Paying for women on dates


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
I have always believed the person that made the invitation should pay, if I suggest a date then I should pay and if he invites me then he should pay. I generally won't go on a second date with someone that splits the bill, I find sitting there calculating each individuals costs ruins a perfectly good evening. It's also important to me that my date allow me to pick up the cheque at times, if we are looking towards building a relationship then it should start with the two of us being contributing members.
While the above is perfectly logical , and I certainly agree that life is way too short to be splitting bills, the difficulty arises when the woman suggests the date. Few are as forward thinking as you I'm guessing and a majority still expect to be treated.

As far as the Adenalines question ( which didn't mention internet dating - a whole other ball of wax) I'll be blunt. Unless it has been expressly discussed before you should pay the bill. Otherwise you come across as cheap or worse.


Durham's Best Kept Secret
It is summer time. There are so many options for the first meeting that cost next to nothing.

Broad walk strolls, going for ice cream on a nice Saturday afternoon. A patio pub for a drink. A meet is not a date and therefore should not be treated as such.

I met Mr. Cyd online. Our meet was a pub. I had 4 drinks, he had 2. I paid mine, and he paid his. There was no discussion. He was already there and when I ordered mine I told the waitress to start a tab for me.

Second meeting, first real date. Mini-putt and go-karting. He forgot his wallet in the car, went to go back for it, I said no. I would pay for mini putt. He then paid for go-karting.

Third date, didn't go anywhere. Third date rule - he had to put out so it was straight to my place. LOL

This took a total of 6 weeks. Lots of email chat and phones during this time. It is over 2 years later and we are still together. Still strong. Just starting to get serious about each other with boundaries still of course. Our sex life has only improved since the beginning. We see each other a couple of times of week as we are both very busy. We NEVER fight about money and I don't think we even really discuss it. Both of us have money, neither of us wants to use the other. So it is never an issue.

Starting out before even meeting with an issue by either party regarding money is a waste of time and a relationship disaster in my opinion.

So OP, if you are worried about the cost that is accumulating over time for all these first dates expense, then cut them back. Either the expense of the first date by choosing something simpler. Or cut back on the dating period. That is on you to figure out.

I will say that I don't care what you book as your first date. You know as soon as you see her whether you want to even spend the next 2 hours with the girl. If you don't, just like with this business ~ walk away right away. Why do you care? You are not going to see her again. Be polite and all, but walk away and then you don't waste the time or the money. This of course goes for ladies too.

I also know that not all women are forward thinking. According to some here, TO women are the coldest bitches on the planet. So again, something small on a first date, or meet is ideal to get to know if she is a cold fish looking for a free meal and later benefactor or if she is just looking to meet a good guy. However, most of you guys are looking for cheap or free sex so women need to be on their guard too. Don't come across as a perv and you should be okay.
my guess is they only become manly to fill the void left by the younger guys
>.> I agree..... there is a reason I choose to date older guys most of the time. Guys my age are usually clueless.
Eh the reason chivalry is dead is because women killed it lol- and it flat out DOESN'T work this day in age for the younger males.

I have never ever met a guy who was "prince charming" and got the girl. Shit if it did work than I'd use it all the time. Anytime I've tried it I've lost out to another guy playing the regular b.s. game.

Think of it this way- if chivalry did work why wouldn't every guy use it to his advantage? Note how chivalry is dead? LOL


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
It's not chivalry if the expectation is that she'll put out if you pay.
I think it's more respectful to let her pay her way if she wants to be equal to you from the beginning.
It's not chivalry if the expectation is that she'll put out if you pay.
I think it's more respectful to let her pay her way if she wants to be equal to you from the beginning.
putting out and getting the girl is 2 different things- "putting out"= getting a bj at the end of the date and not giving a shit, "getting the girl"= having a relationship with the girl that you really like.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
By splitting the bill, I mean splitting it in 2, not calculating what each person ordered, that's a bit ridiculous.

Also, going on a date is mutual, both parties agreed to go out, so if you suggest to a guy that you should go out, you shouldn't be paying for him. I'd never let a woman pay for my meal, even if I'm not into her. I'd gladly let her pay for herself, but definitely wouldn't mooch off of her and let her pay for me.
Hey dude, this is the time of equality among men and women in ALL things, not just some. There is nothing wrong with a woman offerring and paying for a date/meal/gas. In fact, if I'm out with someone and they don't make any gesture to split, share, pay, that tells me a lot about her.

I learned an important lesson early on: if you set a precident then women have a tendency to stick to that precident. If you pay for everything at the beginning, then many will tend to expect that even after you become involved.

Here's a story for you:
I met this young lady on a blind date. We got along fine. I found out she was in college and she did mention that she was broke aka a starving student. I paid for that night. We got along and saw each other again, I paid. We eventually started dating and in that time, I found out she was living at home and attending a local college. Ok, to save money. Still, college can be expensive. She worked part time at The Bay and I'd pick her up etc. sometimes.

