I dunno......Need to know this person's history and what if any medications they were on.
I'm all for tougher gun control however.....But they're beyond redemption at this point.
How do you undo 246 years of one way of thinking? A consummate fear of a strong centralized government?
Essentially the founding fathers instilled their paranoia into their constitution via the second amendment.
It's ingrained. They've just trade muskets for AR15's.
As far as knowing about meds, mental issues and motivations etc., etc., I heard someone on TV asking the same questions.
I say, what difference does it make? There can be 1,000 shootings and you will have 1,000 different sets of causes/motivations. No two cases are the same. There is no pattern and studying all the varying causes will provide no solutions. All it does is muddy the waters and delays any significant action being taken, which is basically the intent of these questions.
The only similarities in every case are that innocent people are dead and they were killed by firearms. The ONLY way to limit this epidemic is to limit access to guns. Guns are the only common element.
They need Democratic governments nationally (prez, senate and house all at once) and statewide and a majority of democratic Supreme Court justices.
But not enough people give a fuck.