So you don't think opening up the medical system to privatization is a conservative value?
More than willing to listen your suggestions
You tend to be more of an arm chair critic than a problem solver (I am not a fan of that approach)
The undeniable facts of the matter are
1. We have an aging population which will accelerate utilization rates
2. Medical equipment and supply inflation is much higher than cpi inflation
3. The health care infrastructure has been underfunded for decades.- beds per 100,000 population is low relative other developed countries (I read that some where)
4. The moron Trudeau, just spent all of the Federal borrowing capacity
5. The Federal govt, the provinces and the consumer are all levered up to the max..... just before interest rates are going to start to increase
Our current health care system is unsustainable and will cost gab-billions to fix which we do not have and now can not borrow
So again .... More than willing to listen your suggestions