In 2022, Canada welcomed 437,180 immigrants and the number of non-permanent residents increased by a net 607,782 people.
StatsCan counts both permanent and non-permanent residents in addition to net new births in calculating population figures.
Thank god, maybe rents and housing prices will stop tanking, those empty hospitals and unemployed doctors will have something to do and the roads and transit systems won't seem so scary empty.
On a more serious note, the first problem could be solved with a combo of rule changes [which based on recent elections are not really under consideration] and immigration policy favoring trained trades workers/opening training spots for students, the second likewise could also be fixed with funding and again providing a smoother path for qualification, I am not suggesting accepting foriegn credentials considering how rampant academic cheating is in places like India and China as well as standards* but still training spots could be opened up. As for the third, instead of taking up more street space with bike paths that won't be used in winter and bad weather, they should be building metro stations on a yearly basis, if we have been building say 2 a year in Toronto since 1980 that would help quite a lot.
But fuck it, bring them in, and make sure none of them are hard working farm kids or allowed to enter the medical system because that makes total fucking sense.
*Before any woketard shits on me, Gweilo 60 who I am sure is part of the 50 cent army, everything he posts is about how much better China is, how Taiwan belongs to the PRC, and how Canada is lame with it's high taxes on beer, the moment his Chinese wife got cancer, he brought her back to BC, waited a few months to get her on the health care system and got it treated. Spertza who admittedly hate China with a passion of a 1000 suns has a similar attitude even though he is married to a Chinese doctor, and I know one who actually passed the exams but couldn't get a residency spot whose head if just filled with supersitition and crap... she takes David "Avocado" Wolfe seriously FFS. Just one example of many, I know an Indian who has a Masters in a stem field, he will freely admit he knows nothing as he paid for all his exams.
If we are going to bring in even half a million people a year, shouldn't we tidy up the joint a bit, fill the fridge, put new bed sheets on the mattress make the place livable?