Pickering Angels

Ontario Covid Hospital Cases (always updated daily


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
Dakotas have been treating the virus like a hoax. South Dakota hosted that big biker rally with 500,000 unmasked bikers. No surprise that what they sowed they're getting back in spades.
Ah fair enough I did not see that
Cause otherwise it looks absurd to see them crushing the case / death percentages so badly


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
As of November 15, there were a total of 10,947 #COVID19 related deaths in Canada. 10,781 of those were in LTC homes. This is not an existential threat to the country.

With over 95% of Canada's 'COVID' deaths taking place in nursing homes this is not a pandemic of a deadly virus that is sickening and killing large numbers of people. This is death by natural causes being reframed as a pandemic This. Is. A. Fraud.

a confession from CTV news

start watching from 3:40 minutes
Go take a look today

They actually went back and CENSORED the video

The ENTIRE discussion with the doctor was REMOVED (please tell me you rem his name so we can find it on YouTube)

Now a NEW section with John Tory has been inserted INSTEAD


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
Actually a lot of people knew what the heck was going on back in March
No, they did not. I've been following the stats and keeping a Covid journal since the beginning. In March, even Dr. Theresa Tam and other doctors said that they still weren't sure if community transmission was even possible. They were ordering autopsies on the dead, etc. Everyone was still confused. Many people (including doctors - not all doctors) thought that it might be foodborne because of the many cases on cruise ships. Remember all of the stranded cruise ships around the world? And the Canadian passengers who quarantined at CFB Trenton? https://globalnews.ca/news/6654104/coronavirus-grand-princess-evacuees-trenton/

We were also hearing of people refusing to buy Corona beer because they thought that was where it came from (I was not one of those silly people). I remember Corona going on sale at half price at the beer store and LCBO. lol

And your posts are the same today as they were before, you have multiple posts that go
"I am not undermining the Coronavirus but what about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " and this thread is a perfect example this time it was about Influenza.
No, my posts are not the same as they were before. And I don't have one single post that begins with, "I am not undermining the Coronavirus but what about...." First of all, I don't use the term "Coronavirus". I call it Covid-19. And I never say "but what about". That's just bad writing. I do, however, try to look at all sides. I always try to see and argue all possible sides and be equally fair and balanced on both sides. That's what intelligent people do. They don't just argue on one side over and over again while refusing to keep their eyes open.

On June 5th, it appeared that the numbers were starting to drop (and they continued to drop well into August - I know that the summer weather probably had something to do with it). I mentioned SARS because I was hoping that Covid would follow the same route and hopefully be short-lived. Many people were hoping for that. The only thing I am guilty of there is being optimistic. I was not the only one - John Tory was already promising the postponed St. Patrick's Day on September 17th. Remember? I am not the only person guilty of optimism. Unfortunately, unlike SARS, it has not been short-lived. I fully acknowledge that.

I am not trying to "coyly undermine" Covid. I'm not trying to detract attention away from Covid and if it seemed that way, I apologize. I was trying to bring awareness to Cardiomyopathy and myocarditis (which YOU brought up). And as for Influenza, to be fair, the doctors were never able to prove that that's what my friend had. But they determined it as an "Influenza-like illness". He developed a flu-like virus after being bit by a mosquito or a similar insect while fishing in Indonesia. He was hospitalized i(in Toronto) as soon as he returned and remained in hospital for 2 weeks. The doctors were unable to determine what his illness was. I did not know him at the time - I met him a couple of years later. He told me that without a heart transplant, he might not live very long. I was only trying to bring awareness to the very real side effects of viruses (including Influenza, Covid, and others). I 100% fully recognize that Covid does this too. I never once denied that fact, yet I am being accused of doing so. It is sad that it had to take a serious pandemic to finally wake people up to something that was already killing people. Hopefully now, more funding will go into this condition. It will benefit Covid patients as well as others.

