t. There’s the
present and
forward value of money. In layman’s terms and worded in a simple ways anyone should be able to grasp without complicated math and formulas. . money in hand usually Trumps money down the road.
Especially when peons everywhere the lefties claim to champion have mouths to feed, bills to pay, visas and rent/mortgages
But being the well off in the gta. Who have good jobs cheap nat gas, alternatives from feet and bikes to busses, subways and everything they could want,
who don’t have to worry about such things…and the …
blind, know everything, head in the sand, drunk on koolaid, self centered people they are, . They can’t even see/think of that.