Now I was just sort of starting out too. I had an apartment to pay for, a car, etc etc. It was getting expensive taking her out 3 times a week every week. I wasn't making much at the time either. So one time she stopped at an atm and was having trouble. She wanted her bank balance and couldn't get it for some reason. She asked could I help (this was back when atms were first introduced and you couldn't view your balance on screen, you had to get a printout). So I went up there, pushed a couple of buttons and out popped the slip. I took it and went to look to make sure it showed the balance....$27,000.00!!!!! I went HOLY FUCK you've got THAT much? I thought you were broke? SHe said I am.....I only have $4.00 in my purse....WHAT? You're not broke, you just didn't take any money out!!!! She got all pissed at me for "invading her privacy". I said "I only looked to make sure the balance was showing and couldn't help but see the amount, you ASKED me to"......

So at the time, my balance was MAYBE $300.00. Now you know that even a cheap sit down dinner is going to cost $50.00. Then a movie after is another $30 +/- so I'm spending almost 1/4 of my available cash per night. After a weekend I'm BROKE (and not just because I didn't take money out of the bank).

So the next week we plan to see another movie. On our way up to the ticket window I said to her: Do you have any money? I only have enough for one ticket, I'm "broke". She flipped. Called me cheap, blah blah blah, told her friends I was cheap blah blah blah. So the theatre was in a mall and I walked over to my bank machine. I printed out a copy of my balance and it said $65.00. I said, now YOU print out a copy of YOUR balance....(that shut her up). I said "that $65.00 has to pay for my busfare to work downtown everyday, plus lunches, plus plus plus". What do YOU have to pay?

It turns out, her parents paid the tuition on her school, all her books, she didn't pay room or board, they gave her money for lunch everyday, they even gave her bus fare to get to and from school. EVERYTHING. She was basically living free.....

So I said "from now on, you're paying for every second date, I can't afford to". So she begrudgingly agreed. I knew it was a sore spot with her but wtf........
May 22, 2008
yeah. splitting bills is weird. i generally do pay for 99.9% of the dates i go on. but yes, its nice to see a girl try to pick up the tab once in a while. not a matter of money. its just nice to see them try as much as i do.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field lol. how did this even turn into a 3 page thead?
good one!

(now we know why women don't ask men out on dates, they don't want to pay!)

But seriously, in your opinion, what is your justification for NOT paying, or attempting to pay?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
If you choose to take me out then you're secretly agreeing to pay.
It's just the rules, we can't do anything but live with them. I just so happen to get the better end of the deal!
Ok, so you'd be happy with losing the right to vote? Equal pay for equal work? Go back to barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen?

Those were the rules........

btw, what ever happened to being an "independant woman of the new millenium, who can support herself in all things and doesn't need a man for anything"???? "I am woman hear me roar"????
Kim are you serious?

you probably make more than most guys your age who would ask you out so why in hell wouldn't you offer to pay your half?

I'm not understanding why some women feel gracing a man with her presence for a meal means the man should pay- shit if you feel the guy should cover your meal than you probably don't like him enough to be going out on a date to begin with.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
0 lol. how did this even turn into a 3 page thead?
by the way this female friend of mine who I helped out with the eHarmony profile didn't want to pay $150 for using it. Even though it would clearly bring dividends in form of free dinners etc. And she is making close to 100K a year. Females apparently are greedy as shit.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Kim are you serious?

you probably make more than most guys your age who would ask you out so why in hell wouldn't you offer to pay your half?

I'm not understanding why some women feel gracing a man with her presence for a meal means the man should pay- shit if you feel the guy should cover your meal than you probably don't like him enough to be going out on a date to begin with.
in her occupation lines between work and free time get blurred


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Kim are you serious?

you probably make more than most guys your age who would ask you out so why in hell wouldn't you offer to pay your half?

I'm not understanding why some women feel gracing a man with her presence for a meal means the man should pay- shit if you feel the guy should cover your meal than you probably don't like him enough to be going out on a date to begin with.
I think Kim was being a little sarcastic in her first post but to answer your question:

It's the golden pussy attitude. If a guy can't afford to "buy me" then he isn't someone I want. (not saying this is kim's attitude, just sayings is all). But women who think like this also are the ones who complain that their bay street husband is cheating on them, is emotionally unavailable, thinks nothing of themself, etc.

The thing is, if you base someone's "worth" on how much money they have, then you shouldn't be surprised when that's ALL they have.....This goes for really good looking men (and women). If they rely solely on their appearance, then their appearance is all they have (aka looks like steak but is really only hamburger)

in her occupation lines get blurred
especially when you do those "lines" on her belly before rolling up the 5 dollar bill........


