Paying for women on dates


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I guess its hard to catch a joke on the internet.
Yeah it does, that's why I put LOL etc at the end so its a bigger clue (some of use are clueless lol).

Randygirl: That's the way it should be. Even on non-internet dates. The first one should always be casual and for a short planned duration. If things go well, you can always go out to dinner or whatever afterwards.

The drink/bartender story is pretty fucked just like mine was. I guess this is why I'm single, I wouldn't put up with that shit. If todd's gf bought the bartender a drink, and she turned to todd to pay for it, if I was todd I'd say, ummm NO.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
The drink/bartender story is pretty fucked just like mine was. I guess this is why I'm single, I wouldn't put up with that shit. If todd's gf bought the bartender a drink, and she turned to todd to pay for it, if I was todd I'd say, ummm NO.
Oh, that story immediately became a classic in our circle! We still laugh about it and shake our heads...she lost all credibility with the group after that one. And it is the joke that keeps on giving too. After that, if I would buy one of the guys drinks, I would get kudos for using my own money. lol

You wouldn't put up with it, tboy, and neither would most guys. The really funny thing is that Todd married her.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
OMG .....I guess she was REALLY good in bed lol

Next time you're out with them, buy one of the other guys a drink and then turn to her and say: pay the waitress lol....


New member
Apr 7, 2010
OMG .....I guess she was REALLY good in bed lol

Next time you're out with them, buy one of the other guys a drink and then turn to her and say: pay the waitress lol....
She is so clueless, it would sail right over her head. The guys would laugh their asses off, though. lol


Feb 3, 2010
I use to not mind paying for dates, but I now always rather pay for my share unless it's more convenient to pay with credit. No girl should think they're doing me a favor by hanging out with me, and I find it's a good way to weed out the bad ones by not paying for them. If they throw a fit over it, then I don't waste anymore time with them.
I have always believed the person that made the invitation should pay, if I suggest a date then I should pay and if he invites me then he should pay. I generally won't go on a second date with someone that splits the bill, I find sitting there calculating each individuals costs ruins a perfectly good evening. It's also important to me that my date allow me to pick up the cheque at times, if we are looking towards building a relationship then it should start with the two of us being contributing members.
While the above is perfectly logical , and I certainly agree that life is way too short to be splitting bills, the difficulty arises when the woman suggests the date. Few are as forward thinking as you I'm guessing and a majority still expect to be treated.

As far as the Adenalines question ( which didn't mention internet dating - a whole other ball of wax) I'll be blunt. Unless it has been expressly discussed before you should pay the bill. Otherwise you come across as cheap or worse.
I still believe that if the woman invites the man out she should be expected to pick up the cheque, I realize this may not always happen but at that point it's up to you to decide if this is someone you are interested in pursuing further.
I agree internet dating is a whole different thing, if you are meeting someone online and this is a first meet then suggest an interesting activity that might not cost a lot, something where you will enjoy yourself even if you don't click romantically, eg. walking your dog together, going for a bike ride, volunteering with a charity; basically something that you enjoy anyway and that you might enjoy sharing with someone else.

By splitting the bill, I mean splitting it in 2, not calculating what each person ordered, that's a bit ridiculous.

Also, going on a date is mutual, both parties agreed to go out, so if you suggest to a guy that you should go out, you shouldn't be paying for him. I'd never let a woman pay for my meal, even if I'm not into her. I'd gladly let her pay for herself, but definitely wouldn't mooch off of her and let her pay for me.
In general I find the whole "you owe" this much isn't much of a team builder, there is no partnership in the idea of this is yours and this is mine. Rather I find it much better to just allow one person, male or female, to pick up the tab and then for it to be reciprocated on the next meal/date/outing. No it doesn't always work out even but if you are in a relationship and keeping score on how much one person spends vs. the other then you are likely to have further issues down the line with who contributes what.
If you think in corporate terms a date is like team building, you are more likely to be helpful and engaging when you feel your contributions are valued and that is easiest to do by "treating" one person and saying thanks.
If one person ends the date with "please let me get this, I really enjoyed my night and just wanted to say thanks for coming with me" the next person feels important and appreciated. In turn the other person can either say "you're welcome and I had a great time too, if you'd like to do this again let me take you out" or perhaps "I am really enjoying our night as well, if you would like to please let me take you for a drink elsewhere". This way both parties are contributing but as a team rather than by saying this is yours and this is mine.
In my experience always splitting down the middle ends up leaving one partner keeping score, either because they feel under-appreciated, that they are always paying a larger portion than they wanted or that the person that selects the venue doesn't take into account the budget restrictions of the other party. If you invite someone out then you can tailor the date to your budget and pick up the tab, then allow them to do the same where they select something appropriate to their interests and budget.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
You are the type of guy on which I would pay the bill on a trip to the washroom.
holy crap RG, you're purdy damn near purfict.....

