As usual your full of shit!! Your the one brainwash in pseudoscience of climate change ( aka global warming), I look it the pro and cons of global warming ( rebranded as climate change) and realized in all pseudoscience.
I used to believe passionately about global warming until ... I looked at both pro and cons of global warming and came to a conclusion is pseudoscience.
Just like this famous Nobel prize winning scientist also came to the same conclusion also, Professor Ivar Giaever, the 1973 Nobel Prizewinner for Physics trashes the global warming/climate change/extreme weather pseudoscientific clap-trap and tells Obama he is "Dead Wrong".
This was the 2012 meeting of Nobel Laureates.
The 2015 speech by Prof Giaever is here
Here the link -->.
All the the computer model of climate change have been incorrectly wrong or been cherry picked and or adjusted to fit the model.
All the climate change prediction like Arctic ice cap will be ice free in the summer by 2013 then moved the goal post 2014 or part of Manhattan will be underwater by 2015 or Maldives island will be underwater by 2018 . All their prediction is incorrect and none of it come true.
Climate alarmist always moved the goal post when none of their prediction come true.
Like above post world will come to end on 2020 and now they moved the goal post to 2030.. Then when that predict don't come true they will moved the goal post further in the future.
So have the Arctic Ocean ( North Pole ) became ice free yet!!!
You are full of shit! Open your eyes!! Look at the pro & cons and then make up your own mind!!
Hubris of climate alarmist scientists will destroy mankind trust in science. Science is base on facts not cherry picking or pseudoscience like this famous Nobel scientist ( "Professor Ivar Giaever") said.
PS. In the past I learned how Wall Street lies & and bond agencies helped created fraud they rated mortage as AAA and bank lend money/ mortage to people who had no jobs or income which caused the last Great Recession in 2008 in USA and crashed the housing. That why I always look at the pro and cons of both arguments and then make my conclusion.
PPS Are you fucking blinded by the politics !!! Left vs right politics! I think it very sad and extremely disturbing that science have been hijacked by politics!!
You are full of crap and should stick to porn, as you cannot go wrong there. First you cornered yourself by supporting Ginomore who was clueless what were the implications of stating that the "Average Temperature" was being Cherry Picked. Of course you cannot understand the mathematics if you take the average based on the start of the records. ie from 1910. That would have meant that the warm up would have been more severe.
Now you post some bullshit about the PHYSIC NOBEL LAUREATE who is not an EXPERT on CLIMATE and THE SCIENCE behind it. Those experts are CLIMATOLOGISTS. Maybe now you get it. Ginomore admitted that he spent just HALF A DAY on "GOOGLE" to study Climate and the Science behind it. Ridiculousness at it's heights, if you ask me:
"I am not really terribly interested in global warming. Like most physicists I don't think much about it. But in 2008 I was in a panel here about global warming and I had to learn something about it. And I spent a day or so - half a day maybe on Google, and I was horrified by what I learned. And I'm going to try to explain to you why that was the case."
That quote comes from a presentation Giaever gave to the 62nd Meeting of Nobel Laureates in 2012, for some unknown reason on the subject of climate change. As Giaever notes at the beginning of his talk, he has become more famous for his contrarian views on global warming than for his Nobel Prize, which have made him something of a darling to the climate contrarian movement and climate denial enablers.
In this post we will examine the claims made by Giaever in his talk, and show that his contrarian climate opinions come from a position of extreme ignorance on the subject, as Giaever admits. Giaever personifies the classic stereotype of the physicist who thinks he understands all scientific fields of study:
Accuracy of the Surface Temperature Record - In his talk, Giaever spent a lot of time criticizing Al Gore and Rajendra Pachauri (IPCC chairman) for winning the Nobel Peace Prize for - according to Giaever - 'making the global surface temperature record famous':
Giaever proceeded to question the accuracy of the surface temperature record, ultimately asking:
"How can you measure the average temperature of the Earth? I don't think that's possible."
Unfortunately this simply displays an ignorance regarding the surface temperature record, whose accuracy has been confirmed time and time again, and which is also consistent with lower troposphere temperature measurements, as illustrated in the above graph.
Glenn Tramblyn has answered Giaever's question in great detail in his four part series Of Averages & Anomalies, and Kevin C also had an excellent and detailed post on recent temperature measurements in The GLOBAL global warming signal. The answers to these questions are out there for those who are willing to spend more than a few hours on Google searches, and it is not constructive to give presentations on subjects without first doing such basic research. We are again left wondering why Giaever was asked to give a presentation to Nobel Laureates on a subject on which he has no expertise and has not done even the most basic research.
The Significance of the Observed Global Warming
Giaever also disputed the significance of the measured 0.8°C average global surface warming over the past 130 years, comparing it to a human fever and the temperature at which he had to maintain tissue for cell growth during his own biophysical experiments, also showing the following slide:
Giaever does not seem to know how to put the observed 0.8°C global surface temperature change in proper context. It may sound small in comparison to the absolute global temperature in Kelvin, or in comparison to changes in human body temperatures, but it is a very large change in global surface temperature, especially over a period as brief as 130 years.
Eight records of local temperature variability on multi-centennial scales throughout the course of the Holocene, and an average of these (thick dark line) over the past 12,000 years, plotted with respect to the mid 20th century average temperature. The global average temperature in 2004 is also indicated.
In addition to this rapid surface warming, the global oceans have also been accumulating heat at an incredible rate - the equivalent of more than two Hiroshima "Little Boy" atomic bomb detonations per second, every second over a the past half century. Presumably a physicist of Giaever's stature would appreciate the magnitude of this global energy accumulation.
As a physicist, Giaever should also understand that seemingly small objects and quantities can have large effects, but instead he seems to rely on incorrect "common sense" perceptions which are based on ignorance of the subject at hand.
I can go on and on. In other words you buy all the nonsense from people who do not have a clue, because they may try to be a jack of all trades, but in reality they maybe the master of one and in this case it is definitely NOT CLIMATE CHANGE!!