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More Liberal Lies About National Healthcare!


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
It's 'Happy Hour' time.

He's probably juiced out of his gourd.....:D

The problems we face today will not be solved by the minds that created them

More attacks little man??


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
I'm not surprised that, even after the difference between Black and Hispanic populations was specifically mentioned, Cuba is touted as a counterexample to Black infant mortality rates.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
I'm not surprised that, even after the difference between Black and Hispanic populations was specifically mentioned, Cuba is touted as a counterexample to Black infant mortality rates.

You thinking behind this is??


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
I gotta ask you OTB, why do you spend so much time cut and pasting on this, especially when you have to resort to Ann Coulter? You're obviously doing quite well, evidently have excellent coverage yourself, which despite what you try to imply is not even remotely available to tens of millions of people if at all, and yet I've never had any impression from you that you cared a rip what people who were far less fortunate than you had to deal with in the first place. Very curious.


New member
Dec 29, 2006
It's 'Happy Hour' time.

He's probably juiced out of his gourd.....:D

The problems we face today will not be solved by the minds that created them
.... lol - Papasmer is having multiple "Bush-weiser's" errrr ... I mean "Budweisers" hehehehehe


New member
Feb 3, 2002
Ah there is woody junior.
Given that in terms of content and thoughtfulness you are Woody's pure equal (to the point I think you're the same person with multiple personality disorder) I don't think you're in a position to judge.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Given that in terms of content and thoughtfulness you are Woody's pure equal (to the point I think you're the same person with multiple personality disorder) I don't think you're in a position to judge.
If that were true I would have opted for stepping in front of a bus years ago.

Woody quotes his masters I have no masters to quote


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
especially when you have to resort to Ann Coulter?
Maybe he just goes where the facts are discussed. (One might note that the most militant of the respondents to the OP simply engaged in character assassination and have not disputed the facts nor presented a rational explanation of their own.

For those who don't like Ms. Coulter, although it's not on the topic of Infant Mortality, perhaps Forbes would be more to your liking.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
A few comments:

What is a "Cadillac Health Plan?" Apparently that obtained through collective bargaining by the members of the United Mine Workers Union is such. Why should such plans be taxed at a 40 percent rate!

It would seem that the goal is a race to the bottom to make sure that everyone in the U.S. has the same mediocre standard of health care otherwise why is the Congress not encouraging the very best coverage i.e. “Cadillac Health Plans.”

Why is it necessary to drastically increase the out of pocket expenses of the elderly as Medicare coverage is reduced?

Indeed all of this is in the current Senate Finance Committee Version of the Senate Bill.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
What is a "Cadillac Health Plan?" Apparently that obtained through collective bargaining by the members of the United Mine Workers Union is such. Why should such plans be taxed at a 40 percent rate!
Well from his smug bragging, bottie has a "Cadillac Health Plan". Are you suggesting bottie works in the mines.....:D

The problems we face today will not be solved by the minds that created them


Well-known member
Oral Annie.......

suck(I actually mistyped this i'm guessing a freudian slip) lies coming out of that sexy mouth of hers.Seriously though.I read one of her books for balance and it's all op ed BS.She does have a wicked tongue on her though(I hope).


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
I'm not surprised that, even after the difference between Black and Hispanic populations was specifically mentioned, Cuba is touted as a counterexample to Black infant mortality rates.
You can't seriously be proposing to parse the genetic racial differences in a population descended from a few Spanish colonials and their many slaves can you?

Coulter mentioned a racial difference w/o supporting reference or proof. As if that might somehow raise the shameful placing of the richest country with the "best healthcare in the world." But go ahead and blame the US's ranking on its inferior genetic stock if you want. I'd have thought that would be even more spur to better the healthcare provided, but that's just me.

Here's the Real Deal: If things are just fine in US healthcare then all these posts about how good it is are either arrogant boasting at worst or smug complacency at best, but in either case, since there's no improvement necessary, They are irrelevant to a Toronto Escort Review Board. Believe me, we influence no votes in Congress.

If you want to fix your system, let's have a chat. But please spare us the vile, racist, unsupported drivel excusing a status quo that was never under attack from this harmless quarter. They only make their posters look bad.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
I gotta ask you OTB, why do you spend so much time cut and pasting on this, especially when you have to resort to Ann Coulter? You're obviously doing quite well, evidently have excellent coverage yourself, which despite what you try to imply is not even remotely available to tens of millions of people if at all, and yet I've never had any impression from you that you cared a rip what people who were far less fortunate than you had to deal with in the first place. Very curious.
Someone with excellent health care for himself and his family must be selfish to an obscene extreme to be passionate about
withholding health care from people that are not as advantaged. It is really beyond belief. I could understand if someone like
him doesn't give a hoot about disadvantaged people having health care, but to campaign passionately against it is frankly


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Re: messenger shooting-Isn't she dead yet?

Re: It's all the fault of them darkies-(you shoot the UN via Wikipedia, that's my source, the CIA Factbook scored the US worse. Hers is?) The USA is 33d worst, coloured countries doing better are New Caledonia in 32, Brunei at 30 and Cuba at 28—all of them w/o the 'natrural good infant mortality' rates of white folks that she's saying artifically raises your stats.

Puerto Rico scores 45th, showing the advantages of its status, doing worse than French Guadeloupe but better than Barbados. French Martinique's 35th place score must be those coloured folks doing again, 'cause they got more of them than the US.

