Only Three Months Left For Planet Earth( and other false doomsday predictions)


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The question Canada Man refuses or can't answer:

In the 80's both Exxon and Shell's own internal scientists did their own oil funded research and they came up with the same predictions as the IPCC.
So how can those findings be biased?

Shell and Exxon's secret 1980s climate change warnings

Newly found documents from the 1980s show that fossil fuel companies privately predicted the global damage that would be caused by their products.


K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Frankie you're like a broken record peddling this Exxon/Shell nonsense.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
2020 is the end according to the climate change cultists. Looking forward to more false doomsday predictions
I don't know about "the end" but we certainly have alarmists out there saying 2020 is our "last chance" to tackle climate change.

I'm looking forward to next year and to reading the posts that try to explain how "last chance" didn't really mean last chance. :biggrin1:


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Egg on Their Faces: 2004 DoD Climate Change Report Predicted Nuclear War by 2020

In 2004, The Guardian reported on a Department of Defense climate-change report that would prove "hugely embarrassing" for President George W. Bush. The report predicted that climate change could be America's greatest national security threat. Yet these climate-change predictions, like so many others, proved nearly the opposite of the truth. Among other things, the report predicted nuclear war, endemic conflict over resources, and European cities underwater by 2020.

None of these things happened.

"A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world," The Guardian reported. The report "predicts that abrupt climate change could bring the planet to the edge of anarchy as countries develop a nuclear threat to defend and secure dwindling food, water and energy supplies."

"Disruption and conflict will be endemic features of life," the Pentagon report concluded. "Once again, warfare would define human life."

Among other things, the report predicted: severe drought and cold pushing Scandinavian populations southward in 2012; a "flood of refugees to southeast U.S. and Mexico from Caribbean islands;" conflict in the EU over food and water; Russia entering the EU in 2018; "migration from northern countries such as Holland and Germany toward Spain and Italy."

By 2027, the report predicted "increasing migration to Mediterranean countries such as Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, and Israel."

The decade of the 2010s saw the opposite of many of these predictions. Migrants from the Middle East are flooding into Europe — even Britain and Scandinavia — not the other way around. Britain does not experience a "Siberian" climate. Refugees are flooding to the U.S. through Mexico from South and Central America, not from the Caribbean or from Europe. Germany is dominating Europe economically, while Italy and Spain struggle, and migrants are flocking northward, not southward.

Perhaps most significantly, no nuclear war has taken place, despite the occasional missile launch from North Korea.

While The Guardian emphasized the nuclear war prediction, the DOD report did not specifically predict a full-fledged nuclear conflict. However, it did predict that climate change would make resources scarce. Scarce resources would result in war and nuclear proliferation would result in nuclear war.

The Pentagon report claimed that peace occurs when resources increase or when populations die off. "But such peaceful periods are short-lived because population quickly rises to once again push against carrying capacity, and warfare resumes." In modern times, the casualties have decreased, but "all of that progressive behavior could collapse if carrying capacities everywhere were suddenly lowered drastically by abrupt climate change."

As endemic warfare resumes, it will escalate to nuclear war, the report predicted. "In this world of warring states, nuclear arms proliferation is inevitable."

This doomsday scenario has not come to pass, and is not likely to happen in the foreseeable future. Like so many dire predictions about resource scarcity before it, the report was eclipsed by human ingenuity.

Perhaps the most well-known doomsday forecast came in the 1960s, when Paul Ehrlich's The Population Bomb predicted mass starvation due to dwindling resources. "India couldn't possibly feed two hundred million more people by 1980," he predicted in 1968. Since that prediction, India's population has more than doubled, its wheat production has more than tripled, and its economy has grown nine-fold. India fed more than 200 million more people.

While Ehrlich was peddling his Chicken Little predictions, plant disease expert Norman Borlaug spearheaded research into new farming methods that supercharged agriculture and fed the people whom Ehrlich predicted would starve. Borlaug's dwarf wheat resisted a wide spectrum of pests and diseases and produced two to three times more grain than traditional varieties. In Pakistan, wheat yields rose from 4.6 million tons in 1965 to 8.4 million tons in 1970. In India, they rose from 12.3 million tons to 20 million tons.

Borlaug arguably saved more lives than anyone else in history, and he demonstrated the key principle that science, human ingenuity, and free markets can stave off the doomsday scenarios of gloomy "experts."