Now if you know how to work a circular saw and aren't afraid of hammer drills, I'm about to propose!!!


New member
Apr 7, 2010
holy crap RG, you're purdy damn near purfict.....

Now if you know how to work a circular saw and aren't afraid of hammer drills, I'm about to propose!!!
heh. I'm not much for power tools, but let it be known that I am not afraid to get my hands dirty...or break a nail. Or pay a meal for my man. :)

I'm guess I should clean out my pm box...proposals rollin' in any second now!



resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Oh, no power tools huh? I guess I better put away my reciprocating saw with the dildo attachement ......


Mar 26, 2009
Interesting posts, I used to spend $100+ per date (paying for both myself and the girl), and I was going out on dates 2-3 times a week, so over time it really added up. Now I still go on expensive dates, but if I'm not into the girl and don't plan on seeing her for a second date, I just won't pay for her. As I mentioned, I'd never let her pay for me, but now I don't feel obligated to pay for the girl if I don't like her. If I do like her, I will continue to pay for the girl, I'm generous, but now I'm only generous with women that I like and plan on seeing again. It makes sense for me in everyway. Why should I waste $50 on a girl I don't like and won't see again? That approach isn't practical, so I've learned from my mistakes.

They say there's a difference between being cheap and poor, but I'm going to add that there's a difference between being cheap, poor, and smart. I'll let you guys figure that one out as it applies to paying or not paying for girls on a date that you never plan on seeing again.


New member
May 15, 2009
Simple. If I ask her on a date, I pay; regardless of outcome, what she orders or anything. Always. It's the right thing to do. I can't believe men ask this question or worse, argue against paying 100%. It's one of many indicators how screwed up our society has become.
Right on!!!!


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Adrenaline: There are numerous posts on the economics of dating a civvie women vs seeing an sp. I kind of have the same attitude as you do but I'd pay for the first date, just no repeats. This is one of the reasons I just hobby. Not to say that I wouldn't like to have someone special in my life, but I got tired of taking women out, spending $100's of dollars a time, and not getting anywhere (not just physically).

Not like I counted, but conservatively, I've gone on 100 or so dates, realistically, probably around 400, so if you figure $100.00 on the low, $300 on the high side, I've probably spent $80,000.00 on dates. Of those, MAYBE 10 led to seconds, and 5 led to a relationship of some sort.

I don't think women really get the cost involved by insisting that "guys pay for dates"........


Apr 24, 2005
Damn! I misread the title. I thought it was "PRAYING" for women on dates. Ok, I'll leave now. Hee, hee, hee. Insert "praying for women" smilie here.


Apr 19, 2010
It should be split half half regardless of who asked who out. If she's so 'shocked' she is definitely a miner. Be careful.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
It should be split half half regardless of who asked who out. If she's so 'shocked' she is definitely a miner. Be careful.
I would not see anyone who insisted on this. This is not even how it goes with my friends, let along my man. Unacceptable to me. And I am the FURTHEST thing from a gold digger possible.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Adrenaline: There are numerous posts on the economics of dating a civvie women vs seeing an sp. I kind of have the same attitude as you do but I'd pay for the first date, just no repeats. This is one of the reasons I just hobby. Not to say that I wouldn't like to have someone special in my life, but I got tired of taking women out, spending $100's of dollars a time, and not getting anywhere (not just physically).

Not like I counted, but conservatively, I've gone on 100 or so dates, realistically, probably around 400, so if you figure $100.00 on the low, $300 on the high side, I've probably spent $80,000.00 on dates. Of those, MAYBE 10 led to seconds, and 5 led to a relationship of some sort.

I don't think women really get the cost involved by insisting that "guys pay for dates"........
400 first dates and only 10 second dates? really?
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