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Ontario:Muslim boys high school soccer team refuses to play against team with 2 girls


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Please quote any account of the game that says girls were on the field well before the Muslim team asked to withdraw.
Easy enough.

"Briscoe, who was in the starting lineup, wondered if she was being called out for playing too rough, but it turned out the coach from the opposing school, ISNA High, an independent Islamic school in Mississauga, Ont., had told the referee his team could not continue playing because of the presence of girls on the field."

The girls were bullied into sitting out AFTER the other team was willing to play a half with them.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
There ARE players who are good enough
The issue is one of sexism, not religious radicalism
I be willing to debate that. There are plenty of high school girls playing with boys but it would take an exceptional female player to compete in the NHL.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
They sacrificed their opportunity for the greater good, as far as any of the accounts in the media have said. If they insisted and demanded some sort of non-existant 'right' to be put on the field,....
They have the exact same 'right' to play as anyone else on their team and based on one being a starter, she had obviously earned her spot.

The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the league regulations say they have the right not to be discriminated against because of their gender. That is hardly non-existent.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
... .. At what point were they insisting that OTHERS follow their religious beliefs?? ..
If participating in the publicly funded soccer league in Peel was a requirement of their religion, you might have an argument. It isn't.


Mar 12, 2004
Simple enough

... So because you have no argument you're going to assume something ridiculous so you can argue THAT instead?? Brilliant work... *slow clap

Your "Freedom FROM Religion" argument is so stupid it's hysterical... At what point were they insisting that OTHERS follow their religious beliefs?? Was it when they offered to forfeit because of their own personal beliefs? Or was it when the girls decided to "TOFTT" so that their team could advance in the tournament with the required points?
At what point were they insisting that OTHERS follow their religious beliefs?? ,...UHM,...if you don't follow our sexist, religious rules,...and remove the girls from the field,...we won't play your game,...

"Freedom FROM Religion" argument is so stupid,...I guess for sexist religious fanatics maybe.

And If they can't read,...seems to be going around a lot,...go home, and don't come back,...not just for one game,...the whole season,...until they learn this is Canada.



Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Again back to my original point
When was the last time you saw a white NHLer play against a female?

The top tier players (such as Canada/USA) could certainly hold their own against some of the 4th line garbage in the NHL

This is not a Muslim issue
It's not the NHL.

The rules permit girls in certain circumstances (how many times does this have to be explained to you)?


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2013
At what point were they insisting that OTHERS follow their religious beliefs?? ,...UHM,...if you don't follow our sexist, religious rules,...and remove the girls from the field,...we won't play your game,...
How is REFUSING TO PLAY A GAME equivalent to FORCING THEIR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS ON THE OTHER TEAM. They offered to forfeit you nincompoop.. AKA LET THE OTHER TEAM WIN.. Just because the other team wasn't able to WIN BY ENOUGH FUCKING POINTS FOR THEIR OWN NEEDS doesn't make this a case of the Muslims FORCING their religion on anybody.

Seeing as how it is YOU who refuses to accept the Freedom OF Religion (which actually IS part of the constitution vs this asinine Freedom FROM Religion that you speak of) which is an integral part of our society, I would suggest (again) that it is YOU who should be sent back to wherever you came from.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
I be willing to debate that. There are plenty of high school girls playing with boys but it would take an exceptional female player to compete in the NHL.
Along that train of thought there are plenty of high school boys and it takes an exceptional male player to compete in the NHL
Kind of baffled what your point was supposed to be? (The fact less than 1% even gets a chance to skate on the ice?)


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
It's not the NHL.

The rules permit girls in certain circumstances (how many times does this have to be explained to you)?
Well for one, since Peel has the rules posted publicly then simply point to the rule
Oh wait can't find it cause there isn't one? The 2 girls were special circumstances.

In case you missed it fighting your holy war:
Robert F. Hall Catholic School, in Caledon, does not have a girls team so the two females played on the senior boys team, which was approved by the Region of Peel Secondary School Athletic Association (ROPSSAA)

Special circumstances (eg not enough Catholic females who want to play soccer) != a rule lol


Mar 12, 2004
How is REFUSING TO PLAY A GAME equivalent to FORCING THEIR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS ON THE OTHER TEAM. They offered to forfeit you nincompoop.. AKA LET THE OTHER TEAM WIN.. Just because the other team wasn't able to WIN BY ENOUGH FUCKING POINTS FOR THEIR OWN NEEDS doesn't make this a case of the Muslims FORCING their religion on anybody.