In the 2010s, humans in general became richer, and started using more sustainable methods. Britain now uses less in terms of resources than it did in 2000, even as the population has grown. The U.S. has become energy independent thanks to the shale oil revolution — the "fracking" many liberals rush to condemn. Prosperity is far from equal, but it has spread across the world. Efficiencies in agriculture are driving the planet towards "peak farmland," so that even as the global population grows, the growing number of mouths can be fed with a shrinking amount of land.

Perhaps ironically, many environmentalist policies would actually reverse the trend toward using less stuff. As Matt Ridley pointed out in Britain's The Spectator, "A wind farm requires far more concrete and steel than an equivalent system based on gas. Environmental opposition to nuclear power has hindered the generating system that needs the least land, least fuel and least steel or concrete per megawatt. Burning wood instead of coal in power stations means the exploitation of more land, the eviction of more woodpeckers — and even higher emissions. Organic farming uses more land than conventional."

Not everything in the 2010s was positive, of course. The massive migration away from the Middle East and South and Central America toward Europe and the U.S. resulted from political instability in Iraq and Syria — and in Venezuela and Nicaragua, respectively. These tragedies arguably have far more to do with terrorism, government mismanagement (a.k.a. socialism), and crime than they have to do with climate change, however.

While many liberal outlets rushed to blame climate change for the Syrian Civil War, Syrian-American M. Zuhdi Jasser, founder and president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, powerfully shot down that idea in a 2017 interview with PJ Media.

"Anyone who believes that climate change had anything to do with any of the conflict in Syria is a fool," Jasser said. He insisted that boiling the war down to a drought ostensibly caused by carbon emissions would be "a disservice to every life lost in Syria."

Jasser noted that the Syrian revolution started in Daraa, a small rural town in southern Syria a stone's throw from the Sea of Galilee. "All of a sudden, parents started worrying why their kids were tortured and vanished," Jasser explained. "Next thing you know, the marches grew into the thousands, and they started to post them on YouTube. The regime responded with an iron fist."

"That didn't have to do with agriculture or with crops, it had to do with a regime that was torturing their teens," Jasser added. "My grandfather and my parents escaped Syria in the mid-Sixties — they basically threw their hands up and said the Syrian people will never be able to unite in a revolution against this regime. All of us knew that there was never and never will be a political solution to this civil war."

Climate alarmists have been forecasting doom for more than 50 years, and their predictions fail again and again. Even when alarmists restrain from making grandiose predictions of nuclear war, they often end up with egg on their faces. In 2018, the tiny Maldives Islands were scheduled to sink beneath the waves due to climate change — yet the islands have actually grown in recent years!

The truth of the matter is, climate is an extremely complicated science that remains far less than fully understood. While it stands to reason that carbon emissions may have an impact on the global climate, there is little concrete evidence to prove it — and nearly every prediction made on this hypothesis has proven false.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Alaska Burning!
And soon, articles claiming that there are no fires in Australia!
All in a days work for the coal spokesman of TERB!

The question Canada Man refuses or can't answer:

In the 80's both Exxon and Shell's own internal scientists did their own oil funded research and they came up with the same predictions as the IPCC.
So how can those findings be biased?

Shell and Exxon's secret 1980s climate change warnings

Newly found documents from the 1980s show that fossil fuel companies privately predicted the global damage that would be caused by their products.



Well-known member
Aug 13, 2019
And soon, articles claiming that there are no fires in Australia!
All in a days work for the coal spokesman of TERB!

The question Canada Man refuses or can't answer:

In the 80's both Exxon and Shell's own internal scientists did their own oil funded research and they came up with the same predictions as the IPCC.
So how can those findings be biased?

Shell and Exxon's secret 1980s climate change warnings

Newly found documents from the 1980s show that fossil fuel companies privately predicted the global damage that would be caused by their products.

