Nightmare in Canada - a Harper Majority

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
It gets on my nerves when (Conservatives) assume their vision is the only and correct vision for Canada and anyone who doesn't agree with them is automatically evil, non-Canadian and bent on destroying their country.
Just had to do a tiny bit of editing to get the statement correct. It was only off by one word.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I don't believe in that statement about the Conservatives. It's just scare-mongering.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
i may be a little older but i can remember some unchecked and uncheckable PM power from a few liberal PM's from a few years back..........................
And if they were running, that should affect your vote.

But they're not. Making a bad choice now, in the same category because you once were presented with worse is a prescription for more of the same. Excellent thinking. <now which is the sarcasm smiley>

We know you were just funnin'; us old guys aren't that dumb.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
I don't believe in that statement about the Conservatives. It's just scare-mongering.
Nobody is better at creating bogeymen that will make you poop your pants than cons!....


New member
Dec 21, 2010
The past is past and before my time but when I look at the liberal platform today all I see is a plan to tax and spend more of my money than the conservatives will. Just look at their platform an 8 billion dollar one. Just a snippet from the CTV website:
* an Early Childhood Learning and Care Fund to create more day care spaces for families
* a $1-billion Learning Passport to give students up to $1,500 a year for post-secondary education
* a $1-billion Family Care Plan that would allow Canadians to take up to six months off from work to look after a sick family member, instead of the six weeks off currently allowed
* a permanent Green Renovation Tax Credit that would allow Canadians to claim up to $13,500 to cover the cost of energy-efficient retrofits to their homes
You are the prime example of history ignored will repeat itself. I often wonder if Harper in a majority government will follow his hero Brian Mulroney into a historic spending spree.

So you find these $1 billion programs more offensive then the $1.1 billion dollar G-20 photo op that closed down Toronto and benefited no one ?

Or that you glance over the $16 billion closed contract non-debated decision for the purchase of F-35 Raptors that the independent PBO (non-partisan budget watch dog) that has publish a report estimating the true cost at $30 billion. (That scary tactic was favored by Mulrony when he ran a muck with the largest deficit spending in history)

Sorry - I want a minority government for just this reason. I don't trust either of them.


Jun 6, 2009
The Liberals did squat when in power. All they did was unload healthcare costs etc on to the provinces
That's twice you've said that's all they did. It really doesn't matter who runs the health care as long as it runs and runs reasonably well. If you'd ever tried to work with the feds on any program you'll know how inefficient, isolated and self serving they are.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
The past is past and before my time but when I look at the liberal platform today all I see is a plan to tax and spend more of my money than the conservatives will. Just look at their platform an 8 billion dollar one. Just a snippet from the CTV website:
* an Early Childhood Learning and Care Fund to create more day care spaces for families
* a $1-billion Learning Passport to give students up to $1,500 a year for post-secondary education
* a $1-billion Family Care Plan that would allow Canadians to take up to six months off from work to look after a sick family member, instead of the six weeks off currently allowed
* a permanent Green Renovation Tax Credit that would allow Canadians to claim up to $13,500 to cover the cost of energy-efficient retrofits to their homes

The only thing I like hear is the green tax credit and all of it is just stealing money from one group and giving it another. Every day I hear them promising money to some group and saying they’ll pay for it by raising the cooperate tax rate but the thing is most of us work or have money invested in those corporations so everyone will end up paying more in the long run.
For me the party that takes less of my money to give to someone else gets my vote.
All will be paid for by rescinding the corporate tax cut that is scheduled to take effect. Funny how you conservatives yell and scream about money for education, children, homes and environment but never seem to complain when 6-8 billion is being spent on super prisons. Would you rather educate the children or spend money to jail them AFTER they have committed a crime against you or your family?


The Conservatives only talk about fiscal restraint when they are trying to kill off some social program they disagree with ideologically, but when it comes to funding their own pet issues they spend money like drunken sailors.

For example, they appear to think that the money to pay for military adventures and fancy military toys grows on trees, and is somehow free, does not generate debt, and does not result in raising taxes in the future to pay for that debt.
Well, I kind of agre with you there, but unless yo want no military at all, I think most would agree that during the 90s the military in Canada were a grossly underpaid shambles. Whether we need those planes or not - I have my reservations.

But th eproblem with all these social programs is that they plod along mercilessly year after year, and oncein awhile someone says " We need to do more for this, that or the other thing", so it gets a boost, which is then perpetuated year after year. in other words, sopcial spending is easy to start, fiendishly difficult to stop once 1) there are a lot of new government employees enjoying those jobs, and 2) there are a lot of new recipienbts of TAXPAYER largesse who are quite fond of receiving government benefits that they don't pay for.


