Nashville School Shooting


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2022
I think some comedian once said "guns don't kill. It's those darn bullets."

The goofball chorus is out in full force. We have 1 transgender killer? Oh fuck we gotta top the transgender people!
Half a dozen racial shooting? Nothing to see here.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I dunno......Need to know this person's history and what if any medications they were on.
Why do that when it can be blamed on Trans people.

I wonder if the choice of target had anything to with the way the school treated people with different gender identity.
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Well-known member
Nov 25, 2005
Takes a special kind of coward to kill kids.

Would it make you pussies happier if this coward used a shotgun ? A knife ? A van?

Simpletons get hung up on the ar-15 like it's some magical bazooka. It's just a regular rifle, get over it.
The cops used a firearm to stop this coward as well.

Inanimate objects used by one side to commit horrendous murder, but in that same room used by good men to stop that evil.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
1) The school didn't have a security guard.
2) If the cameras were live streaming it would be a huge help to LE as to who, how many and where is/are the shooter(s).

Question: Has someone blamed this shooting on old white men yet?
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Hardened Member
Nov 12, 2021
1) The school didn't have a security guard.
2) If the cameras were live streaming it would be a huge help to LE as to who, how many and where is/are the shooter(s).

Question: Has someone blamed this shooting on old white men yet?
When it comes to shootings it is always young white men that are to be blamed. Including this case, where the person went by he/him pronouns, was white and young.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
So… when you stack up the American history of mass shootings, school shootings, and general gun culture…. We now have one Trans person who’s committed this atrocity… and without any evidence (by her own admission in the tweet), she feels that is a non politicized, non partisan statement.

It's not non-politicized or non-partisan.

Hawley is in.


Tucker talked about it Friday.
They've been demonizing trans people for a while.

This is the plan.

This person has handed them a golden opportunity and they are going to do their best not to waste it.
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
A mass shooting is defined differently by many different media and organizations. Some say 3 dead or more, some say 4 injured or more, some say 5 injured or more. The FBI actually says it's not related to the amount of people killed or injured but defines a mass shooting as "one or more persons attempting to kill people in a populated area". So go figure. Get the stats from the organization that best fits your narrative.
It's actually a real problem of analysis.
The floating definition gives really different numbers.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
Pray for America
The gun culture is killing
Way too LATE IMO. Its the end of March this is the 119th mass shooting so far this year!!! The US gun culture is out of control. HTF does somebody legally get TWO AR-15's?? Reports said she legallu possessed 7 weapons. An AR-15 is made for one thing and one thing only to KILL.


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
There have been 13 school shootings this year in the US. It’s not even April yet.

The US had a chance to turn the tide at Sandy Hook but didn’t.

It’s a goddamn shame and nothing will be done to curb it. Next week there will be another, then another and Nashville will be buried in the news cycle.

It’s enough to make a grown man in Canada cry.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Jesus, she's vile.
I know some people think she says shit like this because she's just stupid, but I think she just chooses to be vile.
I agree. It gets all of us talking about her, though. Being vile and offensive has worked exceptionally well for her.
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Well-known member
May 23, 2005

Classic response by their tactical team though........Very impressive I must say.
Compare and contrast with the police response in Uvalde...

If the shooter lived at home where did she keep the 7 guns so her parents didn't know about them?

Also she must have had a fair amount of cash (or credit) to buy them. AR15's range from $500 to $2,000 each in the US.


Well-known member
Jun 4, 2005

Tucker says the trans movement is targeting Christians. We all know it but no one is allowed to talk about it.

Let's see what this person wrote in their so called manifesto...
A reminder that Fox's Lawyers legally claimed you cannot believe anything Fucker Carlson says if you are reasonably intelligent. and that they won that specific court claim.

And another reminder that the dominion lawsuit revealed what Fucker and his crew really think about Trump, their viewers and many of the Republicans they parade as "Experts" and it's not a glowing review.

Would it make you pussies happier if this coward used a shotgun ? A knife ? A van?

Simpletons get hung up on the ar-15 like it's some magical bazooka. It's just a regular rifle, get over it.
How many times can a shotgun fire before it needs to be reloaded? What is its effective range? Its Fire rate?
Much less than the AR-15.

While mass stabbings do happen, it's generally a lot harder to do so once the first stabbing happens since knives typically don't have range and people will scatter unless undetected.

Similar yet different thing for vans. Once people notice they will scatter, and there's other vehicles causing potential impedance.

But all that is fucking pointless because America does not have a Knife problem, it does not have a Van problem. it has a goddamn GUN Problem and people laser focus on the AR-15 because it's the most popular semi-auto out there and the fan favorite of mass shooters.

Oh and let's not forget, the moment the "wrong" type of people started carrying guns to protect themselves, not talking about this asshole that did the mass shooting, he can go to hell. I'm talking folks who were being threatened with guns at public events and who brought their own.

Guess who was on the propaganda machine saying gun's shouldn't be allowed for certain people? That's right your old pal Fucker Carlson.

Funny how the right to bare arms is a thing that shall not be infringed, unless you're part of a minority then it should totally be infringed...

Also funny how it's always a mental health issue when it's a white dude doing the murdering but the moment it's a minority it's because they are part of that minority and it's a hate crime... But constant abuse and laws dehumanizing and demonizing those minorities, definitely not a hate crime.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Compare and contrast with the police response in Uvalde...

If the shooter lived at home where did she keep the 7 guns so her parents didn't know about them?

Also she must have had a fair amount of cash (or credit) to buy them. AR15's range from $500 to $2,000 each in the US.
The murderer did not use AR-15. She had a 9mm handgun, a 9mm carabine plinker and some other rifle. The video show her using the 9mm rifle- hardly an "assault weapon ". She probably used it due to its low recoil.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The murderer did not use AR-15. She had a 9mm handgun, a 9mm carabine plinker and some other rifle. The video show her using the 9mm rifle- hardly an "assault weapon ". She probably used it due to its low recoil.
Is that supposed to be an argument that gun laws aren't a problem in the states?
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Well-known member
Jul 29, 2019
Compare and contrast with the police response in Uvalde...

If the shooter lived at home where did she keep the 7 guns so her parents didn't know about them?

Also she must have had a fair amount of cash (or credit) to buy them. AR15's range from $500 to $2,000 each in the US.
Nothing illegal about an adult owning 7 guns. Keep them anywhere. Its not illegal.
This person had a job. So buying guns for cash was not an issue.
Why should the parents know about legally purchased guns ?
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