Most of the rise in temperature was due to the depletion of the ozone layer due to chemicals in aerosols. That has been taken care of with the Montreal protocol. The ozone layer has started to repair itself. It should be fully healed within 15-30 years based on different reports. The ozone layer is the weakest at the north and south poles where the biggest changes of the climate change is being seen. Scientists also say one the ozone is repaired the earth's temperature will drop by.05 to .08C. Green house gad emissions due cause so more warming but it's not as bad as some claim. your chart. In the 70's and 80's cars were polluting a lot more than now, Cars have become a lot more efficient with less emissions going into the air.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Most of the rise in temperature was due to the depletion of the ozone layer due to chemicals in aerosols. That has been taken care of with the Montreal protocol. The ozone layer has started to repair itself. It should be fully healed within 15-30 years based on different reports. The ozone layer is the weakest at the north and south poles where the biggest changes of the climate change is being seen. Scientists also say one the ozone is repaired the earth's temperature will drop by.05 to .08C. Green house gad emissions due cause so more warming but it's not as bad as some claim. your chart. In the 70's and 80's cars were polluting a lot more than now, Cars have become a lot more efficient with less emissions going into the air.
Its not ozone, as even you note that fixing the ozone only resulted in .05 to .08ºC.
And we're still warming way faster than that, with 1.2ºC warming already.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
We don’t just have a bushfire crisis. We have an arson crisis, too

According to my calculations and estimates, the number of individuals around Australia whose arson has contributed to the current bushfire crisis has now passed 200.

This figure is not presented as a counter-argument to those who blame the fires on climate change. Most people (I hope) understand that trees tend not to spontaneously combust, no matter what the air temperature is; when we talk about bushfires starting naturally, we are talking about lightning strikes igniting tinder. The climate change argument posits that the more extreme weather conditions – higher temperatures, drought and so forth – make fires, however started, much more destructive and much more difficult to control and extinguish. These are debates to be had between climatologists, forestry experts and firefighters.

What is painfully clear, however, that Australia has a firebug crisis. It will no doubt be up to future royal commissions and inquiries to calculate exactly what proportion of the current loss and destruction can be attributed to human action, but I suspect it will be a significant one. Mankind may be causing climate change, but man is most definitely making fires start.

Where’s the proof, you ask? Below is a sample of news reports from around the country over recent months.

August 24:

Three teenage girls have been arrested for arson over 13 grassfires police allege were deliberately lit on the New South Wales mid-north coast. The girls, aged 12, 13 and 14, were arrested in South Kempsey on Wednesday by officers from Strike Force Tronto, which was set up to investigate the fires.No-one was hurt in the blazes, which damaged grassland before being controlled by rural firefighters. The teens will be dealt with under the Young Offenders Act.

September 10:

Police have located a 12-year-old boy in Queensland who allegedly lit a fire deliberately that destroyed bushland and part of a storage facility in Slacks Creek in Logan, about 5pm Monday. The boy was with a group of juveniles in bushland off Kingston Rd, behind Woodridge Skate Park, when he allegedly started the fire, which spread quickly to a nearby storage facility, destroying a fence, two shipping containers and their contents, and police say he will be dealt with under the provisions of the Youth Justice Act. Another two 14-year-old girls are also assisting police with their inquiries after allegedly deliberately lighting a fire in bushland in Ormeau on the Gold Coast this morning.

November 13:

NSW police believe 12 bushfires may have been deliberately lit by arsonists during Tuesday’s “catastrophic” fire conditions…A suspected arsonist was **arrested after a chase through the Royal National Park, south of Sydney by an army Black Hawk helicopter. The crew of the 6th Aviation Regiment unit in the Black Hawk spotted a man “acting suspiciously” in the northern area of the park, The Daily Telegraph reported. A fire had begun nearby. After coordinating with police on the ground, the man was arrested late in the evening and was being questioned. A crime scene has been established near scorched bushland at South Turramurra where police are investigating the origins of the fire to try to confirm whether it was sparked by an arsonist…Authorities are also probing the circumstances around several suspicious fires at Katoomba in the Blue Mountains, at Berkeley near Wollongong, and at Moonbi near Tamworth.

November 14:

Police allege a teenager started a central Queensland bushfire that has destroyed 14 homes…Police say the 16-year-old boy has not been charged with arson, but will be dealt with under the state’s Youth Justice Act. The Cobraball fire, near Yeppoon, is still burning days after it destroyed homes, sheds and cars.

November 20:

Last week we learnt that the Binna Burra fire, which destroyed the historic Binna Burra Lodge in South East Queensland, was started by a carelessly discarded cigarette. And the Gold Coast hinterland bushfires the week before may have been started by army live-firing exercises at the Kokoda Barracks, a spokesperson for the Australian Defence Force has conceded.

