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Nightmare in Canada - a Harper Majority


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Now that's funny Nottyboi, what are you going to try next an article from The Daily Worker?


Jan 31, 2005
I think if the C's get a majority a crack down on prostitution is a given. The religious right will expect to be thrown a bone, and I think the government would steer clear of touching the abortion issue. When you run down the other social conservative issues they could tackle, prostitution stands out as being one that they would view as "safe" to attack.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Now that's funny Nottyboi, what are you going to try next an article from The Daily Worker?
Ah! A lame attempt to diffuse the article without directly refuting any of it's actual content, because of course, you can't.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
I think if the C's get a majority a crack down on prostitution is a given. The religious right will expect to be thrown a bone, and I think the government would steer clear of touching the abortion issue. When you run down the other social conservative issues they could tackle, prostitution stands out as being one that they would view as "safe" to attack.
Considering all the large jails they are building, the crack down on crime they already passed and the religious zealot that Harpo has running the justice department, you are 100% correct.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
I think if the C's get a majority a crack down on prostitution is a given. The religious right will expect to be thrown a bone, and I think the government would steer clear of touching the abortion issue. When you run down the other social conservative issues they could tackle, prostitution stands out as being one that they would view as "safe" to attack.
It depends upon what you mean by "prositution": changing the law as regards outcall, I stongly doubt it. Enforcing the law as regards Street Walking or Incall - far more likely, and indeed a majority of Canadians would have no problem with such.

That will not be popular with TERB, but we are not representative of the electorate.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Given a majority, I'm sure we'll see every item on the Con wishlist and beyond rammed through post-haste. Everyone but Senate reform. Like his American co-religionists among the True Belivers in Conservatism, Harper has not the slightest worry that there might be anything useful or worthy in an idea or position that falls even slightly outside his beliefs. Therefore Total Victory, and complete annihilation of the 'enemy' is how he sees the new order, once he attains power. In the world of the True Believers winning=power=the only good thing. It's not penny-ante stuff like prostitution they'll be going after, as it already has been in this last Parlaiment, it'll be democracy they'll be going after.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
I'll tell you my nightmare in Canada a liberal and NDP coalition, tax and spend tax and spend tax and spend.... Ya I have no doubt Harper has a some kind of hidden agenda but remember not every Canadian believes in the Liberals "lol natural governing party" view of Canada. It gets on my nerves when Liberals assume their vision is the only and correct vision for Canada and anyone who doesn't agree with them is automatically evil, non-Canadian and bent on destroying their country. Well I have news for them a lot of us other Canadians feel the Liberals are evil and have destroyed our country with their high taxes and wasteful socialist programs and Harper is the only way we'll ever get it back. I for one would love to see the CBC to go, its outlived it's usefulness and I don't want my tax dollars going to this pointless organization.

I do agree that their aren't enough checks and balances on the PM's power and that any liberal or conservative could PM could kinda lead like a dictator but the article really hams it up.


New member
Dec 21, 2010
Excellent article on Harpers REAL track record and his hidden agenda, ...
Do you know the difference between an opinion and a fact ? Publishing opinions does not make them factual. The writer is completely speculating on Harper's intention not based on his current actions but based on what he thinks that Harper really wants to do.

Of course conservatives will likely initiate new prostitution laws. Conservatives believe in minimal government intervention in business regulations but suppressive Christian value based regulations controlling people's lives. Libertarians believe in minimal government intervention in business and personal lives. There might be a few hiding in with the conservatives but not enough to blunt sticking their nose in our lives.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
Of course conservatives will likely initiate new prostitution laws. Conservatives believe in minimal government intervention in business regulations but suppressive Christian value based regulations controlling people's lives. Libertarians believe in minimal government intervention in business and personal lives. There might be a few hiding in with the conservatives but not enough to blunt sticking their nose in our lives.
It always makes me laugh when I hear the media say Harper is really a libertarian maybe fiscally but socially he's far more authoritarian than any of the other leaders. I think the only true libertarian in the conservative party is Maxime Bernier.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
I'll tell you my nightmare in Canada a liberal and NDP coalition, tax and spend tax and spend tax and spend.... Ya I have no doubt Harper has a some kind of hidden agenda but remember not every Canadian believes in the Liberals "lol natural governing party" view of Canada. It gets on my nerves when Liberals assume their vision is the only and correct vision for Canada and anyone who doesn't agree with them is automatically evil, non-Canadian and bent on destroying their country. Well I have news for them a lot of us other Canadians feel the Liberals are evil and have destroyed our country with their high taxes and wasteful socialist programs and Harper is the only way we'll ever get it back. I for one would love to see the CBC to go, its outlived it's usefulness and I don't want my tax dollars going to this pointless organization.