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I don't need a man for anything if I wanted to go out by myself I would pay for myself, since he would be the one taking me out why should I be obliged to pay? Me not feeling I should have to pay when brought out on a date is irrelevant to me not being able to vote if it were the 1900's, come on. Your arguement is invalid.
No actually it isn't invalid because you plainly said "It's just the rules, we can't do anything but live with them" and the rules were changed to allow women to vote, get jobs, get paid equally.

I'm getting the idea that you argee with changing rules ONLY when it benefits you directly. Kind of hypocritical is it not?

I thought equal meant equal, not equal in some things but not others......
It's the golden pussy attitude. If a guy can't afford to "buy me" then he isn't someone I want.
This always cracks me up with women- being able to and actually doing it are 2 different things. Maybe you can afford a ferrari- but maybe you just think the price of it is stupid and you wouldn't spend that kind of money on one because you're more practical.

Like I'm not cheap -I buy my buddies meals all the time when we go out- why? Because I'm better off than them and they were there for me way before I had money. But the thought of buying a girl this and that and meal after meal- just seems a lot more like an escort than a gf. If a girl actually wants to hang out with you she will cover her own stuff because she just wants to be able to spend time with you.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
No actually it isn't invalid because you plainly said "It's just the rules, we can't do anything but live with them" and the rules were changed to allow women to vote, get jobs, get paid equally.

I'm getting the idea that you argee with changing rules ONLY when it benefits you directly. Kind of hypocritical is it not?

I thought equal meant equal, not equal in some things but not others......
but then again, a la guerre comme a la guerre
if men are stupid enough to end up in this situation, why should women be stupid enough to not use it to their advantage?


New member
Apr 7, 2010
tboy, that chick was just insane. Broke, my ass.

Before I got burned out with the whole internet dating scene, I went out with a LOT of different guys. Last summer, I probably went on close to 40 first meets, and saw just a handful of those guys for real dates. As it's been pointed out, internet dating is a whole other ball of wax from dating someone you already know. I've been asked for a first meet dinner, and I always refuse...It's just too risky to accept dinner with someone you have never met, and don't know how you will get along. Aside from whether or not you are attracted to a person, I can't imagine having to sit through an entire dinner with someone who can't make conversation. I would rather not commit myself to two hours of awkwardness.

For a first meet, everyone can afford a cup of coffee or a pint, and it shouldn't get any more expensive than that. Period. I will be honest here, and say that if I met a guy for the first time (always for coffee or a pint) and he did not offer to pay for my drink, it is a complete turn off. If he can't pony up two to five dollars on a first meet, I will not see him again.

Dating someone is a completely different story, though. I pay when dating, and I pay often.

I never understood the mentality that a girl shouldn't pay. I know guys appreciate it, and I always make an effort to pay my share. I don't split bills, unless I am with one of my close friends. I either pay the whole thing, or they do. I have had guys tell me that it was the first time they had ever seen a girl pay! I mean, really?! Often, I will sneak up to the cash and take care of the bill without his knowledge, especially if I know he is the type of guy who always pays. If I am going to seriously date someone, both of us should contribute. I pay when going for dinner with friends, too. It's nice, it shows you care for the person, and enjoy their company. I had one guy complain that I totally emasculated him, but overall, the gesture is well received. This being said, if I am broke, I have no qualms about letting someone treat! Like a lot of women, I never go out if I don't have the money to pay for my own meal, whether or not I actually do is another thing.

I am reminded of a story my group of friends joke about, it happened ten years ago when a bunch of us were at a bar. My friend Steve was at the bar, and Todd's girlfriend Tena went up to him and offered to buy him a drink. Steve gladly accepted the drink, and thought it was a nice gesture. That was until... Tena ordered the drink off of the bartender, then turned to her boyfriend Todd and told him to pay for the drink. Steve thanked Todd for buying him a drink.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
I am reminded of a story my group of friends joke about, it happened ten years ago when a bunch of us were at a bar. My friend Steve was at the bar, and Todd's girlfriend Tena went up to him and offered to buy him a drink. Steve gladly accepted the drink, and thought it was a nice gesture. That was until... Tena ordered the drink off of the bartender, then turned to her boyfriend Todd and told him to pay for the drink. Steve thanked Todd for buying him a drink.
children with boobs:)


Senior Member
Jan 26, 2009
I have always believed the person that made the invitation should pay, if I suggest a date then I should pay and if he invites me then he should pay. I generally won't go on a second date with someone that splits the bill, I find sitting there calculating each individuals costs ruins a perfectly good evening. It's also important to me that my date allow me to pick up the cheque at times, if we are looking towards building a relationship then it should start with the two of us being contributing members.
Very well said! That is exactly how I view dating!
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