I read that (and calling Trudeau Fidel's son) and immediately stopped taking anything
@Rose11 said seriously. I mean, seriously. This is just sad the right has to create these myths to demonize Justin. Doesn't he do a good enough job on his own?
But here's the thing: We have an aging population and need an influx of new Canadians. Our birth rate is below growth levels. We need immigration or we'll turn into Japan, a country that has a staggering number of elderly/seniors but much fewer young adults/children. While having a higher number of people does increase the scarcity of things like housing, it can be met. Plus, it is government policy to encourage new Canadians to settle in other places besides the GTA (which can be both good and bad, because most immigrants would love to have people of the same background nearby to help with acclimatizing to a new country. But if the bulk of that immigrant population is in, say Brampton, you probably don't want to settle in Brandon, MB or Yorktown SK).