Seeing as how it is YOU who refuses to accept the Freedom OF Religion (which actually IS part of the constitution vs this asinine Freedom FROM Religion that you speak of) which is an integral part of our society, I would suggest (again) that it is YOU who should be sent back to wherever you came from.
Are you really this dumb,...or is it just a stupid tactic to sound like you are simple minded,...if it is,...its working.

The religious school stated that they would not play the game after half of it was over because,...there was 2 girls playing,...they would not continue the game until the 2 girls were removed from the apposing team,...because it was against their religion.

They would continue to play the game if the apposing team followed their sexist/religious demands to remove the 2 girls from the game.

The ONLY reason they would not continue to play,...was for purely religious reasons,... forfeiting the game did NOT change the fact that they refused to play with girls on the field.
They said they would continue to play if the 2 girls were removed form the field,...satisfying their religious/sexist failings.

I don't know how else to explain something so simple to you,...if you can think of a method,...please let me know,...I'm here to help you,...its obvious you need it.

Not that I give a shit what you think,...I was born in Canada to parents born in Canada,...this would also explain why I have a much better understanding of the freedom from religion, you state,... is an integral part of our society,...which you obviously DO NOT understand, you are just as obvious,... from some shit hole country.

Last edited:


Active member
May 22, 2011
So what was the end result?.... (too lazy to keep up with the news).

Are these two religious idiots getting reprimanded for such silly actions as "not playing with girls"?

Or did everyone just let it fly no problem?

If it was two white guys demanding the same thing, I'm sure they would get outed. But I have a feeling (again, I said I' haven't kept up with the whole story), that because they are religious whiners, the government, league officials, school or whomever turned a blind eye and let it fly as they don't want to look anti-religion.

Prove my assumption wrong guys!


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
They have the exact same 'right' to play as anyone else on their team and based on one being a starter, she had obviously earned her spot.

The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the league regulations say they have the right not to be discriminated against because of their gender. That is hardly non-existent.
It is the coach's decision who plays when in any sport I've heard of. Do correct me about players having a 'right' to their time on the field. Also do tell who it was who 'deprived' this girl of that 'right' and how.

You cited the Charter: Tell us how any one's religious or gender rights were harmed by the girls decision to sit out for the benefit of their team or by the boys decision to forfeit the game rather than demand some accommodation for religious reasons. No one discriminated against anyone because of gender or religion. People who both had Charter-protected rights which were in conflict when they came together to play worked out a resolution they both agreed to.

What better solution are you proposing? None so far.

So just what makes their little game, satisfactorily over, scored and done with any of our business, and why? And again, what should have been done better? The boys team has long-ago said they'll improve their due diligence and read the rules more closely. What else do you want?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
It's not the NHL.

The rules permit girls in certain circumstances (how many times does this have to be explained to you)?
If a school discriminates against its girl students by not having teams in the girls side of ROPSAA, those who still want to play must be allowed try out for and earn spots on the boys side.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Playing half a game against girls then after falling behind deciding that they should follow their religion and expect the other team to concede to their view is an issue.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
It is the coach's decision who plays when in any sport I've heard of. Do correct me about players having a 'right' to their time on the field. Also do tell who it was who 'deprived' this girl of that 'right' and how.
Instead of wasting time, you should really check out the facts of the story.
1) At least one of the girls earned the start and the Muslim team chose to compete for the 1st half.
2) The coach did not decide to bench the girls. It is clearly stated that it was up to the girls to make the decision on behalf of both teams.

They did not leave the field because the coach felt they weren't playing well. They did not leave the field because the coach thought someone else deserved a chance to play. They were expected to leave the field simply because of their gender.

And yes, the Charter say the girls have the absolute right not to be excluded solely based on their gender and that is what happened there. The fact that their own coach was not willing to stand up for them does not change their charter rights.

Better solution? That's easy. The objecting team make their objection when the game started and the girls stepped on the field and not wait until 45 minutes later when it turned out they were losing. Either that or they join a league where girls are not allowed to participate.


Jan 22, 2004
I coach a mixed sports team with some Muslim children (the mother wears the burka) and it has never been an issue. I would say it is more a problem with fundamentalists which exist in every religion and it is certainly not the experience I have with any Muslims I interact with.
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