November 20:

More than half of the 18 people who have been dealt with by police over recent Queensland bushfires are children, police have revealed. Since a state of emergency was declared in Queensland on November 9, police said they had taken action against 18 people for deliberately lighting fires. Of that, police said, 10 are juveniles who are being dealt with under the Youth Justice Act. In the two years to the end of 2018, 136 children were charged with endangering property in Queensland by lighting fires — just 18 were convicted. Several teens were charged over recent fires including a 16-year-old boy who allegedly started a fire west of Yeppoon that destroyed 30 structures and two other teens over a September blaze at Peregian on the Sunshine Coast.

November 27:

A volunteer firefighter in Australia has been charged with deliberately lighting blazes during the nation’s bushfire crisis. Police arrested the man, 19, for seven counts of alleged arson in an area south of Sydney, New South Wales.

December 17:

NSW Rural Fire Service Inspector Ben Shepherd has revealed investigators are close to charging more than a dozen suspected arsonists believed to have deliberately lit bushfires as the state remains in the grip of an ongoing bushfire crisis. It comes amid revelations at least 56 people have already been charged or cautioned with 71 bushfire-related offences since August, with 16 ongoing investigations into suspicious fires, including a blaze that threatened the rim of suburban Sydney in South Turramurra, on Sydney’s Upper North Shore, on November 12.

So that’s up to 72 people in NSW.

December 20:

Almost 100 firebugs have deliberately started blazes across Queensland that have destroyed homes and consumed thousands of hectares of bushland.

Some 65 fires continue to burn across the state on Friday, jumping from 55 reported on Thursday, as the fire threat deepens heading into the weekend.

As firefighters remain on high alert, police revealed 103 of the destructive fires that have lashed Queensland since September were deliberately lit.

Figures obtained by AAP reveal 98 people – 31 adults and 67 juveniles – have been dealt with by Queensland police for deliberately setting fires.

And 98 in Queensland so far.

December 23:

Police in the central-western NSW town of Wellington have arrested an 11-year-old boy in relation to a fire along the Bell River. At 7 pm on Sunday emergency services responded to reports of a grass fire at a reserve at the western end of the town. A group of boys had allegedly been seen running from the area.

December 23:

As devastating bushfires ravage Australian communities, claiming lives and homes, firebugs have continued to ignite blazes across the weekend in WA. Firefighters were called to a “suspicious” blaze in the south-eastern suburb of Byford on Sunday afternoon, just hours after WA Police had made a public call-out for information about a bushfire that tore through Armadale on Saturday. The Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) claimed the fire was deliberately lit just after 5 pm near Warrington Road… In Armadale, bushland was burnt and several roads were forced to close on Saturday afternoon due to a “suspicious” blaze that ignited about 11am near the Ranford and Armadale Road intersection. The incident prompted police to ask for public assistance to identify a man captured on CCTV who they want to question as part of their investigation.

December 29:

A series of suspicious grass fires across Victoria are under police investigation. A grass fire in Glenmore that broke out at 3.50 pm yesterday, burning about 10 hectares, was followed less than 30 minutes later by another suspicious grass fire in Bacchus Marsh. A third suspicious blaze then broke out in Parwan just five minutes later. It came after a suspicious grass fire threatened businesses and homes in the Bendigo suburb of White Hills about 3.30 pm yesterday. Meanwhile, police have charged a 71-year-old man for allegedly lighting a fire without a permit northwest of Moruya on the NSW south coast, causing a 40-hectare bushfire in the Wandera State Forest, and charged another man for allegedly lighting two bushfires near Cessnock in the Hunter.

December 31:

A bushfire that threatened lives and homes in suburban Melbourne is under investigation, amid suspicions it may have been deliberately lit… Another series of fires allegedly set in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs earlier in December have resulted in a man being charged with five criminal counts of arson. The 41-year-old was arrested on Monday after police executed warrants for fires in the Cranbourne and Dandenong areas lit on December 17 and December 28. The man faced court on Tuesday and was remanded in custody until his next appearance at Dandenong Magistrates Court on January 21.

December 31:

As South Australian firefighters continue to battle blazes that broke out during catastrophic conditions on Monday, a suspicious grassfire has come close to a popular camping area south of Adelaide. The fire, at Second Valley on the Fleurieu Peninsula south of Adelaide, was an unwelcome sight to campers as it burned in hills overlooking the Rapid Bay caravan park.

January 1:

A deliberately-lit bushfire in northeast Tasmania is sparking an emergency warning as winds increase.The blaze is part of a network of suspicious fires near Fingal which have burned across more than 6600 hectares.

