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Ontario:Muslim boys high school soccer team refuses to play against team with 2 girls


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Excellent article by The Sun today:

Where are all you Liberals now who were screaming sexism earlier when FHRITP happened??
As I read things, all the coverage — even the Sun's blatant attempt to stir the waters — report that this matter of opposing personal rights was settled by the people involved, as such things should be.

What more do you want?


Mar 12, 2004
Excellent article by The Sun today:

Where are all you Liberals now who were screaming sexism earlier when FHRITP happened??
A lot of truths in that, a lot of lies by ISNA.

Its largely being ignored by the media,...because they know the religious card and racism,...and what ever other BS,... would have been played by a certain group.

And by doing so,...they know this wrongdoing by the ISNA, would NOT have settled by making it more public anyway.

Anybody who is not senile knows what the ISNA did was simply wrong,...on ANY level,...with absolutely no debate,...well in a free country,...anyway.

Yes people have rights,...the rights to stay home,...if they don't like how sports are played in a free country.

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Mar 31, 2009
Call me a right wing redneck but the legal and human rights of Canadians are not open to compromise or negotiation. Gender equality is a human right and the law in Canada and applies to all Canadians.(BTW: I played with and against females in all kind of sports. I especially like tennis where females wear short white skirts and tiny panties.)


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
stir the waters
You just hit the nail on the head, only time Liberals show outrage over racism or sexism is when there's little chance of "stirring the waters".

As soon as theres a chance you might offend a certain group you whimp out like the pussies that you are

The Sun was the only one willing to carry the torch on this one, and they exposed Liberal hypocrisy brilliantly


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
You just hit the nail on the head, only time Liberals show outrage over racism or sexism is when there's little chance of "stirring the waters".

As soon as theres a chance you might offend a certain group you whimp out like the pussies that you are

The Sun was the only one willing to carry the torch on this one, and they exposed Liberal hypocrisy brilliantly
What? You're complaint is that liberals — Liberals are a political party, in case you were unaware — are too passive and quiet? Allow me to quota an imposter going by your handle (although he has similar mistaken ideas about political parties):
AK-47 said:
Where are all you Liberals now who were screaming sexism earlier when FHRITP happened??
Clearly the people that AK was shooting his mouth off about were successful at offending his certain group. I don't see how "screaming" can be considered "whimping[sic] out".

I find it both amusing and perplexing how often conservative voices are heard demanding liberals parrot the invented shibboleths and straw-man fantasies that cons supply to get themselves worked up. As if debate was just a pep rally or a lynch mob of the unthinking and its only purpose was to cement loyalty and instill aggression.

Grown ups don't demand 'the other side' argue in any particular way, or even that they argue at all. They're content with the unassailable solidness of the position they have outlined.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Call me a right wing redneck but the legal and human rights of Canadians are not open to compromise or negotiation. Gender equality is a human right and the law in Canada and applies to all Canadians.(BTW: I played with and against females in all kind of sports. I especially like tennis where females wear short white skirts and tiny panties.)
So you believe this Catholic School should accept applications from female priests? As should the parish where they're located? You did say: "Gender equality is a human right and the law in Canada and applies to all Canadians". So we're supposed to defer to Catholics' religious principles that deny gender equality to women but condemn the Muslims' religious principles that deny gender equality to women? Please explain your rationale.

More to the point, since this matter was amicably settled at the time by the parties involved, what is the point of your concern? Why is it your business and why are you so focussed on the small religious minority and not the much larger and more widespread sect with a long anti-women record of its own?

But since you did ask, as a guy who remembers both the Catholic schoolgirls in long-skirted uniforms wistfully watching girls at my public-school play unladylike sports sports as well as Justine Blainey's more recent struggle to win the right to play on a boys team, I'll call you a right wing redneck.

Why else would you or anyone be fussing over this settled incident? Those two schoolgirls showed more maturity.


New member
Oct 13, 2002
When I was a boy, it was my honor and pleasure to play with girls, in any game the wanted or allowed.

It is an evil, fucked-up religion that does not allow this.


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
What? You're complaint is that liberals — Liberals are a political party, in case you were unaware — are too passive and quiet? Allow me to quota an imposter going by your handle (although he has similar mistaken ideas about political parties): Clearly the people that AK was shooting his mouth off about were successful at offending his certain group. I don't see how "screaming" can be considered "whimping[sic] out".

I find it both amusing and perplexing how often conservative voices are heard demanding liberals parrot the invented shibboleths and straw-man fantasies that cons supply to get themselves worked up. As if debate was just a pep rally or a lynch mob of the unthinking and its only purpose was to cement loyalty and instill aggression.

Grown ups don't demand 'the other side' argue in any particular way, or even that they argue at all. They're content with the unassailable solidness of the position they have outlined.
As usual you miss the point. When FHRITP happened it became an international news story, when this story happened it got very little news coverage.

Now tell me old man, why do you think that is??


Mar 8, 2014
Orthodox Jewish schools have similar policies, same with Christian schools south of the border


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
This event was a ROPSSAA-sanctioned event. Membership in ROPSSAA requires that their rules be followed.
ISNA at the very least was ignorant of the rules... at the worst they willfully ignored them and hid behind their Quran.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
This event was a ROPSSAA-sanctioned event. Membership in ROPSSAA requires that their rules be followed.
ISNA at the very least was ignorant of the rules... at the worst they willfully ignored them and hid behind their Quran.

This! (It's not the Catholic Church or Islamic Mosque).


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I understand that the Muslim team did not complain until they were losing 3-1. If they were so concerned about the two girls on the opposing team, why didn't they say something at the outset. They were merely sore losers looking for an excuse to save face and stop the game.
Really? Still should forfeit the game by quitting. The setting is outside of religion.


Mar 31, 2009
So you believe this Catholic School should accept applications from female priests? As should the parish where they're located? You did say: "Gender equality is a human right and the law in Canada and applies to all Canadians". So we're supposed to defer to Catholics' religious principles that deny gender equality to women but condemn the Muslims' religious principles that deny gender equality to women? Please explain your rationale.
Is there a law that says Catholics must admit women as priests or that Muslims must admit women as Imams? (Personally, I have no problems with female priests.)


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You just hit the nail on the head, only time Liberals show outrage over racism or sexism is when there's little chance of "stirring the waters". ...
Yep. Only Liberals use events for political benefit.

On another topic, what was that law that just went into effect; the one hastily passed after an incident in Ottawa?


Mar 12, 2004
Bullying a couple girls into sitting out doesn't meet my definition of amicably.
Absolutely correct,...and they did NOT apologize for bringing religion AND sexism onto a sports field,...a misunderstanding, utter bull shit.

Maybe misunderstanding what is acceptable in Canada,...but that is letting them off easy.



Mar 12, 2004
Is there a law that says Catholics must admit women as priests or that Muslims must admit women as Imams? (Personally, I have no problems with female priests.)
You are correct in bring up religious "laws" within a church.

Making a connection with what goes on within a church and a sports event, ridiculous,...and has NOTHING to do with what transpired on that soccer field.

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