You should not be naked for more than is necessary. It is not a sex club or nudist resort. You are expected to be naked, but keep it to a minimum. Like the article says, get in and get out. Obviously, since you displayed no common sense, it was necessary to provide you with a link, so you could educate yourself.
Currently, transwomen use women's restroom, because they are women. And that is protected by law - transwomen do not have to ask, nor can be stopped from using women's change rooms. Women are not bothered. Given that washrooms and change rooms are segregated by gender identity, biological sex does not matter. Only gender identity does.
You can jerk off to the idea that trans folks will be banned from using bathrooms of their choice, and that there will be a huge anti-woke cultural upheaval, if PP gets elected, but it will remain a pipe dream and you will be left ranting here on TERB.
Minors are not allowed to have surgeries in Canada in the first place. Except for some very rare circumstances.
That is the kind of perv, DesRicardo said he was. No. The person needs to identify as a transwoman, to use women's washrooms. If you are a guy purposefully going into the woman's washroom to creep, that is criminal intent. Transwomen do not have criminal intent.
Also, transwomen use women's restroom today in Canada and it is infact protected by law. They do not have to ask and no one can stop them. How many cases of "pervs" have you heard of today? I know it is often difficult for you, but, make it make sense Rich.