Oh, and by the way, I have the right to talk about whatever I choose to talk about. This is a free country with free speech. I do not require the permission of doggystyle99 on this board. Understand? I'm going to go to the lounge now and post a curry recipe in the food thread. I'm done here. I hope that doesn't bother you.
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Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
And I stand by my comments about Wal-mart and other big stores. We will never know about cases/transmission in these places because they don't do contact tracing. I would gladly give my name and contact information. I would actually feel more comfortable if I could do so. The government says that they are doing contact tracing but, clearly, they are not. :(


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
No, they did not. I've been following the stats and keeping a Covid journal since the beginning. In March, even Dr. Theresa Tam and other doctors said that they still weren't sure if community transmission was even possible. They were ordering autopsies on the dead, etc. Everyone was still confused. I still heard of people refusing to buy Corona beer because they thought that was where it came from (I was not one of those silly people). I remember Corona going on sale at the beer store and LCBO. lol

No, my posts are not the same as they were before. And I don't have one single post that begins with, "I am not undermining the Coronavirus but what about...." First of all, I don't use the term "Coronavirus". I call it Covid-19. And I never say "but what about". That's just bad writing. I do, however, try to look at all sides. I always try to see and argue all possible sides and be equally fair and balanced on both sides. That's what intelligent people do. They don't just argue on one side over and over again while refusing to keep their eyes open.

I am not trying to "coyly undermine" Covid. I'm not trying to detract attention away from Covid and if it seemed that way, I apologize. I was trying to bring awareness to Cardiomyopathy and myocarditis (which YOU brought up). And as for Influenza, to be fair, the doctors were never able to prove that that's what my friend had. But they determined it as an "Influenza-like illness". He developed a flu-like virus after being bit by a mosquito or a similar insect while fishing in Indonesia. He was hospitalized i(in Toronto) as soon as he returned and remained in hospital for 2 weeks. The doctors were unable to determine what his illness was. I did not know him at the time - I met him a couple of years later. He told me that without a heart transplant, he might not live very long. I was only trying to bring awareness to the very real side effects of viruses (including Influenza, Covid, and others). I 100% fully recognize that Covid does this too. I never once denied that fact, yet I am being accused of doing so. It is sad that it had to take a serious pandemic to finally wake people up to something that was already killing people. Hopefully now, more funding will go into this condition. It will benefit Covid patients as well as others.

Oh, and by the way, I have the right to talk about whatever I choose to talk about. This is a free country with free speech. I do not require the permission of doggystyle99 on this board. Understand? I'm going to go to the lounge now and post a curry recipe in the food thread. I'm done here. I hope that doesn't bother you.
I adjusted what I wanted to say, they go along the line of
Like I said this thread was a perfect example out of the blue coming and talking about Influenza all in an attempt to coyly downplay the Coronavirus threat. Heck you are even doing it again discussing Influenza in a thread about COVID and in response to COVID long term issues.
And yes people know what was going on in March. We sure as hell know there was community transmission in March.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
I'm not downplaying Covid. Never have and never will - just trying to create awareness about a serious heart condition that is caused by both Influenza and Covid. And for the last time, a heart condition that YOU brought up. My reply was not "out of the blue". I have the right to discuss the condition and you do not have the right to tell me that I don't.

Again COVID-19 is not Influenza and there are many differences that the "Stable Genius" crowd likes to ignore.

Since you responded to my post you must consider yourself as one of the "Stable Genius's".

The unnecessary insults undermine your credibility. Btw, it's geniuses not genius's. Genius's is possessive. Good-bye and please leave me alone. This is turning into harrassment.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
As C-M knows, the numbers keep getting better.
  • Hospitalized
  • ICU
  • On ventilator
  • 20 deaths.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Dakotas have been treating the virus like a hoax. South Dakota hosted that big biker rally with 500,000 unmasked bikers. No surprise that what they sowed they're getting back in spades.
It's a surprise for people like TJ who think it's all a hoax.

And love that he's posting about the massive numbers of cases and hospitalizations in a state where mask use isn't mandated. Obviously he thinks this proves masks don't work.
  • Haha
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
And I stand by my comments about Wal-mart and other big stores. We will never know about cases/transmission in these places because they don't do contact tracing. I would gladly give my name and contact information. I would actually feel more comfortable if I could do so. The government says that they are doing contact tracing but, clearly, they are not. :(
Fair enough.