I do agree that their aren't enough checks and balances on the PM's power and that any liberal or conservative could PM could kinda lead like a dictator but the article really hams it up.
You would have been more forceful without the stuff in the first paragraph. It's all opinion and you're entitled to it, but without facts it isn't at all persuasive.

We've certainly seen lots of examples proving the fact of unchecked and uncheckable PM power in the last few years, and that's certainly worth remebering at the polling booth.


"He couldn't (1) cut cash transfers to the provinces, or (2) further weaken Unemployment Insurance. (3) He left the public service unions with their rights intact. (4) He had to leave education alone (more or less). And (5) he couldn’t risk slashing the civil service he hates so much. (6)Even the CBC was spared (though the Conservatives raised millions from their loyalists attacking it in fundraising letters)."

Well so far, he ain't scaring me one little bit. 1 - I sure as hell hope he does, crazy for Ontario and Alberta to be funding BETTER government services in other provinces. 2) the abuse of this in Atlantic Canada continues unabated 3) hopefully we can make some progress on this, 4) needs improvement, 5) I sure hope he returns government spending a s percent of GNp to levels it wa a decade ago, since it has been growing inexorably 6) sooner it goes the better


Active member
Jul 11, 2003
We've certainly seen lots of examples proving the fact of unchecked and uncheckable PM power in the last few years, and that's certainly worth remebering at the polling booth.
i may be a little older but i can remember some unchecked and uncheckable PM power from a few liberal PM's from a few years back..........................


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
I'll tell you my nightmare in Canada a liberal and NDP coalition, tax and spend tax and spend tax and spend.... Ya I have no doubt Harper has a some kind of hidden agenda but remember not every Canadian believes in the Liberals "lol natural governing party" view of Canada. It gets on my nerves when Liberals assume their vision is the only and correct vision for Canada and anyone who doesn't agree with them is automatically evil, non-Canadian and bent on destroying their country. Well I have news for them a lot of us other Canadians feel the Liberals are evil and have destroyed our country with their high taxes and wasteful socialist programs and Harper is the only way we'll ever get it back. I for one would love to see the CBC to go, its outlived it's usefulness and I don't want my tax dollars going to this pointless organization.

I do agree that their aren't enough checks and balances on the PM's power and that any liberal or conservative could PM could kinda lead like a dictator but the article really hams it up.
Why do you believe the libs will tax and spend when they are the party that eliminated the deficit and passed the largest income tax cuts in Canadian history?


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Do you know the difference between an opinion and a fact ? Publishing opinions does not make them factual. The writer is completely speculating on Harper's intention not based on his current actions but based on what he thinks that Harper really wants to do.

Of course conservatives will likely initiate new prostitution laws. Conservatives believe in minimal government intervention in business regulations but suppressive Christian value based regulations controlling people's lives. Libertarians believe in minimal government intervention in business and personal lives. There might be a few hiding in with the conservatives but not enough to blunt sticking their nose in our lives.

It is not just raw speculation. It is backed up by what Harper has already tried to do and also with some clear insight into his past and his beliefs.

Oct 10, 2007
The Liberals did squat when in power. All they did was unload healthcare costs etc on to the provinces


New member
Dec 30, 2010
Why do you believe the libs will tax and spend when they are the party that eliminated the deficit and passed the largest income tax cuts in Canadian history?
The past is past and before my time but when I look at the liberal platform today all I see is a plan to tax and spend more of my money than the conservatives will. Just look at their platform an 8 billion dollar one. Just a snippet from the CTV website:
* an Early Childhood Learning and Care Fund to create more day care spaces for families
* a $1-billion Learning Passport to give students up to $1,500 a year for post-secondary education
* a $1-billion Family Care Plan that would allow Canadians to take up to six months off from work to look after a sick family member, instead of the six weeks off currently allowed
* a permanent Green Renovation Tax Credit that would allow Canadians to claim up to $13,500 to cover the cost of energy-efficient retrofits to their homes

The only thing I like hear is the green tax credit and all of it is just stealing money from one group and giving it another. Every day I hear them promising money to some group and saying they’ll pay for it by raising the cooperate tax rate but the thing is most of us work or have money invested in those corporations so everyone will end up paying more in the long run.
For me the party that takes less of my money to give to someone else gets my vote.


Jan 31, 2005
For me the party that takes less of my money to give to someone else gets my vote.
The Conservatives only talk about fiscal restraint when they are trying to kill off some social program they disagree with ideologically, but when it comes to funding their own pet issues they spend money like drunken sailors.

For example, they appear to think that the money to pay for military adventures and fancy military toys grows on trees, and is somehow free, does not generate debt, and does not result in raising taxes in the future to pay for that debt.
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