Feb 22, 2011
Come on, with former Harper adviser Bruce Carson and conservative MP Rahim Nizar Jaffer look for decriminalization of prostitution and cocaine.


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
Why do you believe the libs will tax and spend when they are the party that eliminated the deficit and passed the largest income tax cuts in Canadian history?
I just love it when the Libs take credit for this fiscal responsibility!

Aside from the aforementioned unloading of health care costs onto the provinces, the ONLY reason they were able to accomplish ANYTHING was due to one reason and one reason alone. Namely the influx of approximately $30 billion in new taxes. Taxes that although they didn't implement, they campaigned on eliminating and then flip flopped on.

Anyone heard about a little thing called:


The Cons implemented it and were promptly eliminated almost completely for it. (Down to 2 seats in the next election a year later if I remember correctly.)

The Libs campaigned to eliminate it, but didn't.


Time for a Egyptian style revolt in this country if you ask me. The politico's are ALL running us into the ground, and the large corporations (which TRULY control everything) are getting fat along with their puppets in Ottawa.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Anybody know who is QBing Ignatieff's campaign? Has Kinsella's outbursts finally sidelined him.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Many of the comments reflect the T in TERB. All one need do is look at a colour map of ridings in Ontario in the last Parliament to see that.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
the tories always had to do the tough measures (gst) while the liberals got the benefits


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
the tories always had to do the tough measures (gst) while the liberals got the benefits
Well. That's partially true.

The Cons are pretty good at fucking things up all on their own.

What you guys are failing to realize, is that the politico's have been running this game for about 40- 50 yrs now. They bicker and argue and call each other names etc, but secretly go about fucking over John Q Public (That's us BTW, in case you're wondering), and get rich themselves and make billions for their corporate buddies.


Jan 31, 2005
Many of the comments reflect the T in TERB. All one need do is look at a colour map of ridings in Ontario in the last Parliament to see that.
There's also the fact that the level of education on terb is likely to be higher than in the general population. Conservative voters tend to be less educated.


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
There's also the fact that the level of education on terb is likely to be higher than in the general population. Conservative voters tend to be less educated.
I sincerely doubt that, but lets for the sake of arguement say you're right. And lets not confuse "higher education" and "higher intelligence". The two things are mutually exclusive. Most politicians are Lawyers, and as such part of the upper echelon as far as education goes, but still dumb as stumps as far as intelligence goes.

Also, everyone knows that the education system is VERY liberal, and therefore stands to reason that the longer you stay in it, the more brainwashed you become.


Jan 31, 2005
I sincerely doubt that, but lets for the sake of arguement say you're right. And lets not confuse "higher education" and "higher intelligence".
I hadn't previously associated "higher intelligence" with "creationism", but knock yourself out.

Conservative voters tend to be less secure, more fearful, more religious, and less educated. Liberal voters tend to be more secure, less fearful, less religious, and more educated. No doubt there are a zillion exceptions to this rule. I don't doubt that there are many Conservative voters here on terb who are secure, less fearful, less religious, and more educated, but when you're talking about voting trends it's a big factor.

It does make some sense. If you are less well educated you're likely to be a little more insecure and therefore a bit more paranoid and therefore the Conservative platform, and its reliance on instilling fear, will appeal to you.

Samurai Joey

Active member
Sep 29, 2004
I think we should all calm down and take a big chill -- we are FAR from certain that the Conservatives will win that majority government. Even though the latest poll indicates that they have widened the lead (this morning's poll indicated that they're overall popularity level is at 42%), that same poll indicated that this was primarily due to an increase in popularity in BC. The Liberals meanwhile have held steady in their support in BC, increased support in Ontario, and lost ground in Quebec. Given the fact that ridings as they are currently in existence does not necessarily reflect the areas with the highest density of population, it is still perfectly conceivable that the increase in support will not translate in any additional seats for the Conservatives.

It's also worth pointing out that these polls are highly volatile, with any number of people potentially changing their minds. I would suspect that there are probably a very high number of undecided voters, and there is always the question of voter turnout.

All that in mind, if I may be so bold, here is my prediction for the likely outcome of this election:

(1) The Conservatives will currently maintain all seats they currently hold in the Prairie provinces and in BC (maybe gaining one or 2 additional seats in BC). They may also gain or lose a seat in Ontario.

(2) The Liberals will likely maintain the majority of seats in Ontario and will likely do well in the Atlantic provinces

(3) The Bloc will of course take the majority of seats from Quebec

(4) The NDP will pick up a seat here or there from whatever riding is left over.

Final result: another Conservative minority government! In other words, the same result as what we had BEFORE the election!
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