What I've seen though from the CDC and WHO is that typically you need close contact with an infectious person for at least 15 minutes. Unless the lines are really long and people are standing closer than 2m, it's not too likely (that being said, we don't know if these super spreader people change things). The other major factor is ventilation and with the volume of typical big box stores with high ceilings and doors regularly being opened and closed, they likely have a high enough rate of air circulation even without an high end ventilation and filtration system.

I would expect transit and schools being a bigger source because of extended close contact and poor ventilation, especially as it gets too cold for windows to stay open comfortably.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
As C-M knows, the numbers keep getting better.
  • Hospitalized
  • ICU
  • On ventilator
  • 20 deaths.
Hospitals in every flu season are overwhelmed

2013 Hospitals overwhelmed by flu and norovirus patients | CTV News

As both the flu and the stomach infection nororvirus sweep across Canada, hospitals all over the country say they are being pushed to the limit.

In Edmonton and Calgary, the spike of influenza, influenza-like illness and gastrointestinal infections have put hospitals over maximum capacity.

Many Edmonton hospitals are operating at more than 100 per cent capacity because of the surge of patients needing admission. In Calgary, occupancy is above 100 per cent in major hospitals and over 100 per cent on certain medical units.


A surge in seasonal influenza cases in parts of the country has clogged hospital emergency rooms, postponed elective surgeries and resulted in at least one public health unit expanding its flu-shot clinics.
The number of patients showing influenza-like symptoms continues to increase across the country, but has been particularly high in parts of Ontario, Manitoba and Quebec. Health officials say patients with respiratory problems inundated emergency departments during the holiday period in particular, putting a heavy strain on resources.
Unlike last year, when the H1N1 pandemic virus was the main influenza strain, public health officials are now battling H3N2, a seasonal flu that disproportionately affects the elderly and those with underlying health conditions. Toronto has had more than 700 laboratory-confirmed flu cases this season, compared to the 100 or so cases it sees every year. Winnipeg reported 135 flu cases between July, 2010, and Jan. 8; the city had nine lab-confirmed cases during the same period in 2007-08.
"A colleague of mine and some others around here are starting to call this whole problem a flunami, which it probably is, based on the numbers of cases we're seeing," said James Downey, an infection control officer at Toronto East General Hospital.
Michael Gardam, medical director of infection prevention and control at the University Health Network, echoed the sentiment. "I've never seen a flu year like this," he said. "This is by far the worst flu year I've ever seen. It's a mess."

Hospitals overwhelmed by surge of flu cases - The Globe and Mail

2018 California hospitals face a 'war zone' of flu patients — and are setting up tents to treat them - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com)
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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Go take a look today

They actually went back and CENSORED the video

The ENTIRE discussion with the doctor was REMOVED (please tell me you rem his name so we can find it on YouTube)

Now a NEW section with John Tory has been inserted INSTEAD

LYIN CTV strikes again!


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
  • Hospitalized
  • ICU
  • On ventilator
  • 29 dead
Again it is (as always) OLD people with multiple health issues

71% of all deaths are 80+ years old
18.5% are 70-79
7.3% are 60-69
2.5% are 50-59
0.6% are 40-49
0.2% are 30-39
0.1% are 20-29
0.0% are 19 or less

11,729 deaths
Assuming you are 49 or younger
108 people have died in entire country as of Nov 28

In a population of millions that is laughably small


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
As I said before, your eugenics desire to kill off the sick, weak, and old before their time is disturbing.
108 people died
That is according to Caanda official reports

Do you actually believe locking down the entire country has any purpose?

There are FAR more deaths associated to poverty, mental illness, food shortages, etc than anything Covid caused

Go add up all the figures in table above
We are talking less than 1% of our population

There IS NO SPREAD in community because NO ONE is DYING in the community

And to the contrary I have posted multiple links and stories about how our governments utterly failed the old people
First wave was ok not expected
But AFTER they all promised they would fix the long term care issues and current months prove they did jack shit

It is EXACTLY the same today as it was back in March, April, May ...
Toronto Escorts