Within Ms. Coulter's self-defined rounding error are other such world healthcare destinations as: Worse: Poland, Croatia, Hungary, Greece and Cyprus (already mentioned Cuba an Brunei doing better) and as she says the UK and Canada (as well as most of Europe and Auz and NZ—doing better. Beyond her lines come the rest of Europe, the Czech Republic and Iceland all doing significantly better for less than US money as well as South Korea, Singapore and Japan.

Let us note that her topic is the number of babies who die at birth. Less than half as many die in Iceland and in Singapore—Singapore, that within-my-lifetime-colonial pesthole.—as in the US. You need to wake up when she starts off by saying you haven't improved your numbers since the '20s. Others have.

What's truly nauseating about her poisonous screed is the smug acceptance that the high rate of black babies dying at birth is "intractable". I thought infant mortality was one of those needs developed countries focussed on to help the underdeveloped. It's always been a primary focus of missionaries, medical and the other kind. It's one of the reasons why universal healthcare was invented.

You need to stop listening to people like her who blandly and without evidence assert stuff like 'we count everything a mother passes as a birth, they only count them if they survive to learn language'. As if that made babies dying OK.

You need to wake up and realize that a fat population, (whatever the paintjob) eating so-called food it doesn't need—or is all that it can afford—is part of your healthcare problem, not an excuse for it. Your babies die more than Cuban babies—poor, black Cubans who earn a pittance compared to you—and there's no need for it.

You guys need to stop looking for excuse for why you're doing less well than you could and live up to your boasts: Be the best.

"Intractable"? Yeah sure, so where's the world-leading Sloan-Kettering-Johns-Mayo-Hopkins Babie of Colour Institute?

I'll tell her what's intractable, but it wouldn't be polite.
The funny thing is you're supporting her point, that this issue doesn't have anything to do with healthcare system but is behavior driven.....



Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
I gotta ask you OTB, why do you spend so much time cut and pasting on this, especially when you have to resort to Ann Coulter? You're obviously doing quite well, evidently have excellent coverage yourself, which despite what you try to imply is not even remotely available to tens of millions of people if at all, and yet I've never had any impression from you that you cared a rip what people who were far less fortunate than you had to deal with in the first place. Very curious.
Silly question why I spend time on this given it's importance down here, it's 16% of our economy and is the central political issue at the moment.

Yes, 90% of us have coverage, including all the poor and old (polls suggest that 65% rate that care as good or excellent). The remaining 10% either don't want coverage (a bad decision) don't bother get free coverage they qualify for or can't get it (about a third each).

I think we can find a way to cover 3-6% of the population of the country that doesn't require spending a TRILLION dollars and establishing yet another government program that will, if every government program in history is a lesson, will go wildly over budget. You will remember Obama telling us that ALL of the deficit is Medicare.

It's probably worth noting that that TRILLION dollars will, by White House estimates, still leave half of that 10% without healthcare, and that number is a lowball.

I don't think questioning this rush to healthcare reform is heartless, in fact I think supporting it is mindless......

I think we should find ways to allow more insurance companies to compete (do away with State level limitations) thus lowering costs, we should find ways to control costs by managing care more closely, and we should spend some of the money that we spend on Medicare to cover the 10%. None of this is being considered.

Since you asked.

Last edited:


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Someone with excellent health care for himself and his family must be selfish to an obscene extreme to be passionate about
withholding health care from people that are not as advantaged. It is really beyond belief. I could understand if someone like
him doesn't give a hoot about disadvantaged people having health care, but to campaign passionately against it is frankly
Who is arguing to "withhold healthcare" really, try and pay attention.



Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Who is arguing to "withhold healthcare" really, try and pay attention.

Agreed, the fact is you smugly don't give a hoot about those lacking heathcare!

So what if ~45,000 Americans die each year due to this! It's all their fault for not going to school to better themselves!.....:rolleyes:

The problems we face today will not be solved by the minds that created them


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Silly question why I spend time on this given it's importance down here, it's 16% of our economy and is the central political issue at the moment.

Yes, 90% of us have coverage, including all the poor and old (polls suggest that 65% rate that care as good or excellent). The remaining 10% either don't want coverage (a bad decision) don't bother get free coverage they qualify for or can't get it (about a third each).

I think we can find a way to cover 3-6% of the population of the country that doesn't require spending a TRILLION dollars and establishing yet another government program that will, if every government program in history is a lesson, will go wildly over budget. You will remember Obama telling us that ALL of the deficit is Medicare.

It's probably worth noting that that TRILLION dollars will, by White House estimates, still leave half of that 10% without healthcare, and that number is a lowball.

I don't think questioning this rush to healthcare reform is heartless, in fact I think supporting it is mindless......

I think we should find ways to allow more insurance companies to compete (do away with State level limitations) thus lowering costs, we should find ways to control costs by managing care more closely, and we should spend some of the money that we spend on Medicare to cover the 10%. None of this is being considered.

Since you asked.

You are simply posting BS, which I am sure you know is untrue.

I have a couple of good friends in California in their 70's. The husband worked
for IBM and other large high tech companies for decades, and
now they are being economically crippled by health care costs. They have
medicare/medicaid and buy supplemental medical coverage from I believe blue cross.
Even then, their co-payments for healthcare are going through the roof, and they cannot
afford all the drugs the doctors prescribe.

Let us hear again how 90% of the population is covered.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
You are simply posting BS, which I am sure you know is untrue.

Let us hear again how 90% of the population is covered.
bottie prefers his 'fuzzy numbers' to the real world....:rolleyes:

The problems we face today will not be solved by the minds that created them
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