Not sure where you got this info, but if you look at the actual data:
Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
A lot of the "comorbidities" listed was "respiratory failure", "respiratory arrest", "cardiac arrest", "adult respiratory arrest syndrome", "sepsis" which were definitely something which happened after they got covid. Some portions of other conditions like "renal failure", "cerebrovascular disease" etc could also be a result of covid infection too.
Those typical pre-existing comorbidities like diabetes, hypertension, obesity add up to not the many cases, way less than 80%.
Absolutely. If those accidents were preventable, like a faulty brakes or faulty tires, the car manufacturers definitely have to fix it.
I really wish you could have taken a tour of the hospitals and ICUs during the peak of the 3rd wave, and talked to the doctors and nurses working there.
All of them would tell you Covid is not like any other virus, and they have never seen anything like it; with younger patients getting much sicker in the 3rd wave than previous ones.
There has never been a situation where Manitoba has to send ICU patients to Ontario, and there has never been a crisis that we were just a few patients away from enacting the triage protocol.
Think of the sacrifices the health care workers have to make every day, before proposing letting the virus run wild (even for the younger age group).