January 2:

Police have arrested and charged a man following reports he allegedly started a fire in East Gippsland last night. The 36-year-old man, of no fixed address, is accused of starting a fire in Johnsonville, east of Bairnsdale.

January 3:

The Tasmania Fire Service said on Friday that uncontrolled fires in the state’s north-east had burnt down a house and destroyed a car at Tower Hill. Police believe the fire was started by arson on Monday.

There are no conspiracies here. Though arson has been tried and called for before as a tool of terror, the Australian fires seem to result from the actions of unconnected individuals who are either disturbed or reckless. This is nothing new; as ecological criminologist Paul Read wrote back in November:

A 2015 satellite analysis of 113,000 fires from 1997-2009 confirmed what we had known for some time – 40 per cent of fires are deliberately lit, another 47 per cent accidental. This generally matches previous data published a decade earlier that about half of all fires were suspected or deliberate arson, and 37 per cent accidental. Combined, they reach the same conclusion: 87 per cent are man-made…

If I had to guess, I’d say about 10,000 arsonists lurk from the top of Queensland to the southern-most tip of Victoria, but not all are active and some light fires during winter. The most dangerous light fires on the hottest days, generally closer to communities and during other blazes, suggesting more malicious motives. Only a tiny minority will gaze with wonder at the destruction they have wrought, deeply fascinated and empowered. Others get caught up with the excitement of chaos and behave like impulsive idiots.

As for children, they are not always malicious. Children and youths follow the age-crime curve where delinquency peaks in their late teens. Playing with fire is just one of many forms of misbehaviour. The great majority grow out of it. Four overlapping subgroups include accidental fire-play getting out of control; victims of child abuse – including sexual abuse – and neglect; children with autism and developmental disorders; and conduct disorder from a younger age, which can be genuinely dangerous.

The more fires, proportionally the more arsonists. And the recent mega-fires are really bringing out all the firebugs out of the woodwork (or into the woodwork to be more accurate). It is disturbing, but sadly not surprising or unexpected.

As some have suggested already, the current crisis, with its large sample of arsonists, provides a good opportunity for more research into the psychology, motivation and behaviour of fire-starters. This might help in the future, but clearly arsonists will always be with us.

The task is to make their work more difficult, for example through better management of our forests to make them less combustible. But as much as bushfires are an environmental and land management problem, as we search for solutions we can’t forget that they are also a criminal one.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
We don’t just have a bushfire crisis. We have an arson crisis, too

According to my calculations and estimates, the number of individuals around Australia whose arson has contributed to the current bushfire crisis has now passed 200.
Your author also wrote this one:
10 reasons why Santa Claus is a Communist

That cult member is pretty wacko, CM.
You really believe that Australia's bush fires this year has been caused by arsonists?


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Your author also wrote this one:

That cult member is pretty wacko, CM.
You really believe that Australia's bush fires this year has been caused by arsonists?

What a wacko reply posting by you!

Here the proof!

NEWS Sydney
‏Verified account
Follow Follow @7NewsSydney

Police are now working on the premise arson is to blame for much of the devastation caused this bushfire season. A strike force will investigate whether blazes were deliberately lit, and bring those responsible to justice. @ebatten7 #NSWFires #7NEWS

PS. This have nothing to do about climate change ( aka global warming).


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
What a wacko reply posting by you!

Here the proof!

NEWS Sydney
‏Verified account
Follow Follow @7NewsSydney

Police are now working on the premise arson is to blame for much of the devastation caused this bushfire season. A strike force will investigate whether blazes were deliberately lit, and bring those responsible to justice. @ebatten7 #NSWFires #7NEWS

PS. This have nothing to do about climate change ( aka global warming).
The link states that they are working on the premise that it may have deliberately been started. There is no proof that it was started, and we have to wait and see. However, most fires are started by persons being dummies to throw their cigarette butts etc that then starts the fires. But fires are then brought under control irrespective with how they are started, and within a certain window of time. These Australians fires are unprecedented in the manner in which they have spread and the bone dry and very hot temperatures. They have spread at an alarming rate with no respite from the weather. There is absolutely zero proof that it is not due to the Climate Change, as it has been announced that these are the worst bush fires ever recorded and at this time of the year.

Australia broke its all-time temperature record twice in December. An average maximum of 40.9C was recorded on 17 December, broken a day later by 41.9C, both beating 2013's record of 40.3C.
By the end of the month every state had measured temperatures above 40C - including Tasmania, which is usually much cooler than the mainland.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts